Friday, July 12, 2019

1085 Emails

I have 1085 emails in my Inbox and I have responded to all the new queries. If you are waiting a longer response from me it may take me a while to get through everything. This is just 1.5 months worth of emails. Quite shocking really but I do not eliminate or file emails until I have had a chance to deal with them at length or as needed.

Gardening, as always, has first dibs on my time in the summer. Not because I am an avid gardener. Really I am far from it but my husband is and he needs my help these days to keep up with the property although he still does a lot himself. Then I need to clean the house regularly because he has asthma. Consequently emails tend to take a back bench a lot of the time especially in the summer.

I have though managed to eliminate a number of emails coming in now with my downsizing of memberships. That will continue over the next year although I have a few memberships that I want to continue - certainly Ancestry, Find My Past and My Heritage are at the top of the list and also FT DNA, 23 and Me and Living DNA. Although I am spending less time on DNA it still forms an important nucleus of my research although these days FT DNA, 23 and Me and My Heritage are dominating my DNA research time. Living DNA is a future resource in my mind but I am highly supportive of them. They need a much larger database before they can do a lot of matching. Myself and my siblings are there and we all match as siblings (as we do everywhere else) but finding matches even with my 100% English Heritage back a number of generations I do not have any other matches yet. But then I know that none of my 2nd or 3rd cousins have tested there. There may be some 4th cousins but I do not know of any thus far. All the Gedmatch entries for Living DNA tend to be 4th or 5th cousins or likely greater.

This is a cleaning day so back to cleaning and taking breaks transcribing the next Kent will. For me, at the moment, will transcription is my high priority. The reading is going not too badly and I am trying to do some research to go with the wills.

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