Friday, June 21, 2019

Will of Andrew Blake, Marriner, Deptford, Kent - National Archives PROB 11/582/231 - probated 1 Dec 1721

Andrew Blake the testator was living in Deptford Kent at the time of the writing of his will. There was an Andrewe Blake baptized 23 Jun 1683 at Minehead, Somerset son of Robert and Ann Blake (Find My Past and search looked at 1690 +/- 20 years in England with the name Andrew (plus variants) and father Robert (plus variants). An interesting location and I do have a rather extensive tree produced by another Blake researcher detailing the Blake family in Somerset. However the four Andrew Blakes listed in that tree do not have father Robert and mother Ann. There are no marriages in that particular chart between a Robert Blake and an Ann.

Andrew does not list the ship that he was going to travel in which could have been helpful.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Jun 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/582/231
Testator: Andrew Blake, Marriner
Place: Deptford, Kent
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Jul 1721, probated 1 Dec 1721

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Andrew Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    the Twenty Seventh day of July Anno Domini 1721 I Andrew Blake of …
3    Deptford in the County of Kent Marriner being in health of Body and of Sound
4    and perfect memory And not knowing how it may please God to deal with
5    me before my Return from Sea But considering the uncertainty of this ….
6    present Transistory life do make and declare these presents to contain my last
7    Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to Say) First and
8    principally I commend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God hopeing to be
9    Saved through the merit death passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ my
10    only Saviour And my Body to the earth or sea as it Shall please God to
11    order it and after the payment of all my just debts and Funeral charges all and Singular Such Wages Summe and
12    Summes of money Lands Tenements Goods Chattells and Estate whatsoever
13    wherewith at the time of my decease I shall be possess or invested or which
14    shall then belong or of Right appertaine unto me I do give devise and
15    bequeath unto my honoured Father Robert Blake of North Brittaine
16    Mariner and his heirs and Assignes forever And I doe hereby make my
17    Loving friend Michael Walker of Stepney mariner Sole Executor of
18    This my last Will And do revoke all former Wills and deeds of Gift by me at
19    Anytime theretofore made and do ordaine these presents to Stand and be for
20    And as my last Will and Testament for ever Witness my hand and Seal
21    The day and year first above written Andrew Blake his Marke Signed
22    Sealed published and delivered in the presence of us Rich[ar]d Norman Martha
23    Wilcocke Sa Wilcocke Attor and Not[ary] Publ[ic]
24    Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London
25    Coram venerabili viro Berney Branthwayt Legum doctore Surrogato
26    venerabilis et egregij viri Johannis Bettesworth Legum etiam doctoris
27    curia prerogativae Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarij
28    legitime Constituti primo die mensis decembris Anno domini Millesimo
29    Septingentesimo viresimo primo Juramento Michaelis Walker Executoris unici
30    in dicto Testamento nominati cui commissa fuit Administratio omnium
31    et Singulorum bonorium Jurium et Creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et
32    fideliter Administrando eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia Jurat Examr

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