Sunday, July 14, 2019

Will of Catharine Blake, Spinster, Canterbury, Kent - The National Archives, PROB 11/1301/232, probated 14 Feb 1798

Catharine Blake, the Testatrix, was buried 6 Feb 1798 at St Mildred Canterbury, Kent. She was said to be 85 years of age so born in 1713.

There was a Catherine Blake baptized 4 Nov 1712 at St Mary Breadman, Canterbury, Kent daughter of Thomas and Ann Blake.

Alice Blake was baptized 19 Jun 1709 at St Andrew, Canterbury, Kent daughter of Thomas and Ann Blake.

Elizabeth Blake was baptized 12 Dec 1706 at St Andrew, Canterbury, Kent, daughter of Thomas and Ann Blake.

I did not find any information that was helpful using the nephews names.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1301/232
Testator: Catharine Blake, spinster
Place: Canterbury, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 11 Nov 1796, probated 14 Feb 1798

[Margin]: Catherine Blake

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me Catharine Blake of the City
3    of Canterbury Spinster made this Eleventh day of
4    November in the year of Our Lord one thousand
5    Seven hundred and Ninety Six as follows First I
6    desire to be buried in a decent and private manner
7    in the Burial Ground called Chapel Church Yard in
8    the said City as near the remains of my late
9    Father and Mother as may be and my Worldly
10    Estate I dispose of as follows: I give and bequeath
11    unto my nephew Richard Robert Sanders One
12    hundred pounds stock part of my Capital
13    Stock in the three per Centum Consolidated Annuities
14    in the Bank of England to be transferred unto him
15    within six calendar months next after my decease
16    Also I give and bequeath unto the four sons of my
17    Nephew Thomas Sanders now lately deceased the
18    sums of five pounds apiece of lawful money of
19    Great Britain Also I give and bequeath unto the
20    several persons the ________ Effects and Legacies
21    following (that is to say) unto John Hodges Gentleman
22    One of the Alderman of the said City the picture of
23    the Late Thomas Hanson Esquire as the same is
24    now framed and Glazed and unto my friends Mary
25    D Poirer Wife of John J Poirer of the said City
26    ________ and my silver pint pot and unto my
27    _______ Henry Mayor my watch and unto my nephew
28    William Mayor the Mourning Ring ______
29    for the late Mr Harrison and a Crown piece which
30    is now kept with it And unto Rebecca the Wife
31    of my Nephew William Major my Green damask
32    Gown my brood Lace Handkerchief and my Lace
33    apron and unto my Maid Servant Mary Stagg
34    (if she shall be Living with me at the Time of my
35    decease) over and above what Wage if any be then
36    due to her the Sum of thirty five pounds of Lawful
37    Money of Great Britain my Green Bed with
38    the Bedstead Blankets Quilt and Furniture to
39    the same belonging and all the rest and Residue
40    of my Wearing Apparel of every Kind not by
41    me hereinbefore otherwise disposed of for her
42    faithful Services to me during my Long Illness
43    And also the further Sum of Five pounds of like
44    Lawful Money for Mourning all which said Several
45    Effects and Legacies I Order and direct shall be
46    delivered and paid to the Legatees thereof respectively
47    within Six Months next after my decease and
48    as to all the rest remainder and Residue of my
49    Capital Stock in the said three per Centum
50    Consolidated Bank Annuities Effects and personal
51    Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not by me hereinbefore
52    otherwise disposed of after and Subject to the payment
53    of my just Debts Legacies Funeral Expences the Charges
54    of proving this my Will and all other incident
55    Expences I give and bequeath the same and
56    every part thereof unto my said Nephew William
57    Major his executors and Administrators for his and
58    their Own use and benefit and I appoint him my
59    said Nephew William Major the Sole Executor of this
60    my Last Will and Testament And Lastly I do hereby
61    revoke all former Wills by me at any time made and
62    declare this duly to be and contain my Last Will
63    and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
64    Catharine Blake the testatrix have here unto set
65    my hand and Seal the day and year first before
66    Written Catharine Blake Signed Sealed and
67    Published and declared by the said Catharine Blake
68    the Testatrix as and for her Last Will and Testament
69    in the presence of us who at her Request and in
70    her presence and in the presence of each other
71    have hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witnesses
72    George Goreley Edwd Dering
73    This Will was proved at London the
74    Fourteenth day of February in the year of Our
75    Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety
76    Eight before the Worshipful Charles Coote doctor of
77    Laws and Surrogate of the Right honorable Sir
78    William Wynne Knight doctor of laws Master
79    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
80    Canterbury Lawfully constituted by the Oath of
81    William Major the Nephew of the deceased and Sole Executor
82    named in the said Will to whom administration
83    was granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels
84    and credits of the said deceased having been first
85    Sworn duly to Administer

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