Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Ancestry - change in display

The amount of work that I need to do to bring this new display of DNA matches at Ancestry into my present Excel setup is quite large. I think with this change only a chromosome browser could make any sense of this combination of trees (with and without errors) and DNA. Perhaps a full browser isn't needed but rather a list of the chromosomes on which we match and the start and end locations. There are tools where we can then take these results and make some sense of this change. But as it presently stands the amount of time to reshape these results into meaningful relationships not bound by trees that are incorrect is quite large. With so many kits and my desire to get back to transcription I can not see this happening very quickly.

I have written to a few people who have attached to one of my 5x great grandparents as a sibling (by the records he appears to be an only child) and no replies. Another has picked the sister of my 3x great grandfather who is known to have married someone else and never remarried. These are just looking at the surname Blake and there are actually more than these items mentioned. There are a number of correct lines that is for sure but I had located most of those before the introduction of ThruLines. I didn't mind ThruLines as it showed me the errors but now they appear to be set in stone unless I am prepared to do an awful lot of work on each individual item that I find incorrect.

It would be easier just to have a list of chromosomes, shared centimorgans, start and finish of those shared centimorgans. I can run with that quite well. I can then look at my phased grandparent's data and perhaps assist the people who are matching our DNA who have connected to one of my lines connect to the correct one (then they can fix their tree) although even this will not be a quick fix. For every new result one needs to check and re-check results although with five siblings tested this has proven to be a doable task.

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