Saturday, December 15, 2018

Ancestry DNA Circles - # 3

Although I like all the testing companies for various reasons, Ancestry's DNA Circles are a real treat for me. When I started my research no one had researched my lines other than the work done by my Pincombe cousins as far as I knew. As I moved backwards in time, my parent's stories and then my grandparent's stories aided me when I had to make choices. When those avenues ran out DNA suddenly started to be rather interesting keeping me on the narrow path backwards.

With 3 DNA Circles I am now looking backwards to my 4x great grandparents and being assured that in those three lines I have been accurate.

That includes my Pincombe line which has Robert Pincombe as my 3x great grandfather and that is certainly true and my 25 cousins that have now tested very much verify our relationship. The matches recently with cousins have extended this line back to the late 1500s and my 9x great grandfather Richard Pincombe but more on him another time.

It also includes my Blake line which has Maria Jane (Knight) Blake my great grandmother and wife of Edward Blake. Her paternal Knight line goes back to Ellis Knight and Eleanor Knight (likely 2nd cousins) who were my 3x great grandparents and their line easily goes back another two generations with the parish records (and paper trails). In this case, my latest DNA Circle is capturing her maternal line with her mother having been Louisa Butt daughter of Charles Butt and Hannah Arnold. Charles Butt, my 3x great grandfather, is my third DNA circle.

Also including my Rawlings line with my great grandmother Elizabeth (Rawlings) Taylor daughter of  William Rawlings and Elizabeth (Lywood) Rawlings. With the help of the Lywood research project and other Rawlings researchers this is taken back quite readily to William Rawlins who married Mary Foord and they are my 5x great grandparents. The circle itself is based on Jeremiah Rawlings their son and my 4x great grandfather.

That leaves my maternal grandmother's line where I am able to trace her father back several generations but her mother is somewhat of a mystery due to the inability to locate the marriage record between Edward Denner Buller and Ellen Taylor. Perhaps one of these days a DNA circle will emerge as I have a number of DNA matches with Buller cousins but not so many at Ancestry.,

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