Sunday, July 28, 2019

Will of Henry Blake, late Bailiff, Keston, Kent - PROB 11/1906/421, probated 6 Feb 1839

Interestingly there was a James Blake son of Henry and Lucy Blake baptized at Bromley RD in Kent 8 Jul 1792. Keston is in Bromley RD.

Other children baptized at Keston by this Henry and Lucy Blake:

John Blake baptized 4 Feb 1798

A Henry Blake married Lucy Covell at St Mary the Virgin Hayes Kent 17 Sep 1797 (by Banns).

There was a Henry Blake baptized 25 Jul 1773 at Saint Werburgh Hoo, Kent son of Edward and Anne Blake. An Edward Blake married an Ann Greenhill 14 Jul 1760 at St Mary Chatham Kent.

Since Henry was a Bailiff to Sir Vicary Gibbs it may be possible to look at the papers of Sir Vicary to discover more about Henry. There are 60 records held at the National Archives.

This is the prescription account book of Dr Thomas Ilott a local medical practitioner (the parish of Keston is mentioned in this set of documents)   .

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Jul 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1906/421
Testator: Henry Blake, late Bailiff
Place: Keston, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 14 Jan 1839, probated 6 Feb 1839

[Margin]: Henry Blake 5

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    Of me Henry Blake of the parish of Keston in the County of Kent (late Bailiff to
3    Sir Vicary Gibbs) Whereas I am possessed of a certain share in the Government Stock
4    Or fund called Bank Long annuities and also other property as lent money to
5    Persons well known by my Executors hereinafter named and for which I receive
6    Interest I give and dispose of the same in the manner following First I give
7    And bequeath unto
8    William Eyles of Knockholt in Kent labourer the sum of Ten pounds also I give
9    And bequeath unto Henry Chapman of the parish of Keston in Kent Schoolmas
10    ter the sum of Five pounds also I give and bequeath unto William Purday of
11    Keston in Kent Wheelwright the sum of forty pounds my watch seal and key also
12    Night stool and a chest also I give and bequeath unto Charles Banks of Bexley in
13    Kent Gentleman one of my executors hereinafter mentioned the sum of Ten pounds
14    For the trouble he will have in executing this my Will and as to all the Rest
15    Residue and Remainder of my Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of
16    What nature kind and quality soever the same may be and not herein before
17    Given and disposed of after payment of my debts legacies funeral expences and
18    The expence of proving this my Will I do hereby give and bequeath the same
19    Being all personal unto my Son James Blake of Penrith in New South Wales
20    His executors admors and assigns to and for his own use and benefit absolutely
21    And I do hereby make ordain constitute and appoint Charles Banks of Bexley
22    Kent Gentleman and William Purday of Keston in Kent Wheelwright Executors
23    Of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Henry Blake
24    The Testator have to this my Will and Testament set my hand and seal this
25    Fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
26    And thirty nine Henry Blake Signed sealed published and declared
27    By the said Testator Henry Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the
28    Presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each
29    Other subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto Willm Iverson
30    Robert Wood
31    Proved at London the 6th Feb 1839 before the Worshipful Herbert
32    Downer doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Charles Banks and William
33    Purdny in the will written Purday the Execdutors to admon was granted having
34    Been first sworn duly to administer

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