Monday, November 25, 2019

266 emails

Working through all of these emails is like a walk back through the last year. I think though I really must avoid letting my email box build up. Uncharacteristic of me actually to let that happen as I am an organized person at heart.

Hopefully another hundred or so today. I had two volunteers for a couple of projects - Hampshire Project and Birmingham and Midlands Project (both DNA projects) - but I simply haven't had the time to follow through on the one hand with scanning a particular book that I have (discovered that it was missing an index for about ten pages - Yikes and I did try to rework the index so that has slowed me down) and for the second one I think he may have lost interest. They will be the last people that I write to and that is about 30 emails. Last because I need to prepare a longer email to discuss the possibility of collaboration and that does involve more thinking for sure.

I have mostly backed away from the T haplogroup studies (two) although do still receive the emails and do respond on occasion.

Although the number of emails does not appear to be going down by one hundred a day, I continue to receive 50 or so a day to which I am responding as received. 

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