Thursday, July 11, 2019

Will of Caleb Blake, Gentleman, Faversham, Kent - National Archives PROB 11/1850/164, probated 17 Aug 1835

The testator, Caleb Blake of Preston Street, was buried 6th August 1835 at Faversham, St Mary of Charity, Kent, and his age was entered as 64 years. The Bank of England Wills Extracts provides some detail on the disbursement of monies but no mention of Charles Cheesman.

There was a marriage for a Caleb Blake and Susanna Collier 29 Nov 1767 at Faversham. The marriage was by Licence: Caleb Blake of the Parish of St Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex a Batchelor and Susanna Collier of the Parish of Faversham a Spinster were Married in this Church by Licence (No 274) Twenty ninth day of November in the Year One thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty seven by me Richard Marsh Vicar. This Marriage was solemnized between us Caleb Blake, Susanna Collier (both signed) In the presence of Edward Smith and Robt Collier.

A quick check for trees about this family revealed that no one has published any information on this family.

A baptism was located for a Caleb Blake 10 Nov 1771 at St George Bloomsbury, Camden, Middlesex with parents Caleb Blake and Susannah Blake. There had been an earlier baptism 21 Aug 1768 for a Caleb Blake to this same couple at the same Church.

Other children baptized by Caleb Blake and Susannah Blake.

Sarah Mary Blake was baptized 1 Oct 1769 at St George Bloomsbury. She married Isaac Topping Packman 21 Feb 1790 at Faversham, Kent, England. Henry John Rush married Mary Ann Packman at Selling Kent 26 Jul 1814. Witnesses were Isaac Topping Packman, Charles Packman and Emily Packman. Mary Ann was baptized 29 Dec 1790 daughter of Isaac and Sarah Packman.

Eleanor Blake was baptized 22 May 1774 at St George Bloomsbury. She was buried 13 Dec 1776 at Faversham, Kent.

I was not able to locate any information on Charles Cheesman.

The will of Susannah Blake, mother of the testator, will be transcribed later as it is also located in Kent. She was a widow in 1828 when her will was probated.

There was a baptism for a Caleb Blake 25 Sep 1735 St George Bloomsbury son of Henry and Eleanor Blake. Interestingly enough there was a marriage for Henry Blake and Eleanor Dobson 17th Nov 1734 at Hackney, St Leonard, Shoreditch. A Henry Blake was baptized 23 Feb 1698 at St Giles, Cripplegate son of Richard and Elizabeth Blake (one notes that Caleb Blake on the marriage register for his marriage to Susanna Collier was of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex). But there were a lot of Blake families in London in this time period.

An intense look at apprenticeships might reveal more about this family's deep roots. The London Blake families are always very very interesting. Likely this line has daughtered out as no Blake sons named for Caleb.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1850/164
Testator: Caleb Blake, Gentleman
Place: Faversham, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 21 Jul 1828, probated 17 Aug 1835

[Margin]: Caleb Blake 40

1    This is the last Will and Testament of
2    me Caleb Blake of the Town of Faversham in the County of Kent Gentleman
3    made the twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
4    and twenty eight First, I hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore
5    made and of this my last Will and Testament do constitute and appoint the
6    Reverend Henry John Rush Rector of Crowhurst in the County of Sussex Gent and
7    my friend John Payn of the Town of Faversham aforesaid Gent Merchant
8    Executors and I give and bequeath unto the said John Payn the sum of fifty
9    pounds of lawful money of Great Britain as an acknowledgement to him for his
10    trouble Also I desire that my body be interred in the new burial ground belonging
11    to the parish of Faversham that my Executors only follow me to the ground and
12    that a head foot and body stone be placed over my Grave Also I give and devise
13    all that my messuage or tenement and farm commonly called or known by the
14    Name of West Boug Farm and the several pieces or parcels of Land arable
15    Meadow pasture and Marsh thereto belonging with their and every of their
16    Rights Members and Appurtenances situate lying and being in the several
17    parcels of Boug and Murton or one of them in the said County of Kent and
18    and now in the tenure or occupation of William Ely his assigns or undertenants and
19    Also all that my messuage or tenement and farm commonly called or known
20    by the name of Fair Field and the Land and premises thereunto belonging
21    with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances situate lying
22    and being in the parish of Preston next Faversham in the said County of
23    Kent and now in the several tenures or occupations of John Chambers
24    and George Brooke Chambers their assigns or undertenants and also all that
25    my messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell with the buildings stable
26    garden and appurtenances hereunto belonging situate lying and being in the
27    Town of Faversham aforesaid on the west side of a certain Street there called
28    preston Street and also all other my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever
29    unto and to the use of my niece Mary Anne the wife of the said Henry John
30    Rush and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and
31    immediately after her decease in case the said Henry John Rush shall survive
32    her too the use of the said Henry John Rush and his assigns for and
33    during the term of his natural life for the support and maintenance of himself
34    and of all his children begotten and to be begotten on the body of my said niece
35    Mary Anne his wife and from and immediately after the decease of the
36    survivor of them the said Henry John Rush and Mary Anne his wife then
37    to the use of all and every the children and child both male and female
38    of the body of her my said Niece Mary Anne the wife of the said Henry
39    John Rush lawfully begotten and to be begotten equally to be divided between
40    them share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
41    and of their several and respective heirs and assigns for ever Also I give and
42    bequeath all and every my household furniture plate china and linen books
43    watches jewels and trinkets unto my said niece Mary Anne the wife of the
44    said Henry John Rush to and for her own use Also I give and bequeath
45    unto the said Henry John Rush and John Payn their executors and advisors
46    the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of Great Britain upon trust
47    that they the said Henry John Rush and John Payn or the survivor of
48    them his executors or administrators do and shall put and place the same
49    out at interest in their or his names or name in the parliamentary stocks or
50    public funds of this Kingdom or on good mortgage securities and do and
51    shall from time to time alter and vary such stocks funds and securities as
52    they or he shall see occasion and do and shall from time to time receive
53    the dividends interest and annual products of the same sum of one thousand
54    pounds as the same shall become due and pay out apply the same for the
55    support maintenance and bringing up of my natural or reputed son Charles
56    Cheesman until he shall attain the age of twenty one years and when
57    and so soon as the said Charles Cheesman shall attain that age then do
58    and shall pay the dividends interest and annual product of so much of
59    the said sum of one thousand pounds as shall remain unapplied by value
60    of the previous hereinafter contained unto him the said Charles Cheesman by
61    equal monthly Instalments during his Life and from and after his
62    decease do and shall stand possessed of such part of the said sum of one
63    thousand pounds as shall so remain unapplied as aforesaid upon the same
64    trusts as are hereinafter declared concerning the residuum of my person[al] estate
65    provided always and I do hereby declare my Will and intention to be That
66    it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees or trustee at any
67    time by breaking into the said sum of one thousand pounds or the stocks
68    trusts and securities in or upon which the same shall be invested to pay and
69    apply any part thereof not exceeding the sum of One hundred pounds in
70    putting and placing out the said Charles Cheesman apprentice to any trade
71    business or employment notwithstanding he may not have attained the age
72    of twenty one years And further that when he shall have attained the age
73    of twenty one years that they my said trustees or trustee do and shall pay
74    unto him the said Charles Cheesman such further part of the said sum of
75    one thousand pounds as together with the sum that shall have been so
76    paid and applied in putting him out apprentice as aforesaid shall
77    amount to the sum of five hundred pounds and which I then give and
78    bequeath to him the said Charles Cheesman for his own use and benefit
79    Also I give and bequeath unto the Mayor Jurats and Commonalty of
80    the said Town of Faversham for the time being the capital sum of
81    six hundred pounds part of my interest or share in the joint stock of three
82    pounds per Centrum reduced bank annuities to be transferred to them
83    immediately after my decease upon trust that they the said Mayor Jurats
84    and Commonalty and their successors do and shall receive the dividends thereof
85    as they become due and pay divide and distribute one equal moiety of such
86    dividends at such times and in such manner as to them shall seem best unto
87    and equally between such of the six poor widows belonging to Mendfields
88    Almshouses in Preston Street in the said Town who shall constantly reside
89    therein and do and shall pay the remaining out equal moiety of such dividends
90    Unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the said parish of
91    Faversham for the time being to be by them distributed among the poor of the
92    said Parish of Faversham for ever in Bread And as to all the rest and
93    Residue of my Goods Chattels ready money money in the public stocks or
94    funds or due to me on Specialities simple Contract or otherwise and all my other my
95    personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever which I do not by this
96    my Will or shall not by any testamentary dispose of specifically I give
97    and bequeath the same unto the said Henry John Rush and John Payn their
98    Executors and Administrators upon trust that they my said Executors and the
99    survivor of them his executors and administrators do and shall as soon as
100    conveniently may be after my decease sell dispose of and convert into money
101    such part of the said residuum of my said personal estate and effects as shall
102    not consist of money or securities for money and do and shall get in and
103    receive such other part thereof as shall consist of specialties debts or simple
104    Contract or that shall be otherwise due and owing to me and do and shall
105    thereby therewith and thereout pay all my just debts legacies my funeral charges
106    the costs of proving this my will and other incidental Expenses and do and
107    shall thereupon put and place the residue of the money to arise from such
108    sale and to be get in or otherwise received as aforesaid together with my
109    said ready money out at Interest in their or his names or name in the
110    parliamentary stocks or public funds of this Kingdom or on good mortgage
111    securities and do and shall from time to time alter and vary such stocks
112    funds and securities as they shall deemn expedient and do and shall from
113    time to time receive and take the dividends interest and annual proceeds of
114    all and every the said trust monies stocks funds and securities as the same
115    shall become due and pay the same into the proper hands of my said
116    niece Mary Anne the wife of the said Henry John Rush during her
117    natural Life for her own sole and separate use and benefit exclusive of
118    her present or any other taken husband and not to be subject to his debts
119    control or intermeddling for which purpose I do declare that her receipt alone
120    notwithstanding her coverture shall at all times be a sufficient discharge to my
121    said Executors for the same and from and immediately after the decease of
122    her my said niece in case the said Henry John Rush shall be then living
123    Do and shall pay the said dividends interest and annual produce of the
124    said trust monies stocks funds and securities as the same shall become due
125    unto him the said Henry John Rush during his natural life for the
126    support and maintenance of himself and of all his Children begotten and
127    to be begotten on the body of my said niece and subject to the trusts aforesaid
128    upon this further trust that they my said trustees and trustee do and shall
129    stand and be possessed of all and every the Residuum of my said personal
130    Estate and Effects and of the stocks funds and securities in or upon which
131    the same is or shall be invested To and for the only use and benefit of
132    all and every the Children and Child of her my said niece Mary Ane the
133    wife of the said Henry John Rush lawfully begotten and to be begotten
134    both male and female equally to be divided between them if more than
135    one share and share alike and if but one then wholly to that one and
136    to be paid assigned and transferred to them him or her respectively (from and
137    after the several deceases of the said Henry John Rush and Mary Anne
138    his wife) when and as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one
139    years with benefit of accrual or survivorship in case of the death of any
140    or either of them under that age and or their respectively attaining such
141    age to become a vested and transferrable interest and the interest of their
142    respective shares to be in the meantime applied for their respective benefits and
143    in case all and every such Children and Child shall die under the said age of
144    twenty one years and without leaving any lawful Issue of either of their
145    bodies (and which Issue it is my Will and intention shall be entitled to
146    the share and shares which his her of their Father or Father’s Mother or Mothers
147    would if living be entitled to) then from and immediately after the several
148    deceases of them the said Henry John Rush and Mary Anne his wife I
149    trust that they my said trustees and trustee do and shall stand possessed of
150    and interested in all and every the Residuum of my said personal estate and
151    effects and of the stocks funds and securities in or upon which the same
152    shall be then invested To and for the only use and benefit of such person
153    and persons who shall then be the legal personal representatives of her
154    my said niece Mary Anne the wife of the said Henry John Rush of her
155    own proper blood and kindred And lastly I do hereby declare my will to be
156    that they my said Executors and Trustees and their respective executors and
157    administrators shall not be answerable for any more of the said trust
158    monies and premises or of the dividends interest or produce thereof respectively
159    than shall come to their respective hands by virtue of this my will nor for
160    involuntary losses nor the one of them for the other of them and that it
161    shall be lawful for them and each of them out of the aforesaid trust
162    monies and premises to deduct and reimburse themselves all such losses costs
163    charges and expences and a suitable and proper allowance for their journies
164    trouble absolute from home and loss of time as they or either of them shall
165    sustain expences or be put into or under by reason of the trusts hereby in
166    them reposed or in any other manner in the execution of this my Will In
167    witness thereof I the said Caleb Blake the testator have to the first four sheets of
168    this my last Will and Testament set my hand and to this fifth and last
169    sheet thereof have set my hand and affixed my seal the day the year
170    first above written Caleb Blake Signed Sealed
171    published and declared by the said Caleb Blake the testator as and for his
172    last Will and Testament (the words and to be begotten) between the first
173    and second lines of the second sheet being first interlined in the presence of us
174    who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have
175    hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Willm Jefferys Junr Att
176    at Law Faversham Wm C Morgan Solicitor Faversham
177    Edwin Hills Clerk to Messrs Jefferys and Morgan
178    Caleb Blake The within writing contained
179    in five sheets of paper was again signed sealed published and declared by
181    the within named testator Caleb Blake as and for his last Will and
182    Testament this tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand
183    eight hundred and thirty in the presence of us who at his request in his
184    presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
185    as witnesses Fredk F Girand Surgeon Faversham
186    Willm Jefferys Junr Atty at Law Faversham Wm C Morgan
187    Solicitor Faversham
188    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament
189    within written of me the within named Caleb Blake I do hereby revoke and
190    make void the legacy of one thousand pounds by my said Will given to my Executor
191    in Trust for my natural or reputed son Charles Cheesman and the proviso therein
192    contained concerning the same and in lieu and stead of such legacy I do hereby
193    give and bequeath unto him the said Charles Cheesman the sum of five hundred
194    pounds only of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to him when he
195    attains the age of twenty one years and the Interest of the said sum of five
196    hundred pounds to be in the meantime applied for and toward his support and
197    maintenance and in case he the said Charles Cheesman shall die under the said
198    age of twenty one years then the said legacy or sum of five hundred pounds shall sink
199    into and become part of the residuary of my personal Estate in and by my said Will
200    bequeathed and disposed of Also I do hereby revoke and make void the Legacy of six
201    hundred pounds three pounds per centum reduced bank annuities by my said Will given
202    and bequeathed to the Mayor Jurats and Commonalty of the Town of Faversham and
203    in lieu and stead thereof I do hereby give and bequeath unto the said Mayor Jurats
204    and Commonalty the Capital sum of two hundred pounds three pounds per centum
205    reduced bank annuities only to be transferred to them immediately after my decease
206    upon trust that they the said Mayor Jurats and Commonalty and their successors do and
207    shall waive the dividends thereof as they become due and lay out and expend the same
208    yearly and every year for ever in the Burcham of Goals and distribute the same at such
209    times and in such manner as them shall see best unto and amongst such of the
210    six poor widows belonging to Mendfields Almhouses in Preston Street in the said Town
211    of Faversham who shall constantly reside therein or otherwise do and shall lay out and
212    expend the same dividends for the benefit of the said Widows as to them the said Mayor
213    Jurats and Commonalty shall seem best Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto my
214    Housekeeper  ^original so^ Sarah Filby and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or
215    Yearly sum of twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to her by two
216    Equal half yearly payments and the first of such half yearly payment to begin and
217    Be made on that day six months which shall next happen after my decease and
218    I do hereby subject and charge my personal Estate to and with the payment of the
219    Said annuity and I do hereby in all other respects ratify and confirm my said Will
220    And desire this Codicil to taken as part thereof In witness whereof I have hereunto
221    Set and affixed my hand and seal the sixth day of February in the year of our
222    Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five Caleb Blake
223    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Caleb Blake the testator as and
224    For a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request
225    In his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
226    As witnesses the name of “Sarah Filby” being first interlined
227    Hariot Lucy Jeritchard Wm C Morgan
228    Proved at London with a Codicil the 17th August 1835 before the Judge
229    By the oaths of The Revd Henry John Rush Glost and John Payn the Executors to
230    Whom Admon was granted they having been first sworn to wit the said Revd Henry
231    John Rush before the worshipful John Danbery doctor of Laws and Surrogate and
232    Also the said John Payn by Common duly to administer

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