Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I have been bothered this past week with a knee that doesn't want to work with me. X-rays revealed mild osteo-arthritis. I am relieved to hear the mild that is for sure; at 74 not having medium or severe osteo-arthritis given that I have osteoporosis is good news. Both my parents had arthritis (and my grandparents) so I did not really expect to escape that particular ailment.

I think I will blog my progress just as a reminder to me.

In September I fell and banged my knee unfortunately breaking the skin and giving me a scar of about 5 centimetre diameter (2 inches). We were pretty busy working away gardening at that time and I can not say that I noticed it bothering me particularly other than the knee being very sore. The surface soreness on the knee disappeared after about two months (fortunately as I need to kneel on it now!). I continued to do my morning and evening exercises plus we were busy gardening or having a longish walk.

Perhaps two weeks ago I started noticing when I was doing my afternoon treadmill exercise (added after gardening was ended) that my knee was uncomfortable behind the knee cap.  Then a few days of Christmas shopping and my usual exercise and my knee did not want to hold me up this one morning (and it was very sore) when we had yet another busy day including a luncheon with friends which we missed unfortunately. I rested the knee solidly for four days not putting any weight on it other than what was necessitated but always using the walker and the cane 100% of the time.

Visited the doctor on Monday and I was sure that I did not break anything and pretty much verified that with the visit and the x-ray. The strain though is still there but not so bad; I can stand without an assist now. However, I am continuing to walk with the cane and walker and will start physio on Friday just in terms of looking at the consult. I am giving it a good rest although it is amazing how many of the calisthenic exercises I can still do that I like!

Next issue of my osteo blog will be my Friday physio. I do a lot of exercise for a 74 year old and perhaps it has become too much when we also go for a walk.

I do miss my exercises though and will be glad to get back to them or a perhaps modified exercise plan. Physio should help with managing my health care and recovery. Last time (2004-5) when I tore the rotator cuff I had physio and carefully practised all those exercises for five years and it completely healed. At least I believe it did I have only ever had one MRI to show the torn rotator cuff!

My Exercise Schedule

Morning Exercise (10:00 a.m.)
15 min walk
20 min biking
15 min run on the spot
1 min jumping jacks
1.5 min plank

Afternoon Exercise (4:00 p.m.)
Treadmill (15 min) and Walk at the Mall
Squats 30
Side squats 30
Arm rotation (both at once) forwards 15 backwards 15
Single Arm rotation forwards 15 backwards 15
Partial situps 60 (arms at side)
Leg fling 40
Reclining bicycle 100
Leg raises 40 each
Legs to side folded 40 each
Shoulder stand (2 min, 1 min rotate feet around ankle, left then right)
Halasana (Reclining shoulder stand feet behind) (count of 30)
Halasana (Reclining shoulder stand), knees to ears (count of 30)
Pose of Tranquility (count of 30)
Stand up using only one hand

Evening Exercise (8:00 p.m.)
Lift weights (3 lb) – five sets of six exercises (12 minutes)
Run on spot 45 minutes

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