Saturday, February 2, 2019

H11 Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019

H11 Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   PhyloTree
2.   FT DNA Project
3.   Project Statistics
4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
5.   Review of the subclades within the project

1.   PhyloTree
Dr. K.M. van Oven last published an update to the PhyloTree for mitochondrial DNA 18 Feb 2016. It is now three years old.  I have written to him several times to discuss unusual results but I suspect he is very busy and his email box is probably full of such queries. Perhaps this year, 2019, will see a revision/update to the tree. 

Within our own H11 grouping, I have now added a number of new subclades as I see them and will again send the newsletter to him in the hopes of stimulating the possibility of an upgrade to the H11 grouping. Please do note that he uses published sources to produce this chart and can not upgrade unless results are in GenBank or published in scientific journals.

2.   FT DNA Project:
There are now 328 members in our H11 project. Full sequence results are completed on 287 members of the group. Interestingly 234 members of this group have also done Family Finder. Unfortunately it is not possible to visually look at the Family Finder results as that would compromise the privacy of individuals. However, you can look at your matches in Family Finder.
3.   Project Statistics (yDNA statistics removed):
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups
Family Finder
Genographic 2.0 Transfers
Maternal Ancestor Information
mtDNA Full Sequence
mtDNA Plus
mtDNA Subgroups
Total Members
Unreturned Kits

Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5 (and it can be seen in the chart above that the mutation C15040T marks this subgrouping). H11 is a very small subclade of H.

4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
FT DNA has upgraded their access to accounts so that the default is Group Access only. If you wish to have your results included in the project then you must grant Limited Access to the Administrator. Minimum access means that I can not see any earliest ancestor information that you may have added to your project.

5.   Review of the subclades within the project (resting place refers to the ancestral origin in the Eastern Hemisphere as the Western Hemisphere was not the ancestral home for H11)

H11 – 10 members belong to the root (i.e. no known mutations that place them in subclades). Locations include: Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland (2), Poland (2), Spain, Sweden and one unknown. Of this group 5 have not tested beyond the basic or have transferred from the Genographic Project and with testing they would perhaps be placed in other subclades.

H11-***-***-16354T – this subclade has seven members. It is an interesting subclade as it has a number of branches with the root not known at this time. One member from Scotland has perhaps the root of this subclade with the 16354T mutation or a second member from Canada/United States (no known resting spot) has perhaps the root of this subclade with the *** mutation. A second member from the United States (resting place unknown) has the ***A and 16354T mutations and has perhaps reverted the ***** mutation. The remaining four members of the group have the full set of mutations ****, **** and 16354T mutations and all have the United States (resting place unknown).

H11-***-**** – this subclade has six members. Three members are at root of this subclade with the *** mutation and are from Latvia and Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway). The other three members of the group have the full set of mutations with two from Sweden and the third from North western Europe (country unknown).

H11a – by far the largest subclade with 58 members of whom 16 have not tested beyond basic. There are members from Argentina (resting spot unknown), Australia (resting spot unknown), Canada (resting spot not known), Croatia, England (3), Estonia, Finland (5), France (2), Germany (3), Hungary, Ireland (2), Israel, Lithuania, Norway (2), Poland (4), Scotland, Sweden (3), United Kingdom, North Western Europe (2, country not known), the United States (20, resting spot unknown), and unknown (2). Some members of this group have not tested beyond the two basic tests and would perhaps be in a further divided subgroup on testing.

H11a-**** – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from France, England, and the United States (2, resting spot unknown).

H11a-*** – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from the British Isles, England, France and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a-**** – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from Scandinavia, Finland (2) and Sweden (2).

H11a-***-*** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are from Germany and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a-*** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are both from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a-****-**** – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from England (2) and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a-*** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are both from Russia.

H11a-**** – this subclade has 11 members. These members are from England, Germany, Ireland, Norway (3), Prussia, The Netherlands, the United States (2, resting spot unknown) and unknown.

H11a1 – the next largest subclade has 51 members. These members are from Croatia, England, Finland (17), Germany, Norway, Poland (5), Russia (8), Scotland, Spain, Sweden (4), Ukraine, the United States (7, resting spot unknown), Northwest Europe (country unknown) and unknown (2).

H11a1-**** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are from Serbia and Poland.

H11a1-****-**** – this subclade has 4 members. One of the members has perhaps reverted back to 143G but does have the **** mutation and is from Sweden. The other three members all have both mutations and are from England, Ireland and Scotland. There is also the unique possibility that root for this subclade is the **** mutation and as the members of this group moved west they acquired a second mutation namely ****. An interesting thought perhaps although no proof for that at all.

H11a1-16209C – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Hungary, Slovakia and unknown.

H11a1-16224C – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Finland, Hungary and Sweden.

H11a1-16299G – this subclade has 3 members. These members are all from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a1-**** – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from Sweden (2), Northwest Europe (country unknown) and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a2 – this subclade has 10 members. These members are from England (2), Ireland, Norway, Scotland, the United States (4, resting spot unknown) and unknown.

H11a2-**** – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Sweden and the United States (2, resting spot unknown).

H11a2-16261T – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Sweden and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a2-**** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are from Italy and the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a2-16092C – this subclade has two branches descending beneath it. There is one member of the group at root and from Croatia. The two groups beneath are H11a2-16092C-**** and H11a2-16092C-16261T. This is a fascinating subclade given that one group appears to have stayed in central Europe and the other group has headed to Scandinavia.

H11a2-16092C-**** – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Greece, Hungary and the Ukraine.

H11a2-16092C-16261T – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from Finland (3).

H11a2a – this subclade has 8 members. These members are from New Zealand (resting spot unknown), the United States (3, resting spot unknown) and unknown (4).

H11a2a-****-****-**** – this subclade has 4 members. The first member does not have the **** mutation and is from Sweden. The three other members have all the mutations and are from Sweden.

H11a2a-****-****-16129A – this subclade has 2 members. They are both from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H1a2a1 – this subclade has 12 members. These members are from Canada (2, resting spot unknown), England, Ireland (2), United Kingdom and the United States (6, resting spot unknown).

H11a2a1-**** – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from England (2) and the United States.

H11a2a2 – this subclade has 19 members. These members are from Austria, Belarus, Finland (2), Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland (2), Russia (3), Sweden, Ukraine, the United States (resting spot unknown) and unknown (4).

H11a2a2-**** – this subclade has 2 members. One is from Poland and the second only lists Eastern Europe.

H11a2a2-**** – this subclade has 2 members. One is from Poland and the other is from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a2a3 – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from England, Finland and the United States (2, resting spot unknown).

H11a2a3-16380T – this subclade has 2 members. These members are from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a3 – this subclade has 2 members. One member is from England and the second member is from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a4 – this subclade has 7 members. These members are from England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, the United States (2, resting spot unknown) and unknown.

H11a5 – this subclade does not have any members.

H11a6 – this subclade has just one member from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11a7 – this subclade has just one member at root from Germany. There is, however, a subclade to this that has 3 members.

H11a7-****-**** – this subclade has 3 members. These members are from England, Ireland and Scotland.

H11a8 – this subclade has 5 members. These members are from Ireland (2) and the United States (3, resting spot unknown).

H11b – this subclade does not have any members at root.

H11b-****-16095T – this subclade has 2 members. Both are from the United States (resting spot unknown).

H11b1 – this subclade has 4 members. These members are from Germany, Poland and the United States (2, resting spot unknown).

H11b1-**** – this subclade has 2 members. These members are from Germany and Poland.

H11b1-16261T – this subclade has 8 members. These members are from Canada (resting spot unknown), Poland (2), Ukraine, and the United States (4, resting spot unknown).

H11b1-16357C – this subclade has 6 members. These members are from Finland, Germany, Russia, Sweden (2), and the United States (1, resting spot unknown).

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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