Monday, April 1, 2019

Blake Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019

 Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
2.   Blake Surname Study - Progress
3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA
4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers

1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a recent addition to their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter so I will continue with some of these Blake family lines.

Many of the Blake families with roots in the New England states are tracing back to William Blake of Dorchester Massachusetts. A number of Blake genealogists have written up their studies on these many Blake lines coming down from William Blake and Agnes (B[o or a]nd, Thorne?) Blake. One particular paper published in The American Genealolgist Volume 74, Issue 1, 15-28, 1999, and entitied “Two Somerby Frauds or ‘Placing the Flesh on the Wrong Bones’” by Paul C. Reed. In one of his footnotes, “In his [Horatio Gates Somerby] account of the purported ancestry of the immigrant William Blake of Corchester, Massachusetts, Somerby linked three apparently unrelated Blake families. After falsifying the origin of the immigrant, Somerby fabricated earlier fraudulent connections by making Humphrey Blake, ancestor of the Blake family of Over Stowey, Somerset, a brother of the Nicholas Blake of Andover who died in 1547. Somerby then fabricated a parentage for Humphrey and Nicholas, making their father out to be one William Blake, and their mother to be Mary, daughter of Humphrey Coles of C. Somerset. Then he asserted that this William was a son of an earlier William whom Somerby (falsely) connects back into the ancient Blaage alias Blake family who lived at Calne, Wiltshire.” I have written about this fraudulent connection on my blog a number of times. My line descends from the Nicholas Blake of Andover whose father is, I believe, Richard Blake of Enham who left his will dated 12 Apr 1522; his father Robert’s will was dated 16 Dec 1521 (likely also of Enham as he mentions the parish Church there). Nicholas does not mention a brother Humphrey but does indeed mention his family members.

Ancestry DNA is now producing ThruLines as well as DNA Circles (no longer updated). As it turns out, having used these ThruLines quite heavily the last couple of weeks, I am certainly happy with this addition overall. The drawback remains that errors in family trees can now flow through these ThruLines giving me attachments to ancestors that do not bear scrutiny with the actual records. But I can say that overall the addition of ThruLines is a bonus to research bringing together matches that are true and having examined four sets of siblings (my own) ThruLines I am seeing some really good results that are benefitting my research. On the plus side, you can now write to the individuals that are attaching to a particular line and discuss the possibility of working together to clear up the mystery since individuals are matching in order to be there on the ThruLine but the match as shown does not bear scrutiny, in the case of my Blake line, I know the husband of my 2x great grandfather John Blake’s sister Mary. She married William Heath and they had a large family and now in 2019 I match a number of their descendants thus proving the connection. She did not marry anyone else so any attachments to her, with a different spouse, as a proven daughter of Thomas Blake and Sarah (Coleman) Blake are probably inaccurate. However, if your ancestry is going back to that area right around Andover then likely we are matching on another line. But with that slight diversion I return again to William Blake of Dorchester Massachusetts and Paul Reed’s article in The American Genealogist. Fortunately we subscribe to The American Genealogist and can look back at some of these interesting articles written on the Blake family (and in the case of my husband heavily into Kipp-Link research also his families).

I will discuss the parentage of William Blake of Dorchester Massachusetts using records available to me. The publication “Increase Blake of Boston, his Ancestors and Descendants, with a full account of William Blake of Dorchester and his Five Children” was compiled by Francis E Blake (1839 – 1916) and published in 1898 at Boston, Massachusetts. The records had been accumulated by Reverend Charles M Blake. Francis E Blake is likely descendant of James Blake b 30 Apr 1688 at Dorchester Massachusetts and died 4 Dec 1750 also at Dorchester. James and his wife Waitstill Simpson had four children including James Blake b 15 Oct 1716 at Dorchester (died 5 Jan 1803 also at Dorchester). This James married Mary Pinson and they had several children including James Blake b15 Feb 1740 at Charlestown Massachusetts died 29 Aug 1803 at Boston Massachusetts. This James married Lydia Dana and they had a number of children including Pynson Blake who married Sarah Dana and their son was Francis Everett Blake (1839-1916). The James Blake b 1688 is likely the son of James b 27 Apr 1642 at Pitminster Somerset and son of the emigrant William Blake and his wife Agnis (Band or Bond, Thorne?) Blake. I have not proven this line myself and have copied it from information found online and it serves only to show that Francis E Blake who compiled the book was likely related to the William Blake family of Dorchester Massachusetts. The Reverend Charles M Blake is said to be descendant of Edward Blake youngest son of the emigrant William Blake but no detailed genealogy (Francis E Blake mentions on page 36 of his publication that John Blake (b 17 Jul 1720 and married to Ann Richardson) was his ancestor and John likely the son of Ebenezer (b 28 Sep 1709) married to Petronella Peck, with the father of Ebenezer as Jonathan b 5 Jul 1672 Boston and son of Edward Blake and Patience Pope) is available to prove that line. He, however, went back to Somerset and met with another John Blake there who shared material with him for the Blake family of Pitminster. The actual descent of these two gentleman is not pertinent to the story. I wish to look back from William Blake of Dorchester Massachusetts to England and the charts which have been made available by the Blake Museum.

At some point during the late 1800s both Francis E Blake and the Reverend Charles M Blake appeared to have met with a John Blake in Somerset. When I asked who had created this particular Blake Chart I did not learn a particular name. I am quite curious if the individual with whom they met/corresponded did indeed also create this chart. It is basically in the same handwriting. It is in the style of writing of the late 1800s into the 1900s. It appears to have been created in one time period.

Chart 1 is the most interesting with regard to this William Blake (this is a slightly cropped image).

Looking at this cropped version you can readily see a line coming down from Humphrey Blake third from the top and in the second column from the right. This line continues down to John Blake and then to William Blake of Pitmister and finally down once again to his son William Blake who eventually emigrates to the Massachusetts Colony.

Cropping it once again just to make it more useful to the discussion, we have:

William Blake of Pitminster married to Agnis Band, widow, is shown as being of Pitminster and marrying there but dying in Dorchester Massachusetts Colony. The children of this couple are listed (chart preceding) as John, Anne, William, Edward and James (and that corresponds to the children as they were known in the Massachusetts Colony. I will not refer to the children of this couple at all as my interest is in looking back to Somerset where William and Agnis Blake are said to have emigrated from in the 1630s. I did check Family Search to see if the images for the Pitmister Parish Registers are online yet but they can not be viewed. I suspect they may be up but not yet available. That means I have to rely on these various researchers for the records for Pitminster to tentatively look at this Blake line.

The Chart lists the parents of William Blake of Pitminster (baptized 10 Jul 1594) as William Blake and Anne (unknown). Another site unfortunately now gone from the internet had been prepared by a local (Somerset) researcher and was quite interesting. Although I did not agree with all of the links, the early work I was informed had been done in the Registry Office and certainly there are many many records in the chart which was thus created (I copied it and made some changes that corrected inconsistencies with the online version). The birth of William Blake (father of the emigrant) was recorded as circa 1559 Over Stowey, Somerset. He was buried 13 Jun 1642 at Pitminster Somerset with his wife Anne being buried there 14 Aug 1644. The father of this William was said to be John Blake (the elder) and he appears to have had a younger brother named John Blake (the younger) both of whom had large families. The wife of John Blake the elder was named Johan (no surname known) and she was buried 27 Jun 1595 at Over Stowey. John Blake the younger married Christian Jugg 18 Aug 1558 at Over Stowey. The mother of both these men was said to have died in 1585 at Over Stowey (no burial date given). It would seem that it is accurate that there were two John Blake, sons in this family. The father of these two John Blake (elder and younger) was listed as Humphrey Blake married to Agnis (unknown) and no marriage date known (this would have preceded the parish registers anyway as the eldest son was born circa 1521). Humphrey Blake was said to have been born circa 1499 at Bishops Lydeard, Somerset and buried 28 Dec 1558 at Over Stowey. These two record sets do not agree on the name of the wife of Humphrey – the chart above has Anne and the website had Agnis. The online website did not take Humphrey further back. The Chart above does and that agrees with a Chart which is held by the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office for the Blake family created by the College of Arms in 1690. A small crop is available below:

This is a large chart about 12 feet long and 4 feet wide and images can be purchased from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office.

In the bottom right corner of the small crop a plain Blake crest can be viewed and above that in a green circle the name John Blague appears with the included information “2nd son from whom the Blakes of Somersetshire are descended of which Family was General Robert Blake the famous Soldier and Sea Commander.” Just for information, as mentioned this chart was produced by the College of Arms (London, England) initially in 1690 with additions (early 1700s). There is a caption in the lower left of this large chart which reads: “This Descent of Blake excepting the latter part of the Glocestershire Line which was Supplied from other Authentick matters of Record exhibited for that purpose is Extracted out of the Visitation Books hereafter mentioned: 1stly, Mr. Vincents Wilts marked No 147 fol 24b 25a 26a, Secondly, Wiltshire Anno 1623 marked C22 fol 107 b, Thirdly, One of the Books lately the Earl of Anglisey’s marked No 123 fol 56a, Fourthly, Hantshire marked C19 fol 85a, Fifthly, the Certificate Book marked I23 fol 37a, Sixthly, the Visitation of Surrey made (by Sir Edward Bysshe Kn late Clarenceux King of Arms) Anno 1662 fol 77b and Seventhly, the Visitation of the City of London begun by Sir Henry S George Kn Clarenceux Anno 1687.” I find the Visitation Books to be a valuable resource but one must use them with some caution as children are left off in many cases but the actual tree does bear looking at.

Continuing to look at this cropped portion of the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office, John is said to have a brother Martin Blague of Winchcombe in the County of Glostershire. They are both said to be the sons of William Blague of Lacock in County Wiltshire. William being married to Margaret the daughter of William Browne of Wablyn. William continues to trace back with his father as David Blague (son and heir) married to Joane daughter of (unknown) Mallet. The father of this David named as John Blague gentlemen and second son married to Margaret daughter of Dyncham/Dinham/Denham. This John said to be a son of Robert Blague alias Blaake of Quemberford in County Wiltshire Esquire married to Avice daughter of John Wallop of Farley in County Southampton Esquire. A caption appears on this chart which states: John Blake (son of Robert) undermentioned was 49 years old and upwards 14 Ed IV [1474] as by an Inquisition post mortem … Records in the … after the death of Avice his mother She deceased 29 October 13 Henry VI [1434] does appear. The parchment is folded in this area and very difficult to read from the scan. Looking at one piece of information available to us I have now included the transcription of the will of John Blake (son of Robert Blake and Avis (Wallop) Blake).

Source:  The National Archives (UK), PROB 11/14/155
Name of testator: John Blake
Place listed: Nether Wallop, Hampshire, England
Dated: 24 Feb 1503, probated 24 Apr 1504
[In margin] Testi[men]t
[In margin] Jo[hn] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen The xxiij day of February the xix yere of our sov[er]eigne lorde kinge henry
2    the vij th I John Blake Esquier of good and hole mynde laude and praysing be to the Infinite mercy and grace
3    of all myghty god make and comend this my last Will and testament First I bequeth my sowle to almyghtyh
4    god and to owr blessed lady his mother and to all the company of he[a]ven And my body to be buried in the p[ar]ich
5    church of Saint Andrews in Nether Wallop wyth and next the sepulure of Margery late my wife now disse
6    ased Also I bequeth to my mother church of Saint Swythwyns in Winchester xl d Item to my saide p[ar]ich
7    Church and vicar for my tithymys forgoten xl d Item to the church wardens of the same church towards
8    the edyfiing of the same church xl d Item to the Mother church of owr lady in New Sayl[isbury] xl d Item to the
9    church and vicare of owr lady of Calne for tithymys forgoten xij d Item to the church wardens for the
10    edyfing of the same church vj s viij d Item to the chapell of Saint Janry's within the same church for meyn-
11    tenyng of the lightes in the same Chapell xl d Item to Master Richard Sclater Vicare of the said church
12    of Saint Andrews xx d Item to the parish prest of the same church xvj d Also I bequeth to Roger blake
13    xx s and to Jane Dawncy cosyn to my wife x s and to Robert Blake yeoman lat[e] my servant x s and I
14    reqeste and release  the same Robert of jjj s now he owith me and to John Blake my servant xx s and
15    to John Walishman my tawney gown and x s and to Anthony blancherd my servant xl d And to Alys
16    Cleylerdon my new and last gowne made and xij d And to Richard Colnet xl s for his labor in makyng
17    this my testament and feoffment so that they and any of them pray for my sowle
18    First as touching all my maners landis and tenementis I will that John dantsey shal[l ]have the moyte
19    of all my man[er]s landis tenements rentis reversions and farms with the appurtenances within the
20    coun[t]es of South[hamp]ton and Wiltes or elswher excepte certen landis underwriten in Compton and Calne
21    to come to hym for terme of his life and after his decese to remane to Richard dawntsey sonne of the sayde
22    John d and Alice late his wife and dowgther to the saide John Blake and to the heyres of the body of the
23    same Richard lawfully begotten and for default of such issu the remayndre therof to Jane Wrowgtone
24    dawghter of the said John Blak and to the eyres of her body lawfully begoten and for defaut of such
25    the remayndre ther of to the ryght heyres of Robert Blake my brother for evermor And as to the
26    other moyte of all my Maners landis and tenements with the appurtenancs within the saide county
27    or els wher excepte before excepte I will that the said Jane my dowgther have them to her and
28    to the eyres of her body lawfully begotten and for defaule of such Issue the remayndre therof to
29    the said Richard Dauntesey and to the eyres of his body lawfully begotten and for defawt of such issue
30    the remaynder ther of to the right heyres of the saide Robert Blake my brother Also I will by this my p[re]sent
31    will that my feoffys of my meses landys and tenemencys with appurtenance in Compton and of a
32    corne myll in Calne called Kew myll a Tenement which Robert Cubley now dwellyth yn In an
33    tenement with William Ostyter now dwellyth in Calne aforesaid w[h]ich is of the yerly value of x l
34    xiij s iiij d or ther about asowe all charges shallstand and be feoffed therof to this men folowny
35    that is to say that thei shall suffer myn executors of this my present last will to take and preyse
36    the Issues and p[re]sens of the same Meses landis in Compton and Calne aforesaid untill the tyme
37    that they have payd all my detts and legacyes p[er]formed and my finall exspensis done and
38    that the Issues theroff and profetts be taken for the salary and fyndyng of a prest by my said
39    executors duryng the terme of a yere to pray for my sowle and all my frendis and all cristen
40    sowles and that the same prof[i]t shalhave x marke for his salary and this done and executyd I
41    will that the saide feoffes stande and be feoffe of the said John Dauntesey for terme of his
42    life and after his disseace to remayne to the saide Richard Dauntsey and to his heyres of his body
43    lawfully begotten And for defaute of such Issue to remayne to the sayd Jane and to the eyres of
44    her body lawfully begotten And for defaut of such Issu the remayndre thereof to the ryght heyres
45    of the saide Robert Blake And as to the other moyte of the saide Meses Landis and tenemency in
46    Compton and Calne aforesaid to stand and be feoffes to the use of the said Jane and of the heyres of
47    her body lawefully begotten And for defaut of suche Issu to remayne to the said Richard Dauntesey
    [Page 2]
48    and to the eyres of his body lawefully begotten and for defaut of such Issue the remaynder thereof to the
49    sayde rigth heyres of the said Robert Blake And this estats to be evermore in forme abovesaid as in
50    goodly hast may be comemently and lawfully of this my testament and last Will I make my Exe
51    cutors Margery my wife and John Dauntesey her sonne and I make Robert Blak my brother to be
52    overseer of this my testament and that the same Robert to be addyng and issisyng to my sayd
53    executors shalhave xl s The residue of all my goodes and cattals not spokin of in this my testament
54    not bequethed I geve and grante utterly in my life to the said Margery and John Dauntesey to ther own
55    p[ro]pur use and behese so that they for my sowle the better Thes being witness Robert Blake Richard Eusate
56    clerke Richard Gorre Richard Colnet and Sir John the p[ar]ish prest of Walop and many other mee In witnes
57    of this my present last will I have subscrebed with my nowne hande
58 Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram dcio apud Lambehith xxviiij die mensis Aprilis Anno domini
49 millessimo quingentesimo Quarto Juramento Johannis Pace procuratoris Margerie relict et Johis Dauntesy
50 executricis cui commissa fuit administracio omnium bonorum &c ac dict executorum in persona procuratoris
51 de bene &c ac de pleno Juracaris &c ac necnon de plano et vero Compoto &c ac ad Sancta dei evangelia Jurat                               
We know that John is 40 years or more old when his mother's estate was examined under Inquisition Post Mortem circa 1474 so he was born circa 1434 or earlier. In 1504 he would have been at least 70 years old. John was married twice and he did not leave any male heirs carrying the Blake surname. Part of the fascination for me in all of this aside from information for my one name study of the Blake family is that he lived at the time that the father of Nicholas Blake at Enham lived. Living at Nether Wallop he was only seven miles south west of Andover and we passed through the area of the Wallops on our way to Upper Clatford (1 mile south of Andover or in truth just on the opposite side of the highway these days). There is Nether Wallop and one mile to the north west is Middle Wallop and two miles to the north west is Over Wallop. Then six miles to the north east is Goodworth Clatford and also Upper Clatford which are two continuous villages - you leave the one as you enter the other. As we drove these lanes I could imagine my great grandfather walking from his home to work each day as he did all of his life. Looking at the picture of him from 1898 I can see from whom I inherited my strabismus (lazy eye syndrome) for there it is forever captured in picture the one eye wandering about on its own whilst the other is fixed on you the viewer. Inherited by me from my father. My grandfather did not have strabismus but did pass it on to his son.

His brother Robert acquires Penhills by this will (although not mentioned except in the line where it was said that Richard Dauntsey would inherit the properties in Southampton and Wiltshire with some exceptions and this was one of the exceptions) and it stays with this family up into the reign of Charles I when it was destroyed by the Royalists. A smaller manor was built from the original stones at Pinhills and the Blake family continued to live there into the 1700s.

This family can trace back on paper to the Blake family that is on the 1286 subsidy for Wiltshire and on the Pedigree Chart which is held by the Swindon Wiltshire Record Office. This rather large document (12 feet long by 4 feet wide) was commissioned by the Blake family in London, England to record their family line and was produced using primarily the Visitations but also other documents which I have not yet been able to determine. The College of Arms holds the original material for this chart and one day I will investigate the cost of receiving copies of the documents used. The College of Arms is located near St Paul's Cathedral in London just up from the London Millennium Footbridge. Something that should not be missed when visiting London is crossing on foot all of these bridges and wandering down both sides of the Thames River. The most we ever did was 18,000 steps per day and that took us from our hotel just south of Waterloo Station up into London and along the Thames to St Pauls Cathedral and back across the Thames and down into Bermondsey and then back to our hotel. A wonderful walk and we took about ten hours in total with lots of interesting stops along the way. You can take the Underground and it is a must to go to Kew, the Museums, Greenwich but to be in the City of London or Westminster the best way is to go on foot.

The Blake Pedigree Chart does have a male descendant for John Blake (son of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop). He is named David on the chart and was the son of his first wife Margaret Dyncham/Dinham/Denham. David married Joane Mallet and they had two children John Blake, Abbot of Cirencester, Gloucester and William who married Margaret Browne of Wablyn. William and Margaret had two sons Martin who married Catherine Vaughan of Herefordshire and John who is said to be the ancestor of the Somerset Blake family and that Lord High Admiral Robert Blake was one of his descendants. Why does John not mention this line? Possibly because he has already inherited and a will was really meant to organize what had to be done with property after death, it wasn’t actually there to mention all of one’s children/grandchildren. It is a gift when they do!

Robert Blake and Avis Wallop had seven children according to the Visitation. Their son Robert married Margaret Inglefield and their two children Roger and Anne married into the Baynard family. Roger married Mary Baynard.  Roger and Mary are said to have a son William Blake of Eastontown who married Avice Ripley it is this William that I have been most interested in from the viewpoint of my own family at Andover/Upper Clatford. I am not entirely convinced that he is a son of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard. Roger only mentions his eldest son and his youngest daughter in his will however.  The children of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop on the Visitation (Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees 1623):

Gilbertus, Alexander, Robt, Elizabeth, Alice, Joane, John

Gilbert and Alexander both died without heirs. This visitation principally looks at Robert Blake descendants. Henry Blake is the individual living in 1623 at Pennells and just to place this manor it is to the WSW of Calne about 1 mile. That means it is about 29 miles from Nether Wallop (where John was to be buried) to Calne. John doesn't say in his will where he is located when he is writing his will.

John does mention his nephew Roger (son of his brother Robert although not as nephew but he is). He does mention his servants Robert Blake yeoman and John Blake (currently his servant). Servant could mean a number of things I suspect in those days. They could have been in training with him.

Wallop is the area in which John's mother Avis Wallop lived. In the Post Mortem following her death in 1434 National Archives C 140/48/6, the land that was feoffed to her and her daughter by her first husband was mentioned as well as John Blake her son being 40 years of age or more. Reading through this document could be quite interesting (I do have a copy and will eventually transcribe it) but the Inquisition Post Mortem for John might add more details for the Blake family.

Another interesting document for this family F3/Box 1/283 1506 and the contents: Grant from Henry VII to Philip Baynard of the wardship of Richard Dauntesey son and heir of John Dauntesey, deceased and kinsman and heir of John Blake, deceased. 28 Nov 22 Henry VII (1506).

My thoughts on all of this with respect to the Pedigree Charts mentioned above, I would love to know who created the chart held by the Blake Museum at Bridgwater. Knowing that, would, I think assist greatly with determing a paper trail for the Blake family found in Dorchester Massachusetts and descended from the emigrant William Blake and his wife Agnis. We really do need to have people test in the Blake line with known ancestry further back in Somerset.

*Used with permission
The above charts/cropped charts are a reproduction of material from the Blake Museum (as noted). Thank you to the Museum for permitting the republication of their chart to this Blake Newsletter.

2.   Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011, I became the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. As can be seen below only 16 members of the study have completed a Big Y (SNPs testing for deep clade determination) making it virtually impossible to do more than has been done with some of the groups.

Project Statistics
Total Members                                 184
Big Y                                                   20
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded          12
Paternal Ancestor Information         126
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups          25
Y-DNA12                                          106
Y-DNA25                                            89
Y-DNA37                                            86
Y-DNA67                                            59
Y-DNA111                                          32
The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup.
That being said, I have begun the task of conversion beginning with what I knew best; namely, my own line tested by my brothers. The I2 lines in the project are ancient to the British Isles probably arriving just as the ice sheets were retreating. More people belonging to the project in these particular lines would be most helpful.

This has changed very little in the past three months. I am finding it difficult to work with the R1b groups. I do not like to upset the original classification but will continue to study how I could modify these groupings. Any suggestions greatly welcomed.

3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.
4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 4)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number Surname   Forename status        Fathers surname         Fathers forename       Mothers surname        Mothers forename      Year Month        Day     Year Month        Day   Details

1200      Barton       Thomas     son   Barton       John                    1612 June 30                                 
1201      Huniwell    Richard      son   Huniwell    Thomas                        1612     July  5                                   
1202      Somersette        William       son   Somersette        Edward                    1612 August       2                                   
1203      Green         Elizabeth   daughter   Green         Phineas                    1612 August       30                                 
1204      Garvis        Sara daughter   Jarvis        William                          1612     July  2                                   
1205      Bampton   John son   Bampton   Andrew                         1612 August     4                                   
1206      Purdue       John son   Purdue       John                    1612 August       10                                 
1207      Francis      John son   Francis      John                    1612 September 6                                  father junior
1208      James                 daughter   James       John                    1612     September 1                                   
1209      Travis        Elizabeth   daughter   Travis        John                    1612     September 3                                   
1210      Carde         William       son   Carde         William                          1612     August       5                                   
1211      Girdler       Daniell       son   Girdler       Daniell                          1612     August       25                                 
1212      Hale  Elizabeth   daughter   Hale  Henry                            1612     September 8                                    
1213      Lydall         Richard      son   Lydall         Mr. thomas                        1612 September 24                                 
1214      Waterman Joyce        daughter   Waterman William                     1612 September 24                                 
1215      Rutley        Michaell    son   Rutley        John                    1612     September 27                                 
1216      Peter John son   Peter John                    1612 October     4                              
1217      Robinson   Thomas     son   Robinson   Edward                         1612     October     4                                   
1218      Sweetaple Joane        daughter   Sweetaple William                     1612 October     6                                   
1219      Edmonds   Margaret   daughter   Edmonds   John                    1612     November 1                                   
1220      Bolld Michaell    son   Boldd         Michaell                        1612 October     22                                 
1221      Blake         Joane        daughter   Blake         William                     1612 October     16                                 
1222      Horne         Mary daughter   Horne         James                           1612     October     10                                 
1223      Marshall    Richard      son   Marshall    Hugh                    1612     November 12                                 
1224      Monday     Elizabeth   daughter   Monday     John                    1612     November 12                                 
1225      Bennett     Frauncis    bastard daughter                           Bennett     Margery     1612 November 17                                 
1226      Baker         Daniell       son   Baker         Thomas                        1612     November 22                                 
1227      Cornelius   Constance daughter   Cornelius   Robert                      1612 November 23                                 
1228      Alforde       Joane        daughter   Alforde       Beniamyn                1612 November 29                                 
1229      Dean Francis      daughter   Dean James                           1612     December 6                                   
1230      Haydon      James       son   Haydon      John                    1612     December 13                                 
1231      Price Marye        daughter   Price David                             1612     December 17                                 
1232      Moringe     Barbara     daughter   Moringe     John                    1612     December 10                                 
1233      Church       Nehemiah son   Church       Church?                        1612     December 12                                 
1234      Holcrofte   Elizabeth   daughter   Holcrofte   Mr. William                        1612 February   1                                   
1235      Godscrosse        Richard      son   Godscrosse        Henry                       1612 February   1                                   
1236      Kinge         Margerye   daughter   Kinge         John                    1612     February   2                                   
1237      Jewell        Annis         daughter   Jewell        William                     1612 March        7                                   
1238      Noyes        Mary base daughter                       Noyes        Elenor     1612 March        6                                   
1239      Bray  George      son   Bray  George                          1612 March        4                                 
1240      Bath Peter son   Bath Peter                   1612 March        27                            
1241      Godwin      Richard      son   Godwin      John                    1613 April  7                                 
1242      Waterman ….ite daughter   Waterman Richard                         1613 May     9                                   
1243      Walter                 son   Waltere      Christopher                           1613     April  30                                 
1244      Beckley     Richard      son   Beckley     Nicholas                       1613     April  30                                 
1245      Fosbery     Joyce        daughter   Fosbery     Richard                    1613 May  24                                 
1246      Tanner       Amye         daughter   Tanner       William                     1613 May  22                                 
1247      Fosbery     Joyce        daughter   Fosbery     Richard                    1613 May  24                                 
1248      Proctor      John son   Proctor      Martyn                          1613 June 3                                 
1249      Curtis         William       son   Curtis         James                           1613     June           5                                   
1250      Edberye     Joyce        daughter   Edberie      Richard                    1613 June 8                                   
1251      Bagyn        John son   Bagyn        Thomas                        1613 June 16                                 
1252      Mollyns      Katherine  daughter   Mollyns      Thomas                    1613 June 18                                 
1253      Cooper       William       son   Cooper       Richard                         1613     June 20                                 
1254      Segrove     Ellen daughter   Segrove     Rowland                       1613     July  10                                 
1255      Spradborow       William       son   Spradborow       Richard                    1613 August       15                                 
1256      Sweetaple Richard      son   Sweetaple Michaell                        1613     August       1                                   
1257      Lewis         William       son   Lewis         William                          1613     August       1                                   
1258      Kilbery       John son   Kilbery       John                    1613 August       3                                 
1259      Hales         An     daughter   Hales         Edward                         1613     August       8                                   
1260      Abbat         Mary daughter   Abbat         William                          1613     September 5                                   
1261      Green         Bathsheba daughter   Green         Henry                       1613 September 5                                   
1262      Russell      Thomas     son   Russell      Thomas                        1613     September 11                                 
1263      Hapgood   Elizabeth   daughter   Hapgood   John                    1613     September 16                                 
1264      Cooper       Mary daughter   Cooper       John                    1613     September 16                                 
1265      Wait  Joseph      son   Wait  Silvester                       1613 September 30                                 
1266      Bolld Elizab.        daughter   Bolld Mr. Michaell                           1613     October     6                                   
1267      Huntingford        Alice daughter   Huntingford        Thomas                    1613 November 15                                 
1268      House                  daughter   House        Nicholas                       1613     November 28                                 
1269      Hinxman    Sarah         daughter   Hinxman    William                     1613 November 28                                 
1270      Abbat         John son   Abbat         John                    1613 December 12                                 
1271      Elton Richard      son   Elton John                    1613 December 20                            
1272      Smith                   son   Smith         Thomas                        1613     December 30                                 
1273      Staniford             son   Staniford   Thomas                        1613 January     12                                 
1274      Bath Rowland    son   Bath Richard                         1613 January     15                                 
1275      Durnford    Mary daughter   Durnford    William                          1613     January     18                                 
1276      Holcrofte   Dorothy     daughter   Holcrofte   William                     1613 February   6       gent
1277      Biles William       son   Biles Josias                           1613 February   6                                 
1278      Wheatly     John son   Wheatly     John                    1613 February   13                                 
1279      Gilbert       Edward      son   Gilbert       Richard                         1613     February   13                                 
1280      Sweetaple Elizab.        daughter   Sweetaple Paule                        1613 February                                         
1281      Burret        Mary daughter   Burret        George                          1613     February   2                                   
1282      Manseck   Thomas     son   Manseck   Thomas                        1613     December                                       
1283      Rowbottam         Mary daughter   Rowbottam         John               1613 March        13                                 
1284      Willds         Jone base daughter                       Willds         Alice 1613     March                                              
1285      Jarvis        Sara daughter   Jarvis        Richard                         1613     March                                              
1286      Iremonger Edith daughter   Iremonger Robert                           1613     March                                              
1287               Edith daughter             Ed….                    1613 March                                         
1288      ….                                                 1613                                        
1289      Marshall    Mary daughter   Marshall    Mr. Hugh                       1614     March        29                                 
1290      Blake         Anne daughter   Blake         Mr. William                        1614 April                                       
1291      Bezer         William       son   Bezer         Toby                    1614 May  1                                 
1292      Heydon      Alice daughter   Heydon      Thomas                        1614     June 10                                 
1293      Sadler        Elizab.        daughter   Sadler        Roger                       1614 June 18                                 
1294      Floud         William       son   Floud         John                    1614 June 24                                 
1295      Hunton      Thomas     son   Hunton      William                          1614     July  17                                 
1296      Vegar         Joane        daughter   Vegar         Jefrary                     1614 August       14                                 
1297      Templer     Beniamyn  son   Templer     Richard                         1614     August       21                                 
1298      Spratt        William       son   Spratt        Henry                            1614     August       21                                 
1299      Glover        Annis         daughter   Glover        William                     1614 August       21                                 
1300      Smith         John son   Smith         George                          1614 August     28                                 
1301      Cooper       William       son   Cooper       William                          1614     August       30                                 
1302      Green         Bridget      daughter   Green         Phinees                    1614 September 3                                   
1303      Cletsham   Thomas     son   Cletsham   Richard                         1614     September 15                                 
1304      Pressye     Michaell    daughter   Pressye     William                     1614 September 25                                 
1305      James       Joane        daughter   James       John                    1614     September 25                                 
1306      Bezer         William       son   Bezer         Richard                         1614     October     1                                   
1307      Fraunces   Henry         son   Fraunces   John                    1614 October     2                                   
1308      Adams       Robert       son   Adams       John                    1614 October     2                                   
1309      Harfield     William       son   Harfield     John                    1614 October     2                                   
1310      Waterman William       son   Waterman William                          1614     September          13                                 
1311      Smith         Margarite  daughter   Smith         Toby                    1614     September 13                                 
1312      Alexander Dorothy     daughter   Alexander Thomas                    1614 September 18                                 
1313      Golde         Christopher        son   Golde         William                     1614 September 18                                 
1314      Hinxman    Thomasen daughter   Hinxman    Edward                    1614 October     16                                 
1315      Weeks       Sara daughter   Weeks       John                    1614     November 13                                 
1316      Edmunds   Abel  son   Edmunds   James                           1614     November 18                                 
1317      Chanell      Jane daughter   Chanell      Richard                         1614     November 20                                 
1318      Lacy Valentine  son   Lacy Henry                            1614 November 21                                 
1319      Miller          John son   Miller          John                    1614 November 28                                 
1320      Twitchin    Aueryn       daughter   Twitchin    Andrew                    1614 December 4                                   
1321      Jarvis        Elizab.        daughter   Jarvis        William                     1614 December 25                                 
1322      Rowbottom         Martha       daughter   Rowbottom         John               1614 March        11                                 
1323      Holcrofte   Mary daughter   Holcrofte   Mr. William                        1614 January     22                                 
1324      Lewis         Dorothy     daughter   Lewis         John                    1614     January     29                                 
1325      Binsons     Eliz.  daughter   Binsons     Edmund                        1614     January     29                                 
1326      Bartholomew     An     daughter   Bartholomew     Andrew                    1614 January     31                                 
1327      Bampton   An     daughter   Bampton   Andrew                         1614     February   4                                   
1328      Jervoyse   Richard      son   Jervoyse   Sir Thomas                       1614 February   19               Knight, senior
1329      Wallop       John son   Wallop       Robert                           1614 February     21                                  junior
1330      Travis        Katheryn   daughter   Travis        John                    1614     March        2                                   
1331      Bird            daughter   Bird   Roger                            1614 March        5                                 
1332      Curtis         Margerye   daughter   Curtis         Richard                    1615 April  8                                   
1333      Marshall    Eliza. daughter   Marshall    Mr. Hugh                       1615     April  27                                 
1334      Bath Mary daughter   Bath Tristram                       1615 May  3                              
1335      Burrard      William       son   Burrard      George                          1615 May     29                                 
1336      Sweetaple Eliz.  daughter   Sweetaple Michael                         1615 May     29                                 
1337      Alford         Beniamyn  son   Alford         Beniamyn                     1615 May     21                                 
1338      Somerset                     Somerset  Edward                         1615 May  21                                 
1339      Mounteyn  Jane daughter   Mounteyn  Robert                           1615 May     21                                 
1340      Honywell   Jone daughter   Honywell   John                    1615 June 1                                 
1341      Bunny        Beniamyn  son   Bunny        Tom                     1615 June 10                                 
1342      Whatlye     Rebecca    daughter   Whatlye     Thomas                    1615 June 23                                 
1343      Rutley        Mary daughter   Rutley        John                    1615 June 25                                 
1344      Perrye        William       son   Perrye        William                          1615     July  20                                 
1345      Freemantle         Eliz.  daughter   Freemantle         Richard                    1615 July  23                                 
1346      House        Nicholas    son   House        Nicholas                       1615     July  23                                 
1347      Honiwell    Joane        daughter   Honiwell    John                    1615     June 1                                   
1348      Bath William       son   Bath Thomas                        1615 September 8                                 
1349      Bath Francis      daughter   Bath Thomas                         1615     September 8                                   
1350      Figgas       Elynor        daughter   Figgas       Thomas                    1615 August       8                                   
1351      Spradborough    Eliz.  daughter   Spradborough    Richard                    1615 August       8                                   
1352      Wayt Dorothy     daughter   Wayt Silvester                       1615 August     8                                   
1353      Blake         Dorothy     daughter   Blake         John                    1615     August       8                                   
1354      Blake         William       son   Blake         Mr. William                        1615 August       9                                   
1355      Purdue       Dorothy     daughter   Purdue       John                    1615     August       21                                 
1356      Dyer  John son   Dyer  John                    1615 August       27                            
1357      Julians      Elizab.        daughter   Julians      Christopher                       1615 September 16                                 
1358      Godscrosse        William       son   Godcrosse Henry                       1615 September 17                                 
1359      Waterman Dorothy     daughter   Waterman Richard                    1615 September 24                                 
1360      Nicols        Elizab.        daughter   Nicols        Thomas                    1615 September 13                                 
1361      Frauncis    Mary daughter   Frauncis    Oswall                           1615     October     8                                   
1362      Cooper       Elnor daughter   Cooper       William                          1615     October     3                                   
1363      Deane        An     daughter   Deane        William                          1615     October     11                                 
1364      Curtis         Elizab.        daughter   Curtis         James                      1615 October     15                                 
1365      Purveyor             son   Purveyor   John                    1615 September 25                                 
1366      Deane        Anne daughter   Deane        William                          1615     September 30                                 
1367      Francis      Joane        daughter   Francis      Oswald                     1615 October     6                                   
1368      Tomkins    Charles      son   Tomkins    John                    1615     November 10                                 
1369      Channell    Theophila  daughter   Channell    Robert                      1615 November                                       
1370      Tanner       William       son   Tanner       Robert                           1615                                           
1371      Bath Tristram    son   Bath Richard                         1615                                           
1372      Bath Susan        daughter   Bath Richard                         1615                                           
1373      Edmonds   John son   Edmonds   John                    1615 December 24                                 
1374      Piercy        John son   Piercy        John                    1615 December 31                                 
1375      Piercy        Robert       son   Piercy        John                    1615     December 31                                 
1376      Cornelius   Joyse         daughter   Cornelius   Robert                      1615 January     2                                   
1377      Stanniford Dorothy     daughter   Stanniford Mr. Thomas                       1615 January     27                                 
1378      Smith                   son   Smith         Robert                           1615 January     18                                 
1379      Lacy Elizab.        daughter   Lacy Henry                            1615 January     24                                 
1380      Vursala      Margerye   daughter   Vursala      Joseph                     1615 January     28                                 
1381      Baker         Jane daughter   Baker         Thomas                        1615     February   1                                   
1382      Elton Elizab.        daughter   Elton Mr. John                       1615 February     10                                 
1383      Rowbottom         Sara daughter   Rowbottom         John               1615 February   25                                 
1384      Rowbottom         Martha       daughter   Rowbott    John               1615 March        17                                 
1385      Whately     Cecilia       daughter   Whately     Thomas                    1616 April  1                                   
1386      Tanner       John son   Tanner       William                          1616 April  7                                 
1387      Beckly       Beniamin   son   Beckly       Nicholas                       1616     April  10                                 
1388      Hinxman    Anne daughter   Hinxman    Mr. William                        1616 April  14                                 
1389      Bold  Sara daughter   Bold  Michael                         1616 April  22                             Michael junior
1390      Veagar       Anne daughter   Veagar       George                          1616     April  28                                 
1391      Beere         John son   Beere         Sylvester                      1616 May  5                                 
1392      Ilderwell    Robert       son   Ilderwell    Robert                           1616 May     5                                   
1393      Seward      Jane daughter   Seward      Mathew                        1616 May     12                                 
1394      Toms         John son   Toms         John                    1616 May  14                             father is John junior
1395      Biles Richard      son   Biles Josias                           1616 May  20                            
1396      Marshall    Thomas     son   Marshall    Hugh                    1616 May  28                                 
1397      Mansecker         William       son   Mansecker         Thomas                    1616 June 19                                 
1398      Fuller         Thomas     son   Fuller         Robert                           1616     July  9                                   
1399      Bray  Thomas     son   Bray  George                          1616 July  17                            
1400      Penton       Dorothy     daughter   Penton       William                     1616 July  24                                 
1401      Beare         John son   Bear Silvester                       1616 May  5                              
1402      Payne        Mary daughter   Payne        Robert                           1616     August       5                                   
1403      Smith         Beniamin   son   Smith         Robert                           1616     August       25                                 
1404      Browne      Alse  daughter   Browne      Robert                           1616     August       25                                 
1405      Hayward    Martaine    son   Hayward    Christopher                       1616 August       25                                 
1406      Walter        Silvester    son   Waltere      Christopher                       1616 September 29                                
1407      Twichin     Elizab.        daughter   Twichin     Mr. Andr.                  1616 September 29                                
1408      Proctar      John son   Proctar      Martin                           1616 October     4                                   
1409      Hunton      Jonathan  son   Hunton      Philip                             1616     September 8                                   
1410      Holcrafte   Thomas     son   Holcrafte   Mr. William                        1616 September          9                                   
1411      Deane        John son   Deane        John                    1616 September 27                                 
1412      Whareley   Thomas     son   Whareley   John                    1616     September 28                                 
1413      Godwin                daughter   Godwin      Robert                           1616     November 9                                   
1414      James       John son   James       John                    1616 November 10                                 
1415      Sweetaple William       son   Sweetaple Paule                            1616     November 8                                   
1416      Hinxman    William       son   Hinxman    Joseph                         1616     November 4                                   
1417      Sweetaple Dorothie    daughter   Sweetaple Robert                      1616 November 17                                 
1418      Kilbery       Alse  daughter   Kilbery       John                    1616     November 23                                 
1419      Simonds    Dorothie    daughter   Simonds    Ellis                     1616     November 30                                 
1420      Thurman   John son   Thurman   Edward                         1616     November 24                                 
1421      Butte          Mary daughter   Butte          Thomas                        1616     December 8                                   
1422      Green         Barbara     daughter   Green         Phinees                    1616 December 28                                 
1423      Waterman Robert       son   Waterman Richard                         1616     January     4                                   
1424      Foster        Joane        daughter   Foster        John                    1616     January     6                                   
1425      Cletsham   Clement     son   Cletsham   Richard                         1616     January     14                                 
1426      Elcocke     John son   Elcocke     George                          1616 January     19                                 
1427      Francis                         Francis      John                    1616 January     26                                  of Charlton
1428      Knight        James       son   Knight        Stephen                        1616     January     29                                 
1429      Monday     Nathanael son   Monday     John                    1616 February     2                                   
1430      Knight        William       son   Knight        William                          1616     March        15                                 
1431      Bunny        John son   Bunny        Thomas                        1616 March     16                                 
1432      Barwicke   Sara daughter   Barwicke   William                          1616     March        16               junior
1433      Hayward    Thomas     son   Hayward    Thomas                        1617     April  28                                 
1434      Sprotte      Henry         son   Sprotte      Henry                            1617     April  22                                 
1435      Bradborne Beniamin   son   Bradborne Richard                         1617     April  21                                 
1436      Blake         Sara daughter   Blake         Mr. William                        1617 May  11                                 
1437      Berwicke   John son   Berwicke   Christopher                           1617 May     8                                   
1438      Church       Thomas     son   Church       Thomas                        1617 May     13                                 
1439      Napper      George      son   Napper      George                          1617     June 16                                 
1440      Eeles                   daughter   Eeles         John                    1617 July  2                                 
1441      Byrd  Mary daughter   Byrd  Roger                            1617 July  24                            
1442      Marshall    Dorothy     daughter   Marshall    Mr. Hugh                  1617 June 27                                 
1443      Sweetaple Mary daughter   Sweetaple Michael                         1617     September 28                                 
1444      Alford         Avis  daughter   Alford         Beniamin                      1617     August       2                                   
1445      Tanner       William       son   Tanner       William                          1617     August       5                                   
1446      Walker       Elizab         daughter   Walker       Robert                      1617 August       8                                   
1447      Hinxman    William       son   Hinxman    Mr. William                        1617 August       20                                 
1448      Durnford    Richard      son   Durnford    William                          1617     August       1                                   
1449      Bath                     Bath Peter                   1617 October     4                              
1450      Bampton   Mary daughter   Bampton   Andrew                         1617     October                                          
1451      Pierce        William       son   Pierce        John                    1617 October                                          
1452      Dyer  Margarite  daughter   Dyer  John                    1617 October                                      
1453      Annats                son   Annats       William                          1617 October     15                                 
1454      Harfield     William       son   Harfield     John                    1617 October     20                                 
1455      Jewell        Thomas     son   Jewell        William                          1617     October     27                                 
1456      Ward Joane        daughter   Ward Robert                           1617 October     29                                 
1457      Moringe     Mary daughter   Moringe     Walt.                    1617     November 9                                   
1458      Francis      John son   Francis      Oswald                         1617     November 23                                 
1459      Hinxman    John son   Hinxman    Thomas                        1617     November 29                                 
1460      Bath James       son   Bath Tristram                       1617 December 7                                 
1461      Child Margar.      daughter   Child William                          1617     December 11                                 
1462      Bath Richard      son   Bath Thomas                        1617 December 14                                 
1463      Wheatly     William       son   Wheatly     Thomas                        1617     December 16                                 
1464      Purveyor   Dorothy     daughter   Purveyor   John                    1617     December 18                                 
1465      House        Elizab.        daughter   House        Richard                    1617 December 20                                 
1466      Blanchard Anne daughter   Blanchard Roger                            1617     December 26                                 
1467      Baker         Robert       son   Baker         Robert                           1617     February   1                                   
1468      Lewis         Rebecca    daughter   Lewis         John                    1617     February   6                                   
1469      Dawby       John son   Dawby       John                    1617 February   12                                 
1470      Litle  Elizab.        daughter   Litle  Henry                            1617 February     14                                 
1471      Trulove      Dorothy     daughter   Trulove      Henry                       1617 February   15                                 
1472      Knight        Jane daughter   Knight        William                          1617     February   16                                 
1473      Tomkins    Anne daughter   Tomkins    Giles                    1617 February     16                                 
1474      Dowse       William       son   Dowse       John                    1617 February     17                                 
1475      Rowbottom         John son   Rowbottom         John                    1617     February   22                                 
1476      Golde         Tobie         son   Golde         William                          1617     February   22                                 
1477      Smith         Richard      son   Smith         John                    1617 March     8                                   
1478      Scullard     William       son   Scullard     William                          1617     March        8                                   
1479      Godwin      Anne daughter   Godwin      Thomas                        1617     March        15                                 
1480      Dowse       Dorothie    daughter   Dowse       Thomas                    1617 March        19                                 
1481      Rawleigh   Margarite  daughter   Rawleigh   William                     1617 March        20                                 
1482      Ellington    Mary daughter   Ellington    Philip                             1617     March        22                                 
1483      Bezar         Sara daughter   Bezar         Toby                    1618 March     29                                 
1484      Rutley        Elizab         daughter   Rutley        John                    1618     April  18                                 
1485      Deane                  son   Deane        James                           1618 April  26                                 
1486      Farre Elizabeth   daughter   Farre John                    1618 April  30                            
1487      Tanner       Dorothy     daughter   Tanner       Thomas                    1618 May  2                                   
1488      Wayte        Silvester    son   Wayte        Silvester                       1618 May     5                                   
1489      Horne         Dorothy     daughter   Horne         James                      1618 May  13                                 
1490      Butte          Philip         son   Butte          Jerom                           1618     April  10                                 
1491      Sweettaple         Frances     daughter   Sweettapell        William     1618 June 6       of Charleton
1492      Scullard     Edward      son   Scullard     William                          1618     June 6                                   
1493      Sweetaple Edward      son   Sweetaple William                          1618     June 6                                   
1494      Scullard     Franc         daughter   Scullard     William                     1618 June 6                                   
1495      Segrove              daughter   Segrove     Rowland                       1618     June 14                                 
1496      Molsworth Anne daughter   Molsworth Mr. William                        1618 June 14                                 
1497      Pressey     Thomas     son   Pressey     William                          1618     July  17                                 
1498      Girdler       Rebecca    daughter   Girdler       Daniell                      1618 September 20                                 
1499      Godden      Robert       son   Godden      Robert                           1618     September 24                                                                       

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp by the 15th of March for the 1st of April issue.

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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