Saturday, July 20, 2019

Will of Elizabeth Blake, wife, Strood, Kent - The National Archives, PROB 11/365/290

Isaac Blake, Gent, married Elisabeth Penniston 13 Jun 1678 At St Dunstan in the East, London (Find My Past, England Marriages 1538-1973). They were married by Licence and he was 28 years of age and a bachelor living at Stroud, Kent. She was a widow, 27 years of age, living at Frinsbury, Kent.

Isaack Blake and Elizabeth baptized a son Isaack 23 Apr 1679 at Strood, Kent.

An Administration dated 2 Oct 1684 as an “Ad. To Eliz. B., rel. deceased” was granted to Isaac Blake of Temple, Strood, Kent. There are several lines of text above the probate that I will attempt to decipher but they are in Latin and when the text isn’t pretty much “bookplate” I do find it harder to transcribe.

Boyd’s inhabitants of London has the record for a John Blake of St George Southwark with his father Isaac Blake, gent, of Strood Kent listed. John was born in 1654 and married 6 May 1678 to Hannah Elliston (she was born in 1655). Isaac Blake, mentioned in the will, was only 28 years of age in 1678 so possibly this John is his brother.

An interesting Will for a Susanna Dawes (maiden name Sellman) of St Olave Southwark, widow, at Surrey Archdeaconry Court 1707 mentions Mr John Blake, Mr Isaac Blake, Mrs Hannah Blake and Mrs Mary Blake (they are to receive mourning rings). I did not find a marriage for Isaac and Mary.

William Pennyston married Elizabeth Fortescue 4 Jul 1676 Saint Mary at Hill, London, England.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/365/290
Testator: Elizabeth Blake, Wife
Place: Strood, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 12 Feb 1680, probated 22 Feb 1680/81

[Margin]: Elizabeth Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen:
2    the twelfth day of February in the Three and thirtieth yeare of ye reigne
3    of oure Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God now
4    King of England etc Annoq; domini One thousand six hundred Eighty I
5    Elizabeth Blake wife of Isaac Blake of Strood in the Countie of Kent
6    Gent being sick and weak of bodie but of sound and disposing mynd and
7    memorie doe make and declare this my last Will and Testamt in manner
8    following First, Whereas my late husband William Peniston last of
9    Frendsbury in the Countie aforesaid by his last Will and Testament
10    bearing date the nineteenth day of November which was in nyne and
11    twentieth yeare of the said Majesties Reigne that now is of England etc
12    did therein and thereby make and ordaine mee the said Elizbeth Blake
13    (by the name of Elizabeth his loving wife) full and sole Executrix of the
14    same his last Will and Testament I doe hereby make and ordaine the said
15    Isaac Blake my deare and welbeloved husband to be my full and sole
16    Executor of this my last Will and Testamt and doe give and gequeath
17    unto him the said Isaac All and every my personal estate Goods
18    Rights Interests claimes chattels and demands whatsoever, And doe will
19    and desire him to be Gardian to my daughter Elizabeth Peniston
20    and I doe hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by mee formerly
21    made. In witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Blake hare hereunto
22    set my hand and Seale dated the day and yeare first above written
23    Eliz. Blake Signed sealed published and declared by the said
24    Elizabeth Blake to be her last Will and Testamt in the presence of
25    John Guy Tho Hayes Fra Brooke
26    Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London
27    vicesimo secundo die Mensis Februarij Anno domini (Stylo Anglia)
28    millesimo sexcentesimo Octogesimo coram venerabili viro Henrico
29    Fauconberge legume d[o]c[t]ore Surrogato venerabilis et egregij domini
30    Leolini Jenkins milite legume etiam d[o]c[t]oris Curiae praerogativae Cantuarien
31    Magistrij Custodis sive Commissarij legitime constituti juramento Isaac
32    Blake ma___ et Executorio in hujusmodi Testamento nominati cui commissa
33    fuit admistratio omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti de
34    bene et fidel[ite]r administrand eadem ad sancta Dei Evangelia in dicto jurio forma

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