Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Leeds Method for easily visualizing matches

I came across Dana Leeds method for easily visualizing matches - called the Leeds Method. You take your 2nd and 3rd cousin matches and exclude anyone over 400 cM (I didn't actually do that because the one individual that was is a half first cousin and will show up as a 2nd cousin in matching). Create an excel chart with at least four columns beside your list of cousin's names. Take the first cousin in the list and colour the first empty square beside him a particular colour then find all of his matches (within the 2nd and 3rd cousin matches) and colour them the same colour. Go then to the next individual who does not have a colour next to them and repeat this process. If necessary an individual can have two colours but go to Dana Leeds website and see what she has as an explanation for such a happening. In the case of looking at my husband's 44 2nd and 3rd cousins I did not have a problem with two colours beside anyone. What emerged was a set of four colours in my husband's case and each of these colours belongs to one set of his great grandparents. There was one match that we had thought might be a particular line and clearly using this colour sort he was. You can sort the Excel chart by cell colour which is a good feature as well.

It never ceases to amaze me all of these methods that are becoming available to look at matches and like this one they can be very useful.

Website for Dana Leeds - DNA Colour Clustering (aka The Leeds Method)

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