Sunday, December 8, 2019

Will of John Blake, Mariner, Dover, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/2185/383, probated 15 Feb 1854

The testator John Blake was buried at Saint Mary the Virgin Dover 4 February 1854. He lived on Balvert Street and he was 63 years of age. He was married by Licence at St Mary the Virgin Dover Mercy Pilcher 2 Apr 1822. Witnesses at the wedding Henry Pilcher and Miriam Pilcher. There was only one Baptism in 1790 at Dover St Mary the Virgin. A John Blake was baptized 25 Jul 1790 son of George and Margaret Blake. There was another John Blake baptized 2 Nov 1794 and he was the son of John and Mary Blake.

Elizabeth Pascall Blake was baptized 18 Mar 1823 at Dover St Mary the Virgin daughter of John and Mercy Blake (born 7 Feb 1823). She died as Elizabeth Pascall Blake the third quarter 1880 at 57 years of age.

Mariam Pilcher Blake was baptized 16 Jul 1826 at Dover St Mary the Virgin daughter of John and Mercy Blake (born 6 Jul 1826). She married Robert Thornton according to the will. An online tree mentions that they may have been at Bermondsey, Surrey.

George Blake married Margaret Kember 31 Aug 1789 at St Mary the Virgin Dover. Witnesses included Richard Lowley and Stephen Kember Junior (the Kember family witnessed marriages a number of marriages on the facing pages). George and Margaret baptized four other children at Dover St Mary:

Ann Blake baptized 4 Nov 1792
George Blake baptized 9 Oct 1796
Elizabeth Blake baptized 27 Jan 1799
Margaret Blake baptized 26 Oct 1800

George Blake was baptized 15 Oct 1759 at Dover St Mary the son of George and Ann Blake. A George Blake and Ann Polhill (spinster) both of the Dover St Mary Parish were married by Banns 19 Aug 1755.

There was a George Blake baptized at Elham Kent (20 km or 13 miles from Dover) 3 Dec 1729 son of George and Mary Blake. That was the only George Blake I found baptized locally to this area. Most of these records are from Find My Past.

The Blake family in Kent is not known to me. There were 17 marriages with one Blake spouse celebrated in Dover Registration District between 1837 and 1911 (Free BMD). On Find My Past there were 53 marriages celebrated in Dover between 1757 and 1837 with one member of the pair having the surname Blake. There were 57 marriages between 1677 and 1757. Not a large number of marriages for Blake in that time frame in that area but still a constant presence of Blake in the Dover Kent area back into the 1600s.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Dec 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2185/383
Testator: John Blake, Mariner
Place: Dover, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 3 Oct 1854, probated 15 Feb 1854

[Margin]: John Blake 7

1    I John Blake of Dover in the County of Kent Mariner
2    declare my will to be as follows and appoint my sister in law Miriam
3    Pilcher and my friend James Worsfold of Dover Gentleman Executors thereof
4    and I bequeath to him the said James Worsfold the sum of ten pounds
5    as a small token of my regard and a trifling acknowledgement for the trouble
6    he may have in attending to this my will I devise all property held by
7    me as mortgagee or upon any confidence to them my said executors
8    their heirs and assigns Upon the trusts and for the purposes for which I
9    may hold the same And I further devise and bequeath my freehold lease
10    No 7A Great George Street Bermondsey and All other my Property
11    real and personal to them my said executors their heirs executors admin-
12    istrators and assigns with full power for them or the survivor of them
13    or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor if they
14    he or she so think it advisable from time to time to sell and convert the same into
15    money (and also to buy in and resell at their discretion) and to give valid receipts as
16    well for the purchase money as for all other money coming to them under this
17    my will which receipts shall exonerate the purchasers or parties paying such
18    money from seeing to the application thereof and I direct my said trustees to be
19    possessed of the net proceeds of any such sales and  of all other my residuary
20    estate for the time being and of the rents interest and other property arising there
21    from after payment of my just debts legacies funeral and testamentary expences
22    in trust for my two daughters Elizabeth Pascall Blake and Miriam Pilcher the
23    wife of Robert Thornton equally to be divided between them for their absolute ben-
24    efit for their several separate use free from the control of any husbands to
25    whom they may severally be married and for which their receipts alone
26    shall be good and sufficient discharges to my said executors And I direct that
27    they my said executors shall not be answerable for any loss damage or deprecia
28    tion in value of any part of my said property nor for signing receipts for contin
29    uity sake nor for any involuntary loss and that if any dispute or doubts arise
30    respecting my property or the construction of this my will they may refer the same
31    to arbitration or to some third person or persons whose decision may be final and
32    that they may pay any debt or settle any claim against me upon such evidence
33    and in such manner as they think fit and may also excuse compound allow time
34    or make terms for the payment of any debts owing to me at their discretion as
35    witness my hand this third day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty
36    John Blake Signed by the said John Blake as his will in the presence of us
37    present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other
38    subscribe hereto the words “my said executors” being first interlined over the tenth
39    line of the second page of the will Edward Elwin Solicitor Dover Henry Pilcher
40    Proved at London 18th Feb 1854 before the Judge by the oaths of Miriam
41    Pilcher Spinster and James Worsfold the Executors to whom admon was granted
42    having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to administer

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