Thursday, July 25, 2019

Will of Frances Blake, Widow, Deptford, Kent - The National Archives, PROB 11/2100/232, probated 4 Oct 1849

Frances Stacy married a William Blake 15 Nov 1790 at Saint Bride Fleet Street in London by Licence. Frances Hunter married a Benjamin Stacy 25 Aug 1785 at St Botolph without Aldersgate in London. Frances Hunter was baptized 14 Apr 1758 in London daughter of George and Jane Hunter.

Children baptized in London by George and Jane Hunter:

Elizabeth Hunter 30 Jun 1751 at Shoreditch
Jane Hunter 26 Nov 1752 at London
Mary Hunter 28 Mar 1756 at London
Frances Hunter 14 Apr 1758 at London
George Hunter 19 Mar 1760 at London
Joseph William Hunter 18 Jun 1762 at London
Sarah Hunter 13 Sep 1764 at London
Ursula Hunter 11 May 1766 at London

Bolded sisters appear in the will below.

There was a William Blake baptized at St Botolph Aldersgate 2 Dec 1792 (born 15 November 1792) son of William and Frances Blake.

Also baptized at St Botolph Aldersgate children of William and Frances Blake:

Frances Blake baptized 31 Jul 1791
John Blake baptized 4 Dec 1796
Joseph Blake baptized 22 Dec 1799

A William Blake was buried 4 Jan 1809 at St Botolph Aldersgate. He was 52 years of age (born circa 1757).

Interesting there was a Thomas Blake and a Widow Blake at St Botolph, Aldgate in 1638 (The Inhabitants of London).

William Blake is found on the 1841 Census in Deptford Kent living on the High Street and with him his wife Sarah, children William, Frances, Martha, George and Benjamin. As well his mother Frances is living with them and she is listed as 83 years of age and independent, not born in Kent.

William Blake 45 years Oilman and Coal Dealer, not born in Kent
Sarah Blake 45 years , not born in Kent
William Blake 14, Tailor Ap, born in Kent
Frances Blake  13 (female), born in Kent
Martha Blake 10, born in Kent
George Blake 8, born in Kent
Benjamin Blake 6, born in Kent
Frances Blake 83, not born in Kent

Possibly William Blake and Sarah Bohn married 6 Mar 1826 at St Giles Cripplegate, London. She may have died Sep quarter 1842 at Walthamstow Essex as this family on the 1851 Census appears to have a new mother Mary Ann. William Blake married Mary Ann Field Jun quarter 1843 in West Ham RD.

Mary Ann Blake was born Sep quarter 1844 in West Ham Union.
Henry Fox Blake was born Jun quarter 1849 in West Ham Union.
Sarah Blake was born Sep quarter 1851 in West Ham Union.

On the 1851 Census at Walthamstow (identified as the place where Frances Blake was living at the time of her death prior to 1849),

William Blake, 58 years, Grocer, born City of London, Mdx
Mary Ann Blake, 40 years, born Mdx, Edgeware
Frances Blake, 22 years, Dress Maker, born Deptford Kent
Martha Blake, 20 years, , born Deptford Kent
Benjamin Blake, 16 years, born Deptford Kent
Mary A Blake, 6 years, born Walthamstow Essex
Henrietta   J Blake, 3 years, born Walthamstow Essex
Henry F Blake, 1 year, born Walthamstow Essex

William Blake may have died Jun quarter 1859 in West Ham Union. He would have been 67 years of age.

The 1861 Census lists Mary Ann Blake as a widow, 51 years, General Dealer, born Edgeware, Herts, Mary Ann Blake, 16 years, Assistant in Business, born Walthamstow Essex, Henrietta Blake, 13 years, Assistant in Business, born Walthamstow, Henry F Blake, 11 years, scholar, born Walthamstow and Sarah Blake 9 years born Walthamstow.

No clues in all of this to a possible parentage for William Blake, husband of Frances (Hunter) (Stacy) Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2100/232
Testator: Frances Blake, Widow
Place: Deptford, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 15 Apr 1830, probated 4 Oct 1849

[Margin]: Frances Blake 15

1    In the Name of God Amen:
2    I Frances Blake of Deptford in the County of Kent Widow being of
3    sound mind memory and understanding do make publish and declare
4    this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
5    that is to say I direct that I may be buried in the same grave with
6    my late husband William Blake in the burial ground of Saint
7    Botolph Without Aldersgate in the City of London and that my funeral
8    may be conducted in a plain and decent manner I also direct that my
9    just debts funeral expences and the costs of proving this my Will be
10    paid and satisfied by my executors hereinafter named as soon as may
11    be after my decease from and out of such sums of money as may be
12    due to me as interest on the stock now standing in my name in the
13    books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in the
14    four per cents and that should the amount of interest then due not
15    be sufficient to defray the said expences I direct that the Settlement
16    thereof be delayed until a sum sufficient to the discharge thereof
17    and arising from such interest shall come their hands and the
18    residue if any shall be equally divided between my two Sons George
19    Stacy and William Blake I give and bequeath unto the said George
20    Stacy and Nancy his Wife the sum of one thousand pounds
21    stock in the Navy four per cent the interest whereof to be received
22    by them so long as both of either of them should live the principal
23    to remain in their joint names as long as they or either of them
24    should so long live when I direct that the said one thousand
25    pounds four per cents shall be sold and the produce thereof with
26    any interest then due thereon shall be equally divided amongst
27    the children of the said George Stacy and Nancy his Wife share
28    and share alike such respective portions to be paid to them on his
29    her or their attaining twenty one and each respective share to be
30    invested in the name of the party intitled thereto in some good
31    security either of Government or of the Bank of England as they
32    my said executors shall judge proper thereto remain both princi-
33    pal and interest until the respective parties entitled thereto shall
34    attain such age of twenty one years And I also direct that in
35    case any of the said Children should die before attaining the said
36    age of twenty one years the share or shares of him her or them so
37    dying shall be equally divided amongst the survivors share and
38    share alike and disposed of as already provided unless such child
39    or children should be married and die before he or she should have
40    attained twenty one then the issue of such marriage should be con-
41    sidered as the representative or representatives of such child or
42    children so dying and failing such issue or in the event of such
43    issue failing to attain twenty one the property shall again revert to
44    the remaining children and the representatives of the remaining
45    children of the said George Stacy and Nancy his wife I also give
46    and bequeath all my wearing apparel unto my Sisters Elizabeth
47    Jane and Sarah Hunter or such of them as may be living at my
48    decease for their joint use and benefit And as to all the rest residue
49    and remainder of My estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever
50    and of what nature kind or quality soever the same shall or may
51    consist at the time of my decease I give and bequeath the same and
52    every part thereof unto and to and for the sold absolute use and
53    benefit of my Son William Blake for his own use and benefit and to
54    Be disposed of by him in any manner he may judge proper Save and
55    except all such property as may be bequeathed or devised to me by
56    Will or otherwise and not now in my possession but over which
57    the right of disposal is or may be vested in me then I will that all
58    such property shall be equally divided share and share alike
59    between my said two Sons George Stacy and William Blake their
60    heirs executors administrators and assigns And I nominate and appoint
61    my said two Sons George Stacy of Aldersgate Street London and William
62    Blake of High Street Deptford Executors of this my Will Lastly I revoke
63    all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and
64    declare this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In
65    witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth
66    day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
67    thirty Frances Blake Signed Sealed published and
68    declared by the said Frances Blake the Testatrix as and for her last
69    Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her
70    Request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names
71    as Witnesses thereto William Brown Printer High St Deptford
72    William Pembroke Butcher High Street Deptford
73    A Codicil to the Will of me the within named Frances
74    Blake Whereas the price of the public funds and the value of money
75    being at this time equal I have given to my Son the within named
76    George Stacy the sum of Three hundred and fifty pounds to enable
77    him to discharge certain obligations incurred by him whilst presenting
78    his claim to the freehold lately held by Mr Joseph Nash of Great Mis
79    senden in the County of Buckingham deceased Now it is therefore my
80    Will that the one thousand pounds stock within mentioned shall be
81    reduced to the sum of Six hundred and fifty pounds stock and which
82    said Six hundred and fifty pounds stock I direct shall be subjected to
83    the same conditions and be disposed of precisely in the same manner
84    as I have directed in the case of the one thousand pounds stock and in
85    all other respects I confirm my said Will In witness whereof I have
86    hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of January in
87    the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
88    Frances Blake Witnesses T B Knott Builder High Street Deptford
89    William Pembroke Butcher High Street Deptford
90    In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
91    In the Goods of Frances Blake widow deceased
92    Appeared Personally William Pembroke of High
93    Street Deptford in the County of Kent Butcher and made oath he is one
94    of the subscribed Witnesses to the Codicil to the last Will and Testament
95    of the said Frances Blake formerly of Deptford in the County of Kent
96    but late of Walthamstow in the County of Essex Widow deceased
97    Bearing date the twenty third day of January one thousand eight
98    hundred and thirty nine and now thereunto annexed And he further
99    made oath that on the twenty third day of January aforesaid the
100    said testatrix duly executed the said Codicil to the said Will by sign
101    ing her name at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this
102    deponent and of Thomas Baker Knott thereupon attested and
103    subscribed the said Codicil in the presence of the said Testatrix and
104    of each other William Pembroke On the first day of October
105    1849 the said William Pembroke was duly sworn to the truth of
106    this affidavit before me F T Pratt Surr Present Montagu G
107    _atriam Notary Public
108    Proved at London with a Codicil the 4th October 1849 before the
109    Worshipful Frederic Thomas Pratt Doctor of Laws and Surrogate on
110    the oaths of George Stacy and William Blake the Sons the Executors
111    to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to
112    administer

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