Friday, June 14, 2019

And the downsizing continues

I always wanted to be more involved with the Society of one place studies and do have Bishops Nympton and Upper Clatford listed as my one place studies. However, it is a distraction from my transcription and so I decided that I would also terminate that membership and that will be next April. When the opportunity and time presents itself I can take up the mantle once again if my two favourite villages are available. I have visited both of them when we were in England and I have stories about Upper Clatford that my grandfather told me which makes that one even closer to me.

I am surprised at how freeing separating myself from these responsibilities has become. Another task that I have had for a long time online parish clerks for several parishes including Bishops Nympton and Winterbourne Clenstone. I have a few others but mostly I have stepped away from those others over the past 9 years that my husband has been ill. I shall consider letting these other two go although I have so many records for Bishops Nympton that it does seem a pity to step away from it. I shall consider that one very carefully. Everything that I have for Winterbourne Clenstone is online.

I have nearly 1000 emails in my inbox once again although everyone has been answered. I shall work away at getting back to less than 50 once again. A lot of them can just be reviewed/filed/discarded but I need to work through that process. I do not like to discard/file immediately and that gets me into trouble in terms of a full mailbox.

I already downsized my commitment at FT DNA with regard to administration of DNA studies. I am down to the bare bones there - Blake, Pincombe, H11, Hampshire, T_FGS, and T2. I do almost nothing with the T haplogroup studies these days. There are plenty of hands-on people there. That leaves me with just the four studies and probably a dozen emails a day with them although some days heavier than that. 

I have also after 16 years terminated my continuous membership with Genes Reunited as of May 2020. I really never look at that site these days. It is an excellent site as I have met descendants of all of the siblings of my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe on that site. All live in England with just Elizabeth coming to Canada as an emigrant in 1850/51. 

I seldom have time to look at the Society of Genealogists' Website and that is something that I want to start doing. I would like to give them my Blake and Pincombe files eventually if they desire them that is.

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