Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Will of Edmund Blake, Woolwich, Kent - The National Archives, PROB 11/2063/31, probated 1 Oct 1847

Edmund Blake, the testator, and his wife Sarah are on the 1841 census at Woolwich. Edmund is listed as 70 years of age and not born in Kent (nor was he said to be born in England, Ireland or Scotland) but his wife Sarah was listed as 60 years and born in Kent.

Obed Blake (born 1806) was baptized in the Fleet Chapel son of Edmund and Rebekah (daughter of William Winn) Blake at London with his birth parish being Plumstead Kent 2 Dec 1812. Witnesses John Butler and Sarah Share.

Obed Blake found on the 1841 census at St Paul Covent Garden Middlesex 30 years of age, with his wife Sarah 25 years of age and Elizabeth Kitchen 20 years of age.

Obed Blake found on the 1851 census at Plumstead, Kent, 44 years of age, his wife Sarah 36 years of age and Hannah Kitchen 3 years of age.

Obed Blake found on the 1861 census at St Paul Covent Garden Westminster 54 years of age, his wife Sarah 48 years of age and Hannah Kitchen 13 years of age.

Obed Blake found on the 1881 census at Woolwich, Kent, retired plate glass maker married to Sarah R and his niece Hannah (Hitchen) Adam (widow) is living with them.

Obed Blake married Sarah Rebecca Kitcher Dec quarter 1838 at Islington, London.

Jonathan Blake (born 1810) was baptized in the Fleet Chapel son of Edmund and Rebekah (as above) Blake at London with his birth parish being Woolwich Kent 2 Dec 1812. Witnesses John Butler and Sarah Share.

Jonathan Blake found on the 1851 census at St Luke Old Street, Middlesex, 44 years of age, his wife Ann 40 years of age and a daughter Rosa Jane Blake, 7 years of age. Jonathan is a glass maker.

Rosa Jane Blake was born June quarter 1843 daughter of Ann (Townshend) Blake.

Jonathan Blake married Ann Townshend Sep quarter 1837 at Clerkenwell RD.

Jonathan Blake found on the 1861 Census Islington Middlesex, 51 years of age, Anne 50 years of age, Rosa J 17 years of age and a niece Louisa Hawkins 10 years of age.

Jonathan Blake found on the 1881 census at St Leonard Shoreditch, widower, 72 years of age. He is listed as father in law living with Rosa Jane Lee 36 years of age (married, head of household, husband not listed), William Blake her son 15 years, Rosa Lee 8 years, Lilian Lee 3 years of age and Rebecca Lee 10 months.

Sarah Blake (born 1802) was baptized in the Fleet Chapel daughter of Edmund and Rebekah (as above) Blake at London with her birth parish being Woolwich Kent 2 Dec 1812.  Witnesses John Butler and Sarah Share.

Sarah appears to have married someone with the surname Downie but a marriage could not be located.

Edmund Blake married Rebecca Winn 13 Feb 1801 at St Alfege, Greenwich. He was a bachelor and she was a spinster.

No marriage for Edmund Blake and Sarah (unknown) was located.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2063/31
Testator: Edmund Blake
Place: Woolwich, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 10 Jan 1840, probated 1 Oct 1847

[Margin]: Edmund Blake 7

1    I Edmund Blake of Woolwich in the County
2    of Kent do hereby make this my last Will and Testament viz I desire
3    that my funeral shall be under the management of my wife that it
4    be conducted without any unnecessary expence and that first all
5    necessary expences in respires to my Will and property be paid or
6    defrayd and then I will and bequeath all in the interest arising from
7    the whole of my Properties to Sarah Blake my lawful wife which she is to
8    have for the remainder of her life at her decease should it be necessary
9    I desire the aforesaid Sarah Blake shall have the funeral conduct-
10    ed upon the same principle as my own as stated above the expences
11    to be defrayd out of my property all my interest and share in a Mill
12    Called the South pro___ths Mill in Mill Lane Woolwich I give and bequeath
13    to my eldest son Obed Blake All the household furniture I give to my
14    son Jonathan Blake at the death of my wife as aforesaid at which
15    period my other property I desire to be disposed of as follows the sum
16    of £20 is to be paid to William Downie £20 to Mat___ Downie my
17    grandchildren whose father is now in the Royal Artillery and in case
18    of either one or the other dying he or she is to be paid the £40 in the
19    event of both dying prior or after the death of my wife then the £40 with
20    my other property after all due expences are defrayd is to be equally
21    divided between my two sons share and part alike my sons being
22    married I desire that in the event of either dying the share belonging to
23    the husbands is to be paid or enjoyed by the wife as the case may be This in
24    conclusion I declare to be my last Will and Testament dated this seven
25    tenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
26    hundred and forty Signed Edmund Blake Witness John Hopkins
27    John Gall
28    In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
29    In the Goods of Edmund Blake deceased
30    Appeared Personally John Hopkins of No 2
31    Parliament Street Westminster in the County of Middlesex Surrveyor and
32    made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the last Will and
33    Testament of the said Edmund Blake formerly of Woolwich in the County
34    of Kent but late of No 3 Elizabeth Place Bethnal Green in the County
35    of Middlesex deceased the said Will bearing date the seventeenth
36    day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty now hereunto
37    annexed And he further made oath that the said deceased duly
38    executed the said Will on the seventeenth day of January aforesaid
39    by signing his name at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this
40    deponent and of John Gall the other subscribed Witness thereto who
41    was also present at the same time and that he the deponent and the
42    said John Gall thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the
43    presence of the said deceased Jno Hopkins On the 29th day of
44    September 1847 the said John Hopkins was duly sworn to the truth
45    of this Affidavit Before me J Parker Deane Varr ______ Geo Fielder Not Publ
46    On the 1st Oct 1847 Admon with the Will annexed of the Goods Chattels
47    and Credits of Edmund Blake formerly of Woolwich in the County of Kent
48    but late of No 3 Elizabeth Place in the parish of Saint Matthew
49    Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex deceased was granted to
50    Sarah Blake Widow the Relict and the Residuary Legatee for life as
51    named in the said Will have been first sworn duly to administer No
52    Executor
53    On the 2nd July 1856
54    Admon annexed the will annexed
55    of the Goods Chattels and Credits
56    of Edmund Blake formerly
57    of Woolwich in the County
58    of Kent and late of No 3
59    Elizabeth Place in the
60    Parish of Saint Matthew
61    Bethnal Green in the
62    County of Middlesex deceased
63    last administered by
64    Sarah Blake Widow the
65    Relict and the Residuary
66    Legatee for life named in
67    the said Will
68    was granted to Jonathan
69    Blake the Son and one
70    of the Residuary Legatees
71    Subscribed in the said will and the said
72    son Having been first sworn
73    duly to administer
74    the executor being named
75    in the said Will

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