Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Genesis (upgrade from Gedmatch)

All of my kits have been converted to Genesis now and about half of them are research only so do not form part of any searches except my own. I have 21 matches with my Living DNA kit to other Living DNA kits on Genesis. Only three have a longest length of 12 cM or greater and only one is particularly significant at 25.7 cM. I match this individual at Ancestry and FT DNA. Like myself, they have tested at a number of sites but I can not yet locate her in my tree although I suspect endogamy in this case and the match is likely much further back than the length of the match would indicate.

I need to look at the other kit that that I have which was tested at Living DNA to see how many Living DNA matches there are.

2nd kit of interest: 16 matches with just one with a longest length of 12 cM or greater. At 13.9 cM it does not catch a great deal of interest from me as I really do not look a lot at matches of less then 15 cM. This match is on chromosome 17 between 5836860 and 10226337. Looking at my list for Chromosome 17 this is one that is only shared by this one sibling.

I always look at all of my matches with the thought that knowing I have 23,000 matches at Ancestry in their database of over 11 million (0.2% of their database) and that I have only 245 matches which are 4th to 6th cousin or less (0.002% of their database), I probably shouldn't expect to have too many matches in databases that are much smaller!

At FT DNA I have 2082 matches and 190 are 3rd to 5th cousin or less and their database is less than one million. Say it was one million then I have 0.2% of their databases as total matches and 0.02% of their database as 3rd to 5th cousin or less.

At 23 and Me which has a database of over 5 million I have 998 matches (0.02% of their database). I have 332 matches that are third to sixth cousin or less (0.007% of their database). I tend to know who these individuals are if they match me at least 0.50% but not always.

I am not that really surprised that I have only sibling matches at Living DNA. My father was an only child so no first cousins. His mother only had half-siblings so do have some half-first cousins. His father had eleven siblings but very few nieces and nephews except his eldest sister had a large family but thus far none have tested. My mother was born in Canada. She had just one brother and he did not have any children. Her father was virtually an only child as none of his full siblings survived to adulthood. He did have a half-sister but none of her descendants have tested. Her mother did have four siblings but thus far none of their descendants have tested as they would be my second cousins.

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