Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I had thought I was really tired of winter but these huge snow flakes are quite interesting. Generally our snowfalls are not such big flakes. Since we have to have snow it appears at least it is interesting. However, the ground is once again all covered and no ideas on how much we will eventually get. Hibernation will be a longer time this year for sure. At least the temperature is relatively mild just a little below 0 degrees celsius. Better than the freezing rain that we were promised but the threat still hangs over us so is a wait and see day. The flakes though are quite huge for us more like the London snow of my childhood.

Working on an interesting match that caught my interest. I worked the lines back to the great grandparents thus far and there actually are several possibilities. Will set that aside for other pressing items for the moment and then return to see if I can get it back to 3x great grandparents to see if I can find the link between our families (just two of my sisters match this individual) and not me or my two brothers who have tested. The grandparent phasing that I have done points to a couple of possibilities just as the location of the individuals does.

What a fascinating way to spend one's retirement. Looking forward from the 90s I thought I would spend my retirement as my mother and grandmother did - knitting and sewing. I was all geared up to do that by the end of the 90s having purchased a super sewing machine and a complete set (plus extras) of knitting needles. Initially in the early 2000s I did do some knitting and sewing working away on various items but then the lure of genealogy pulled me in (at least my cousin was the initiator) but definitely when DNA arrived on the scene I was hooked and remain so these 14 years later.

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