Sunday, December 29, 2019

Third session of physiotherapy

The third session of physiotherapy focused on massage of the knee and I can now bend it quite well. I am still using the walker mostly because the stores are very crowded and I do not want to be accidentally knocked down in the melee. At home I am walking for 15 minutes continuously although still somewhat of a strain but improving rapidly. My next session of therapy, the fourth, will be in a week.

Before going to the fourth session of physio I am reflecting on how far I have come in one week. I can now walk 30 minutes continuously around the house although still somewhat of a strain it is quite doable and improving since the first 30 minute session on Friday last. I am biking at 1 now for two 10 minute sessions a day and will see about going to level 2 and continuing with two 10 minute sessions and perhaps increasing that to 3 as the week passes.

I also bought a hand device to work on my hand arthritis which I shall get his view on as he recommended doing that at the last session. Ideally, as I mentioned to the physiotherapist, I would like to move to every two weeks and then every month and continue with that every month for the future. I think I am an active enough person that I could use a consult regarding the exercises that I do and the duration as I age. The cost, once I have completed the process for this knee accident, I would pay but it would be well worth it to have a knowledgeable consult monthly to keep me on track and avoid any future accidental overdo which is basically what I did this time. I had the fall and just kept on with my usual exercise but I needed some recovery time before that.

Not running yet but maybe in another month. I want to give the knee plenty of time to heal. Using the walker, I am not dependent on it at all. It is just there, I am just pushing it around and could do without it but will keep on with it until after Christmas break as the mall where we walk is quite busy. I will be glad to be free of it actually and I can see that that is within the next few weeks at the very most and perhaps as soon as one week.

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