Sunday, April 14, 2019

Renovation Time

We are back into renovating, changing doors, painting a large portion of the house and then gardening so my genealogy is going to suffer once again. I am behind in reading emails (back up to 700 again) and replying so apologies to everyone who has written to me. I suspect it will be early June before I really get back to genealogy in a big way. I will continue to publish my three newsletters. Next one up is Haplogroup H11 due the 1st of May.

A very interesting match on 23 and Me that I am trying to figure out but will have to set that one aside as well. The individual matches me 1.65%, my brother 0.89% and another brother 0.36%. I thought it might be our Welch family as I tend to be a strong match to them except when I am not! but also I am a strong match to the Rawlings family but the match doesn't appear to work well into either family so a mystery for sure.

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