Monday, December 10, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
                                          Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Robert Pincombe
3.   Autosomal DNA Study
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 10)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the chart for Stoke-in-Teignhead  in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

The link for the original chart (image below):

This is not a set of Pincombe/Pinkham families that is familiar to me. Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Stoke-in-Teignhead it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family. The number of contributors to this particular chart number six. We did not visit Stoke-in-Teignhead when we were in Devon in 2008 nor did we visit this area in 2016 when we were once again in Devon. Torquay, on the English Channel, is to the south of Stoke-in-Teignhead. We were in this area and also in Dartmoor National Park as well as Plymouth.

Ephriam Pincombe married to Mary Brown (of Ashburton) is mentioned at the top of this chart and also mentioned is their emigration to the American Colonies in 1620. I was not able to locate any information on this individual on Find My Past but in Family search there is mention of Ephriam Pinkham in Maine Vital Records between 1670 – 1921. A mystery which might get solved one day.

More work is needed on this chart to verify the entries and add new information.

The acknowledgements for this chart are found in the upper left hand corner mentioning the name of six individuals who have provided information to the original researchers.

These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.

2.   Will of Robert Pincombe
Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will held at Kew
Place: Bampton, Devon, England
Dated: 25 Mar 1702 and probated 31 May 1704

[in margin] [Testato]r Rob[er]ti Pincombe

1       In the Name of God Amen
2       the five and twentieth day of March Anno dom[in]i one thousand
3       seaven hundred and two I Robert Pincomb of the parish of
4       Bampton in the County of Devon yeoman being sick and weake
5       of body but of sound and perfect memory (praise be given to Almighty
6       God for the same) and knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth
7       and being desireous to settle things in order doe make this my last
8       Will and Testament in manner and forme following: that is to
9       say first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God
10     my Creator and Redeemer assuredly believing that I shall
11     receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins and be saved
12     by the precious death and merits of my Blessed Saviour and
13     Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the earth from whence
14     it was taken to be buried in such decent and Christian manner
15     as to my Executors hereafter named shall be thought meet and
16     convenient and as touching such worldly goods and Estate as
17     the Lord in mercy hath lent me my Will and meaning is
18     that the same shall be employed and bestowed as hereafter by
19     this my Will is expressed and first I doe revoke renounce frustrate
20     and make void all wills by me formerly had or made and declare
21     and appoint this my last Will and Testament Item I give
22     unto the poor of the parish of Brushford Twenty shillings to
23     remaine to their use for ever. Item I give unto Edward Crudge John
24     Heffers Mary Bryant one shilling apeice to be paid within one
25     month after my decease Item I give unto Richard Budd and
26     Dorothy Towte one shilling apeice to be paid within one month
27     after my decease Item I give unto Sarah Pincombe my wife all
28     the money Bills Bonds morgages and all other things which did
29     of right belong to her before marriage alsoe I give unto her the sum
30     of five pounds to be paid within Twelve months after my decease
31     and what Bonds or Bill have bin taken in my name for her mony
32     since marriage I also give unto her All the rest of my Estate goods
33     chattles lands and Tenements whatsoever which do now of right
34     belong to me or which shall hereafter belong to me I give and
35     bequeath unto my four sisters to be equally divided betweene
36     them whom I doe make whole and sole Executors of this my last
37     Will and Testament utterly revokeing all other wills by me
38     ever had or made and Lastly I do nominate and appoint my
39     Unckle Davied Bedow to be a Ruler in Trust to see this my
40     last Will truly performed Robert Pincombe [signed] Sealed Signed
41     and Published in the presence of Rob[er]t Norris John Gardner
42     W[illia]m Hugars
43     Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum
44     Apud London coram verti et egregio viro Domino Richo Raines
45     Milite Legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuar’ Mag[ist]ro
46     Custode sive Comissario l[egi]time constituto Tricesimo primo die mensis Maij
47     Anno domini millesimo septuagesimo quarto Juramentis Elizabetha
48     Pincombe Maria Pincombe et Joanna Pincombe Trium Execut in
49     dicto Testamento nominat Quibus Commissa fuit administratio
50       omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti
51        de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia
52        vigore Commis jurat Agness pincombe alteri Execut demortua 

Robert Pincomb married Sarah Pearse 25 Sep 1701 at Oakford, Devon. He was of Brushford and she was of Bampton (Find My Past). Brushford is 11 miles (18 kilometres) southwest of Bishops Nympton. 

I do pay close attention to the name Robert as my 3x great grandfather (born in 1775 at Bishops Nympton) was named Robert.  

John Pincomb (son of Richard Pincomb and Francis Gill) at Bishops Nympton (christened there 9 Dec 1604) married Elizabeth Graddon 9 Feb 1640 at Roborough by Torrington, Devon. They had seven children including a Robert Pincomb (their youngest) who was baptized 5 Aug 1668 at Bishops Nympton. The Richard Pincomb mentioned as the husband of Francis Gill was first married to Ann (unknown) (Ann died in 1600, buried 3 May 1600 at Bishops Nympton). Richard and Ann Pincomb baptized a son William Pincombe 23 Mar 1599 at Bishops Nympton (my 8x great grandfather). 

The Robert Pincomb mentioned in the above will said that he had four sisters and I have listed as his sister Johan Pincomb, Elizabeth Pincomb, Francis Pincomb, Emotte Pincomb and Grace Pincomb. The names mentioned in the will Elizabeth Pincomb, Maria Pincomb, Joanna Pincomb and Agness Pincomb. I have death dates for Frances in 1658, Emotte in 1692 and Grace in 1670. 

The Chart that was produced for North and South Molton has a John Pincomb baptized 19 Jan 1622 at Bishops Nympton marrying Elizabeth (unknown) 1647 and the children listed for them are as mentioned above for John Pincomb and Elizabeth Graddon (namely Johan, John, Elizabeth, Frances, Emmott, and Robert (Grace is missing)). Robert is not shown as marrying but rather his brother John marries a Mary (unknown) and their children are listed as John, Robert (married to Sarah Pearse), Elizabeth, Mary, Jone, Abraham and Agnes. This is a good fit to the will mentioned above.

The North/South Molton chart (published in Volume 2 Issue 3 of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter) lists Robert Pincombe as living at Bishops Nympton and marrying at Oakford. The marriage is correct but the original image has Robert Pincombe living at Brushford which is 18 kilometres from Bishops Nympton. This is certainly still a possibility if Robert was of Bishops Nympton since he would have only been 23 years of age at that time and could have been living at Brushford for some reason. In the will though he states that he is living at Bampton (his wife does appear to have her own property as mentioned in the will. In the 1678 Return for the restoration of St Pauls Cathedral there are no Pincomb names mentioned at Oakford, Brushford, or Bampton only Roborough, Bishops Nympton, and Merton. Robert could have been apprenticed at Brushford or living with one of his mother’s relatives and we do have the name of an uncle David Bedow mentioned in the will. I was not able to pursue that surname to any interesting results to assist in this case yet.

3.   Autosomal DNA Study
I continue to have new matches with autosomal DNA with my many Pincombe cousins. The autosomal matches are now taking me back to the late 1600s and I am working through a particular Pincombe line which is matched by one of my cousins to determine if the common ancestors for this particular match are John Pincombe and Johane Blackmore. Unfortunately it is not possible to share autosomal results online and still maintain privacy for the individuals in the various studies.  

I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study. I need to survey some of the yDNA projects to see what I can discover in terms of commonality of some of our results with geographical yDNA results. A lot of work has been done by the administrators of these particular yDNA haplogroup projects. 

4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 10)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file.
      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
2199 Shatticke  Joan daughter   Shatticke  William                An     1628 Oct   31         
2200 Burgis        Jeeles       son   Burgis        John          Margerye   1628 Nov   7         
2201 Kingdon     Darithie     daughter   Kingdon     Richard               Elizabeth          1628 Nov   9      
2202 Pasmoore Michaell    son   Pasmoore John          An     1628 Nov   16    
2203 Squire        John son   Squire        John          Grace         1628 Nov   16    
2204 Thorne       William       son   Thorne       William                Elizabeth   1628 Nov          28    
2205 Mayer        Robert       base son   Locke        Robert       Mayer        Em          1628 Dec   9      
2206 Thorne       Amye         daughter   Thorne       John          Joane        1628 Jan          11     of South Molton
2207 Burgis        Agnis         daughter   Burgis        John          Joan 1628 Jan   21          Junior of Beara
2208 Shapland   Marye        daughter   Shapland   Phillipe                Anstice          1628 Feb   15    
2209 Williams     Elizabeth   daughter   Willaims     John          Christian   1628 Feb          18    
2210 Beere         Water         son   Beere         Simon                  Margarett  1628 Feb          18    
2211 Hunt Grace         daughter   Hunt George                Em    1628 Mar   8      
2212 Lawdye     Margerye   daughter   Lawdye     John          Marye        1628 Mar          15    
2213 Morrishe    Bridgett     daughter   Morrishe    John          Katherine  1629 Mar          29    
2214 Tape An     daughter   Tape Roger                  Margarett  1629 Apr    5      
2215 Goold         Joan daughter   Goold         Richard               Joan 1629 Apr    7         
2216 Lange        William       son   Lange        Christopher                  Joan 1629 Apr          7      
2217 Kingsland  Robert       son   Kingsland  Charles               Marye        1629 Apr          12    
2218 Cotthie      Marye        daughter   Cotthie      William                Darithie          1629 Apr    12    
2219 Westcott   Marie         daughter   Westcott   Hugh          Katherine  1629 Apr          19    
2220 Reed Nicholas    son   Reed Robert                 Marye        1629 May  10    
2221 Grove         Marye        daughter   Grove         Edward               Joan 1629 May          10    
2222 Goer Joan daughter   Goer John          Temperance      1629 Jun   21    
2223 Huper         An     daughter   Huper         Robert                 Joan 1629 July  19         
2224 Treble        George      son   Treble        Thomas               Jane 1629 July  26         
2225 Rew  John son   Rew  John          Temperance      1629 Aug   2      
2226 Goold         Joan daughter   Goold         John          Agnes        1629 Aug   23         
2227 Pridham     Joan daughter   Pridham     John          Solome      1629 Sep   4         
2228 Reed Joan daughter   Reed William                Christian   1629 Sep   13    
2229 Eames       Amye         daughter   Eames       John          Marye        1629 Oct          4      
2230 Locke        John son   Locke        John          Joan 1629 Oct   4      
2231 Shapland   Grace         daughter   Shapland   George                Elizabeth          1629 Oct   25    
2232 Goold         William       son   Goold         William                Elizabeth   1629 Nov          8      
2233 Gune Joan daughter   Gune Thomas               Faith 1629 Nov   15    
2234 Kingdon     Joan daughter   Kingdon     Phillipe                Siblye        1629 Nov          16    
2235 Mole Michaell    son   Mole William                Margarett  1629 Nov   22    
2236 Vicarye      Grace         daughter   Vicarye      John          Barbara     1629 Nov          22    
2237 Goold         Lewes        son   Goold         Robert                 Katheryne 1629 Dec          13    
2238 Shatticke  Joan daughter   Shatticke  William                An     1629 Jan   3         
2239 Davye        John son   Davye        John          Joan 1629 Jan   15    
2240 Vicarye      Englishe    son   Vicarye      Michaell              Margarete 1629 Jan          31    
2241 Beere         Water         son   Beere         Symon                          1629 Feb   26         
2242 Nodle         Katheryn   daughter   Nodle         Robert                 Katheryne          1629 Mar   14    
2243 Burgis        William       son   Burgis        Henrye                Obedience 1630 Mar          28    
2244 Dee   William       son   Dee   John          Elizabeth   1630 Mar   29    
2245 Smyth        Humfrye    son   Smyth        Thomas                        1630 Apr    4         
2246 Locke        Trustram   son   Locke        Trustram             Elizabeth   1630 Apr          7      
2247 Davye        William       son   Davye        Robert                 Nell   1630 Apr    9         
2248 Locke        George      son   Locke        George                Joan 1630 Apr    11         
2249 Thorne       Margarett  daughter   Thorne       John          Beaton       1630 Apr          17    
2250 Thorne       Julian        son   Thorne       William                Tamsine    1630 May          23    
2251 Blake         John son   Blake         William                Agnes        1630 May  23         
2252 Thorne       Charles      son   Thorne       Charles               Joan 1630 Jun   6         
2253 Pulham      Nicholas    son   Pulham      John          Elizabeth   1630 Jun   6         
2254 Dee   Christopher        son   Dee   John          Tamasya   1630 Jun   11    
2255 Bright         James       son   Bright         Thomas               Judith        1630 Jun          20    
2256 Rewe         Elizabeth   daughter   Rewe         Thomas               Joan 1630          July  18    
2257 Whiller       An     daughter   Whiller       Richard               Joan 1630 Aug   1         
2258 Shapland   Daritie        daughter   Shapland   Christopher                  Marie          1630 Aug   15    
2259 Thorne       Katherin    daughter   Thorne       John          Emott         1630 Aug          15    
2260 Mole Fayth         daughter   Mole Anthonye            Files 1630 Aug   20    
2261 Zeale         Grace         daughter   Zeale         Michaell              Elizabeth          1630 Aug   22    
2262 Huxstable Joan daughter   Huxstable John          Em    1630 Aug   22    
2263 Kingsland  John son   Kingsland  Charlles              Marie         1630 Sep   19         
2264 Goures       John son   Goures       John          Temperance      1630 Oct   17         
2265 Squire        William       son   Squire        John          Margeret   1630 Oct   31         
2266 Vayter        William       base son                       Vayter        Luce 1630 Aug   5         
2267 Westcott   Elizabeth   daughter   Westcott   Hugh          Kathren     1630 Nov          6      
2268 Rooke        English      son   Rooke        Henrye                 Christian   1630 Nov          6      
2269 Dee   Thomas     son   Dee   John          Johan        1630 Nov   21    
2270 Burgis        Johan        daughter   Burgis        John          Margerie    1630 Dec          19    
2271 Passmore  John son   Passmore  John          Anne 1630 Dec   25    
2272 Cottey        Doriter       daughter   Cottey        William                Daritie          1630 Dec   25    
2273 Locke        John son   Locke        John          Johan        1630 Jan   1      
2274 Burgis        John son   Burgis        John          Johan        1630 Jan   23    
2275 Morrishe    Thomas     son   Morrishe    John          Cattren      1630 Jan   23         
2276 Hunt Smart         son   Hunt Smarte                Cattren      1630 Feb   2      
2277 Strett         Mathewe   son   Strett         Dannell                Marget       1630 Feb          2      
2278 Hobbs        John son   Hobbs        Phillipp                Anne 1630 Feb   7      
2279 Laydey      Richard      son   Laydey      John          Marie         1630 Feb   13         
2280 Locke        John son   Locke        Thomas                        1630 Feb   13    
2281 Passmoure Anstes daughter Passmoure       Henrie        Facate      1630 Feb          27    
2282 Baullmant Ann   daughter   Baullmant John          Faith 1630 Mar   20    
2283 Vicarye      Susan        daughter   Vicarye      Englishe              Urith 1631 Mar          27    
2284 Vicarie       Barbara     daughter   Vicarie       John          Barbara     1631 Apr          3      
2285 Abbott       Marie         daughter   Abbott       Giles          Katherine  1631 Apr          24    
2286 Thorne       Marie         daughter   Thorne       John          Johan        1631 May          15    
2287 Healer        Jane daughter   Healer        John          Tamsing    1631 May  19         
2288 Reed George      son   Reed William                Christian   1631 Jun   2      
2289 Shateke    William       son   Shateke    John          Elizabeth   1631 Jun   12         
2290 Shapland   Margarett  daughter   Shapland   William                Johan          1631 Jun   30    
2291 Shapland   John son   Shapland   Phillipe                Anstice      1631 July  24         
2292 Chaunter   Elizabeth   daughter   Chaunter   Hugh          Luce 1631 July  30         
2293 Gould         John son   Gould         Richard               Johane      1631 Aug   21         
2294 Williames  Ursulow     daughter   Williames  John          Christian   1631 Aug          28    
2295 Tape Rose daughter   Tape Roger                  Margaret   1631 Sep   4      
2296 Handcocke         William       son   Handcocke         George                Margaret          1631 Sep   11    
2297 Locke        Marie         daughter   Locke        Nicholas             Marie          1631 Sep   25    
2298 Locke        Thomas     son   Locke        Robertt                Emet 1631 Sep   29         
2299 Gould         Lettes        daughter   Gould         Englishe              Marie          1631 Oct   6      
2300 Basse        George      son   Basse        Anthonye            Barbra       1631 Oct          20    
2301 Shapland   Nicholas    son   Shapland   Phillip                  Anne 1631 Nov   6         
2302 Greenslad John son   Green         Edward               Johan        1631 Nov   17         
2303 Purchase  Nicholas    son   Purchase  Nicholas             Johan        1631 Dec          11    
2304 Locke        Johan        daughter   Locke        Robertt                Bredgett          1631 Dec   18    
2305 Slader        Elizabeth   daughter   Slader        Michaell              Margaret          1631 Dec   25    
2306 Balmane    Johane      daughter   Balmane    Anthonye            Margaret          1631 Dec   25    
2307 Shapland   Johan        daughter   Shapland   Christopher                  Marien          1631 Dec   25    
2308 Eames       Thomas     son   Eames       John          Marie         1631 Jan   8         
2309 Nott  Grace         daughter   Nott  Anthonye            Fielles        1631 Jan   22         
2310 Thorne       Johane      daughter   Thorne       John          Grace         1631 Jan          22    
2311 Shapland   Christopher        son   Shapland   George                Elizabeth          1631 Jan   29    
2312 Harres       Johane      daughter   Harres       John          Beaton       1631 Jan          29    
2313 Sayer         William       son   Sayer         Phillip                  Elizabeth   1631 Mar          4      
2314 Rewe         Susan        daughter   Rewe         Thomas               Johane          1631 Mar   11    
2315 Davye        George      son   Davye        John          Joan 1632 Apr    15    
2316 Tape Elizabeth   daughter   Tape Michaell              Prisilla       1632 Apr    15         
2317 Wisman     Joan base daughter                       Wisman     Grace         1632 May          13    
2318 Fisher        John son   Fisher        Hugh          Grace         1632 Jun   29    
2319 Smith         Thomas     son   Smith         Thomas               Susanna    1632          July  15    
2320 Marsh        Mary daughter   Marsh        Robert                 Margeret   1632          July  15    
2321 Gould         Anne daughter   Gould         John          Agnes        1632 July  15         
2322 Blake         Margeret   daughter   Blake         William                Agnes          1632 July  15    
2323 Pridham     John son   Pridham     John          Salome      1632 Aug   1      
2324 Bright         William       son   Bright         Thomas               Judith        1632 Aug          26    
2325 Thorne       Ellen daughter   Thorne       John          Joan 1632 Aug   26    
2326 Delbridge  Edwarde    son   Delbridge  John          Joan 1632 Oct   24    
2327 Hunt Mary daughter   Hunt George                Emmet       1632 Oct   14    
2328 Locke        Jane daughter   Locke        John          Joane        1632 Nov   25         
2329 Hill    Susanna    daughter   Hill    John          Marye        1632 Dec   4      
2330 Gold  English      son   Gold  Robart                 Kathrin      1632 Dec   5      
2331 Gold  Nicholas    son   Gold  William                Elizabeth   1632 Dec   16    
2332 Williams     John son   Williams     John          Christian   1632 Dec   25    
2333 Gould         Emblene    daughter   Gould         Richarde             Joan 1632 Dec          25    
2334 Zeale         Emmet       daughter   Zeale         Michaell              Elizabeth          1632 Dec   27    
2335 Locke        Thomas     son   Locke        Nicholas             Marye        1632 Dec          27    
2336 Helliar        Robart       son   Helliar        John          Thomastine        1632 Dec          30    
2337 Prior Nicholas    son   Prior John          Temperance      1632 Jan   6      
2338 Treble        Willmott     daughter   Treble        Thomas               Jane 1632 Jan          6      
2339 Burges       Joan daughter   Burges       John          Joane        1632 Jan   27         
2340 Jesse         Henry         son   Jesse         Richarde             Elizabeth   1632 Feb          1      
2341 Burgis        Thomastine        daughter   Burgis        John          Margerye          1632 Feb   3      
2342 Dee   William       son   Dee   John          Elizabeth   1632 Feb   17    
2343 Locke        Phillipe      son   Locke        John          Joan 1632 Feb   20    
2344 Burgis        Joan daughter   Burgis        Henrye                Obedience 1632 Mar          3      
2345 Thorne       Rose daughter   Thorne       John          Beaton       1632 Mar   3         
2346 Stoat William       son   Stoat John          Susanna    1632 Mar   17    
2347 Rew  Margeret   daughter   Rew  Thomas               Joan 1633 Mar   31    
2348 Kingdon     George      son   Kingdon     Richarde             Elizabeth   1633 Apr          7      
2349 Shattocke Prudence  daughter   Shattocke William                Ann   1633 Apr          7      
2350 Huxtable   Charls        son   Huxtable   John          Emmot       1633 Apr    23         
2351 Vicary alias Pulham   Annye daughter Vicary alias Pulham   John Elizabeth   1633 Apr    25    
2352 Reede        Henry         son   Reede        William                Chrystian  1633 May          12    
2353 Reede        Wilmot       daughter   Reede        Robart                 Mary 1633 May          19    
2354 Balmant     George      son   Balmant     John          Faith 1633 Jun   9      
2355 Squire        Samuell     son   Squire        John          Grace         1633 Jun   13         
2356 Locke        Annise       daughter   Locke        Thomas               Margerit          1633 Jun   16    
2357 Shaplande William       son   Shaplande Philip                   Antise        1633          July  1      
2358 Bray  Katherine  daughter   Bray  William                Christian   1633 July  1         
2359 Thorne       Joan daughter   Thorne       John          Gunnet      1633 July  8         
2360 Pasmor      Joan daughter   Pasmor      John          Anna 1633 July  14    
2361 Vicarye      John base son                       Vicarye      Margaret   1633 Aug   5         
2362 Moorman   Thomas     son   Moorman   Edwarde             Joan 1633 Sep   1         
2363 Bray  Christopher        son   Bray  John          Mary 1633 Sep   8      
2364 Balmant     William       son   Balmant     Anthony              Margerit    1633 Sep          22    
2365 Thorne       Elizabeth   daughter   Thorne       John          Emmot       1633 Sep          22    
2366 Tucker       Grace         daughter   Tucker       John          Grace         1633 Oct          6      
2367 Davye        Faith daughter   Davye        Robart                 Ellener       1633 Oct          6      
2368 Kinglande Mary daughter   Kinglande Charles               Mary 1633 Oct   6         
2369 Grove         Robart       son   Grove         Edwarde             Joan 1633 Oct   13         
2370 Vicarye      Margeret   daughter   Vicarye      John          Barbora     1633 Oct          13    
2371 Balmant     Richarde   son   Balmant     Charles               Margeritt   1633 Oct          19    
2372 Balmant     Humfrey    son   Balmant     Charles               Margeritt   1633 Oct          19    
2373 Vicary alias Sanacot  Willmott daughter Vicary alias Sanacot William Joan          1633 Oct   20    
2374 Purchas     William       son   Purchas     Nicholas             Katherine  1633 Nov          24    
2375 Gould         Elizabeth   daughter   Gould         Englishe              Mary 1633 Nov          24    
2376 Westcott   Hugh son   Westcott   Hugh          Katherine  1633 Dec   9      
2377 Purchas     John son   Purchas     Nicholas              Joan 1633 Dec   9      
2378 Kingdon     Philip         son   Kingdon     Philip                   Cybelle      1633 Dec          15    
2379 Vicarye      John son   Vicarye      Michaell              Margeret   1633 Dec   15         
2380 Hawton      Joan daughter   Hawton      William                Anna 1633 Dec   15         
2381 Dagford     Margeret   daughter   Dagford     John          Marye        1633 Dec          19    
2382 Shaplande George      son   Shaplande George                Elizabeth   1633 Dec          29    
2383 Shaplande Emmot       daughter   Shaplande William                Joan 1633 Jan          12    
2384 Gould         John son   Gould         Michaell              Ellnor         1633 Feb   16         
2385 Basse        Joan daughter   Basse        Anthony              Barbara     1633 Feb          23    
2386 Tucker       Mathue      son   Tucker       John          Cybelle      1633 Feb   24         
2387 Squire        Charls        son   Squire        Philipe                 Elizabeth   1634 Apr          2      
2388 Smith         Nicholas    son   Smith         Thomas               Susanna    1634 Apr          18    
2389 Locke        William       son   Locke        William                Katherine  1634 Apr          20    
2390 Tape Mary daughter   Tape William                Elizabeth   1634 Apr    27    
2391 Burges       William       son   Burges       John          Joan 1634 May  4      
2392 Eams         Philip         son   Eams         John          Mary 1634 May  11    
2393 Squire        John son   Squire        John          Margerett  1634 May  15    
2394 Slader        Margerett  daughter   Slader        Michaell              Margeret          1634 Jun   8      
2395 Cole  William       son   Cole  Gregory               Penticost  1634 Jun   22    
2396 Nogle         Susanna    daughter   Nogle         Robart                 Katherine          1634 Jun   27    
2397 Locke        William       son   Locke        Robart                 Bridgett     1634 Aug          17    
2398 Nott  Joan daughter   Nott  John          Joan 1634 Aug   17    
2399 Hill    Elizabeth   daughter   Hill    John          Mary 1634 Sep   7      
2400 Cotthay     Agnes        daughter   Cotthay     William                Dorothie          1634 Sep   14    
2401 Vicary        English      son   Vicary        John          Mary 1634 Sep   21    
2402 Shapcott   William       son   Shapcott   John          Margarett  1634 Sep   23         
2403 Tape William       son   Tape Roger                  Margarett  1634 Sep   28    
2404 Thorne       Prisilla       daughter   Thorne       John          Joan 1634 Sep   28         
2405 Bushton     Mary daughter   Bushton     John          Joan 1634 Oct   5      
2406 Locke        John son   Locke        Vincent               Agnes        1634 Oct   12         
2407 Crispain     Anna daughter   Crispain     Thomas               Margerie    1634 Oct          12    
2408 Morris        Robart       son   Morris        John          Sarah         1634 Oct   26         
2409 Locke        Ellen daughter   Locke        Robart                 Emmot       1634 Nov          2      
2410 Bright         Penticost  daughter   Bright         Thomas               Judith          1634 Nov   9      
2411 Moorman   Elizabeth   daughter   Moorman   Edwarde             Joane          1634 Dec   9      
2412 Grace         William       son   Grace         Edwarde             Joan 1634 Dec   28         
2413 Marsh        Thomas     son   Marsh        Robart                 Margerit    1634 Jan          2      
2414 Heliar         Thomas     son   Heliar         John          Thomastine        1634 Jan          18    
2415 Burgis        Hugh son   Burgis        Henrie                 Obedience 1634 Feb   4         
2416 Burgis        Elizabeth   daughter   Burgis        John          Joan 1634 Feb   22         
2417 Blake         Ellen daughter   Blake         William                Annise       1634 Mar          3      
2418 Bray  Richard      son   Bray  John          Elizabeth   1634 Mar   22    
2419 Moole         Antonie      son   Moole         Antonie               Filles 1635 Apr    5         
2420 Locke        William       son   Locke        Thomas               Joan 1635 Apr    19         
2421 Fisher        Grace         daughter   Fisher        Hugh          Grace         1635 May          19    
2422 Prior Margerit    daughter   Prior John          Temperance      1635 May  31         
2423 Pasmor      Nicholas    son   Pasmor      John          Ann   1635 Jun   21    
2424 Keene        William       son   Keene        George                Mary 1635 Jun   26         
2425 Sticke alias Carthwright Humfrey son Sticke alias Carthwright William          Anstise 1635 July 29 
2426 Locke        Henrie        son   Locke        John          Joan 1635 Sep   13    
2427 Moole         John son   Moole         John          Ellnor         1635 Sep   16    
2428 Gould         Smart         son   Gould         William                Elizabeth   1635 Sep          20    
2429 Locke        Grace         daughter   Locke        Nicholas             Mary 1635 Sep          20    
2430 Stonman   Michaell    son   Stonman   Richarde             Joan 1635 Oct   25         
2431 Rew  Ann   daughter   Rew  Thomas               Joan 1635 Nov   8      
2432 Leicherdon         Annise       daughter   Leicherdon         Philip          Katherine  1635 Nov   8      
2433 Moorman   William       son   Moorman   Edwarde             Joan 1635 Dec   6         
2434 Vicary        Margerie    daughter   Vicary        John          Mary 1635 Dec   13         
2435 Handcocke         Mary daughter   Handcocke         George                Margerit          1635 Dec   20    
2436 Tucker       John son   Tucker       John          Grace         1635 Dec   25    
2437 Vicarie       John son   Vicarie       John          Barbara     1635 Jan   17    
2438 Bray  Ann   daughter   Bray  John          Faith 1635 Feb   14    
2439 Willmet      Thomas     son   Willmet      Bartholomew               Joan 1635 Feb          14    
2440 Dayforde   Christopher        son   Dayforde   John          Mary 1635 Feb   21         
2441 Morris        Grace         daughter   Morris        John          Sarah         1635 Feb          28    
2442 Vicarie       Joan daughter   Vicarie       William                Joan 1635 Mar   6         
2443 Shaplande Simeon      son   Shaplande Philip                   Anstise      1635 Mar          13    
2444 Moorman   Joan daughter   Moorman   Thomas               Elizabeth   1635 Mar          16    
2445 Smith         Thomastine        daughter   Smith         Thomas               Susanna          1635 Mar   20    
2446 Vicarie       Joan daughter   Vicarie       Michaell              Margerit    1635 Mar          20    
2447 Pulham alias Vicarie   William       son   Pulham alias Vicarie   William Annise          1636 Mar   27    
2448 Purchase  Joan daughter   Purchase  Nicholas             Joan 1636 Mar   27         
2449 Shatticke  John son   Shatticke  John          Elizabeth   1636 Mar   27    
2450 Locke        Grace         daughter   Locke        William                Katherine          1636 Apr    10    
2451 Pulham alias Vicarie   William       son   Pulham alias Vicarie   John Elizabeth          1636 Apr    17    
2452 Cothaie      Margerit    daughter   Cothaie      William                Dorothie          1636 Apr    19    
2453 Thorne       Robart       son   Thorne       John          Beaton       1636 Apr    24         
2454 Kingslande         Antonie      son   Kingslande         Charles               Mary          1636 Apr    25    
2455 Shaplande Penticost  son   Shaplande William                Joan 1636 Jun   12         
2456 Balmant     Marie         daughter   Balmant     Antonie               Margerit          1636 Jun   17    
2457 Bray  Joan daughter   Bray  John          Anstiss      1636 Jul    24    
2458 Bray  Mary daughter   Bray  William                Urith 1636 Jul    24    
2459 Bray  John son   Bray  John          Elizabeth   1636 Jul    24    
2460 Hill    Thomas     son   Hill    John          Mary 1636 Aug   7      
2461 Bray  William       son   Bray  William                Christian   1636 Aug   14    
2462 Hobs James       son   Hobs John          Willmot      1636 Aug   21    
2463 Westcott   Michaell    son   Westcott   Hugh          Katherine  1636 Aug   21         
2464 Davie         Robart       son   Davie         Robart                 Ellnor         1636 Aug          28    
2465 Shut John son   Shut Roger                  Thomastine        1636 Sep   7      
2466 Balmant     Annise       daughter   Balmant     John          Faith 1636 Sep   11         
2467 Pridham     William       son   Pridham     John          Salome      1636 Sep   18         
2468 Hill    Richarde   son   Hill    John          Ellen 1636 Oct   3      
2469 Heal  Katherine  daughter   Heal  Antonie               Elizabeth   1636 Nov   8         
2470 Slader        Thomas     son   Slader        Michaell              Margerit    1636 Nov          30    
2471 Gold  Urith daughter   Gold  John          Annis         1636 Dec   25    
2472 Gould         Joan daughter   Gould         William                Eliza 1636 Jan   1         
2473 Gould         George      son   Gould         Michaell              Ellen 1636 Jan   15         
2474 Gould         English      son   Gould         Englishe              Mary 1636 Jan   22         
2475 Bright         Rose daughter   Bright         Thomas               Judith        1636 Jan          29    
2476 Locke        Christian   daughter   Locke        John          Agnise       1636 Feb          5      
2477 Tape Joan daughter   Tape Roger                  Margerit    1636 Mar   5      
2478 Gould         Mackling   son   Gould         Richard               Joan 1636 Mar   12         
2479 Squire        Michaell    son   Squire        John          Margerit    1636 Mar   19         
2480 Prior Mary daughter   Prior John          Temperance      1637 Apr    2      
2481 Kingdon     Samuell     son   Kingdon     Richard               Elizabeth   1637 Jun          25    
2482 Balmant     Margerit    daughter                      Balmant     Margerit    1637 Jul          12     widow
2483 Kingdon     Beaton       daughter   Kingdon     Philip                   Siblie          1637 Jul    30    
2484 Locke        William       son   Locke        William                Willmot      1637 Sep          3      
2485 Thorne       John son   Thorne       Richard               Alce  1637 Sep   3      
2486 Hawton      Paull son   Hawton      William                Ann   1637 Sep   10    
2487 Bray  John son   Bray  John          Elizabeth   1637 Sep   17    
2488 Vicarie       William       son   Vicarie       John          Mary 1637 Oct   8      
2489 Morris        William       son   Morris        John          Saarah       1637 Nov   1         
2490 Locke        Joan daughter   Locke        John          Joan 1637 Nov   12    
2491 Locke        Elizabeth   daughter   Locke        Mackline             Ellen 1637 Dec          3      
2492 Nogle         Christopher        son   Nogle         Robart                 Katherine          1637 Dec   24    
2493 Purchas     Georg         son   Purchas     Nicholas             Katherine  1637 Jan          1      
2494 Kingdon     Mary daughter   Kingdon     Henrie                 Joan 1637 Jan   1         
2495 Cothaie      Michaell    son   Cothaie      William                Dorothie    1637 Jan          28    
2496 Crispine     William       son   Crispine     Thomas               Margerie    1637 Feb          4      
2497 Grove         Katherine  daughter   Grove         Edwarde             Joan 1637 Feb          11    
2498 Moule         Joan daughter   Moule         Daniell                 Mary 1637 Feb   14         
2499 Vicarie alias Sanacot William       son   Vicarie alias Sanacot Williams Joan          1637 Feb   25                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st March 2019) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of February 2019  and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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