Monday, June 10, 2019


I am into this doldrum; there is so much work to do in the garden and cleaning the house so that my time at the computer is broken up quite a bit. I need to decide what I should be accomplishing in between publishing my newsletters. The Newsletters were a good idea as they let me publish some of my research making it more available.

I have a lot of material to transcribe but these long days are not conducive to hanging over the computer for long periods. Short wills I could work at and maybe that is the direction I should move in. I need to do a list of names mentioned in wills for the Probate Database at the Guild so may look to do that first of all. Then I can get back to transcribing Blake wills. Once I finish all the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills then I will publish them to PDF format and put them up on my website with downloadable links. I will then move to the county record office wills that I have also collected through the years.

Shall revisit this blog today and think about other items that I could accomplish with short periods of time available.Well that didn't happen but today, the day after, is another day. Just back from picking up more flowers to plant (my husband loves flowers). I like them but as I always say this is something that I would not have thought of first! The blooms are lovely though as summer moves along. Today is cool and it rained. Actually we needed the rain but do miss the hot sun. Maybe tomorrow!

No new thoughts on where to direct my research hours. I think that I will carry on with producing the excel file for the probate index for the Guild and get back to transcribing those PCC wills. I am over 60% of the way through the Blake wills and would like to complete that task. Most of the early wills are done from the 1400s and 1500s as curiosity drove me to do them first. Surprisingly some of the wills from the 1800s can be more difficult to read as people started to write their own and their handwriting is less predictable.

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