Thursday, December 12, 2019

Will of Martin Blake, Sevenoaks, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/923/368, probated 16 Oct 1767

The testator, Martin Blake, may be mentioned in 190 records on Find My Past. They are not all the same person. I did find a marriage of Martin Blake to Elizabeth Gatter 16 Feb 1685 at Newington St Mary, Surrey. But this would appear to be too early for this Martin Blake. A burial record for a Martin Blake 15 Oct 1767 may be him. Martin Blake Esquire buried 15 Oct 1767 at St John Southwark, Horsleydown, Surrey.

Martin Thomlinson Blake was perhaps baptized 24 Nov 1753 at St Olave Hart Street, London, England son of Martin and Eliz Blake. A will for a Martin Thomlinson Blake, Gent, Clifton Gloucestershire was probated 22 Apr 1777. He would have been just 24 years of age if this is the correct Martin Blake.

His will has been blogged earlier:

I was not able to discover if Martin Blake was descendant of the Somerset Blake family or one of the Irish Blake families. The areas in which this family appears to have lived looking at the few records available tended to be locations where the well to do frequented in this time frame. It may only be coincidence but one of the lawyers mentioned in the will, John French Lynch, does have an Irish surname. I did check out the database that I have for the Galway Blake family but did not particularly find a Martin Blake that might fit in. There are many many Martin Blakes in the Galway Blake family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Dec 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/932/368
Testator: Martin Blake
Place: Sevenoaks, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 29 Jul 1767, probated 16 Oct 1767

[Margin]: Martin Blake Esquire

1    I Martin Blake of Seven Oaks
2    in the County of Kent Esquire being of sound Mind Memory
3    and Understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in
4    manner following (that is to say) I give devise and bequeath
5    all my plantation Messuages Lands Tenements Negroe Slaves
6    Hereditaments Cattle and Stock both Quick and dead with
7    their and every of their appurtenances in the parish of
8    Parkham and Willoughby Bay or elsewhere in the Island of
9    Antigua (Subject nevertheless to the several Trusts created by
10    a Term of Five hundred years comprised in a certain
11    Indenture of demise bearing date on or about the Twenty
12    fifth day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty
13    Three and from and after the said several Trusts shall be
14    fully answered and satisfied) To and to the use of my second
15    son Martin Tomlinson Blake for and during the Term of
16    his natural Life and from and after the determination of that
17    estate Then to the use of John French Lynch of Grays Inn
18    in the County of Middlesex Esquire and John Smith of
19    Princes Street in the City of London Merchant and Mariner
20    and their heirs during the Life of my said son Martin
21    Tomlinson Blake In Trust to preserve the contingent
22    remains as hereinafter limited from being defeated or
23    destroyed but nevertheless to permit and suffer the said Martin
24    Tomlinson Blake In Trust to preserve the counting out
25    remainders hereinafter limited from being defeated or
26    destroyed but nevertheless to permit and suffer the said Martin
27    Tomlinson Blake to receive the Rents Issues and profits of
28    the said Plantation Lands Tenements and hereditaments for
29    and during his natural Life and from and after the decease
30    of the said Martin Tomlinson Blake To the first and other
31    son and sons of the Body of my said Son Martin Tomlinson
32    Blake lawfully to be begotten successively according to their
33    seniority and the heirs of the respective Bodies of such Son
34    and Sons lawfully Issuing and in default of such Issue Then to and to
35    the use of my daughters Jane Blake and Sarah Town Blake
36    to be equally divided between them share and share alike to
37    take as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants and the
38    several heirs of the Body and Bodies of my said two
39    daughters respectively issuing and if either of my said daughters
40    shall die without Issue then as to the Share of her so dying
41    then to and to The Survivor of them and their heirs of the Body and in default of such Issue
42    to and for the use of my own Right heirs for ever and I
43    do hereby Impower my said Son Martin Tomlinson Blake
44    when and as he shall be in possession of my said plantation
45    and Estates in the said Island of Antigua under and by virtue
46    of the Limitations aforesaid by any deed or deeds writing or`
47    writings under his hand and seal attested by two or more
48    credible Witnesses to Grant settle Limit or Appoint any part or
49    parts of my said Plantation Lands Tenements and
50    Hereditaments not exceeding in the whole the yearly Sum of
51    four hundred pounds Sterling money of Great Britain unto
52    or In Trust for or to the use of any Woman or Women with
53    whom he shall happen to Marry (either before or after such
54    marriage) for the Life or Lives of such Woman or Women for
55    her or their Jointure or Jointures or in part of Jointure and
56    also to charge the said plantation Lands Tenements
57    Hereditaments and Premisses with any sum or sums of money
58    not exceeding in the whole the Sum of four thousand pounds
59    of like lawful money for younger Childrens Fortunes or portions
60    in such Shares and proportions manner and Form as he my said
61    son Martin Tomlinson Blake shall think proper And Subject
62    also to the said Terms of Five hundred years I do hereby subject
63    and charge my said plantation Messuages Lands Tenements
64    Hereditaments and Premisses with the clear yearly sum of
65    two hundred pounds of like lawful money to be paid to my
66    eldest son John Blake or his assigns for and during the
67    term of his natural Life to be paid to him by four Equal
68    Quarterly payments in the year and it is my Will and
69    desire that my Wife shall have all her Negroes and Slaves
70    which were her property before her Marriage and the Issue
71    and Increase of the Females of such Slaves and as to all
72    my plantation Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever
73    I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto
74    my loving wife Elizabeth Blake her Executors Administrators
75    and Assigns and I do hereby make ordain constitute and
76    appoint my said Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and
77    Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will
78    and Testament set my hand and Seal this Twenty ninth day
79    of July in the seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign
80    Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain
81    France and Ireland King defender of the Faith etc and in
82    the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty
83    seven Martin Blake Signed sealed published and
84    declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and
85    Testament in the presence of us who in the sight and
86    presence and in the presence of each other and at his request
87    have set and subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto
88    Barlow Trecothick Richd Maitland Thurston Blackman
89    this Will was proved at London the sixteenth
90    day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
91    hundred and sixty seven before the Right Worshipfull George
92    Hay doctor of Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the
93    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the
94    oath of Elizabeth Blake widow the Relict of the deceased
95    and sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Admon
96    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits
97    of the said deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to ad[min]ster

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