Sunday, December 15, 2019

Will of Paul Blake, Victualler, Woolwich, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/932/368, probated 23 Apr 1740

The testator, Paul Blake, is somewhat of a mystery. I did not particularly find any information on him other than his likely marriage given the names of his step sons and his burial. It is an uncommon forename in the Blake family in my review of the available records. He is said to be born at Woolwich, Kent and I do not particularly know of any Blake lines there in this time frame. There are records for a Paul Blake in the late 1600s in Wiltshire, England.

A Paul Blake married Mary Hussy at London St Dusntan in the West 28 Oct 1731. Paul was said to be born at Woolwich, Kent and the residence of Mary Hussey was St Dunstan in the West.  Paul Blake was buried 26 Apr 1740 at St Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, England. There were no other notations than his date of burial and his name.

A Jonas Hussey was apprenticed in 1735 to a Vintner Henry Plowman at Woolwich Kent. His father was named as Thomas.

A Thomas Hussey, Clothworker of Reading Berkshire married Mary Burgess 1 May 1723, at Fleet (Clandestine Marriage).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Dec 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/932/368
Testator: Paul Blake, Victualler
Place: Woolwich, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 3 Oct 1737, probated 23 Apr 1740

[Margin]: Paul Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Paul Blake of the parish of Woolwich in the County of Kent
3    Victualler being in bodily health and of sound mind memory and
4    understanding praised be God for the same Calling to mind the
5    certainty of death and considering the uncertainty of the time thereof
6    and for preventing disputes and controversies after my decease do
7    make publish and declare this to be and contain my last Will and
8    Testament in manner following that is to say First and principally
9    I command my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator
10    hoping through the Meritts death and passion of his Son my
11    Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain full and free pardon and forgiveness of
12    all my Sins and to Inherit Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven my
13    body I commit to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of
14    my Executor and Executrix herein after named and as for and and
15    concerning such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless
16    Me I give devise and bequeath the same in manner and form following
17    that is to say First my Will and mind is that all and every my Just
18    Debts and Funeral Expences be paid satisfied and discharged Item I
19    give and bequeath and devise all those my Freeholds Messuages or
20    Tenements Lands and hereditaments thereunto belonging as the same
21    are Situate lying and being in the town and parish of Woolwich
22    aforesaid and in the several tenures or occupations of Robert Cavell
23    and John Rickes their undertenants or assigns unto my Loving Sons
24    in Law William Hussey and Thomas Hussey their heirs and assigns
25    for ever to be equally divided between them share and share alike or to
26    the Survivor of them his heirs and assigns for ever In case either of
27    them shall decease before he attain the age of one and twenty years and
28    my will and mind is that my Loving Wife hereafter named shall receive
29    the rents Issues and Profitts of my said Messuages or Tenements Lands
30    snd hereditaments until my said Sons shall attain their respective
31    age or ages of one and twenty years and apply the same from time to
32    time for and towards the Educating Maintaining and training up of
33    my Sons aforesaid until such that that they shall attain their respective
34    age or ages of one and twenty years Item the overplus rest residue
35    and remainder of all and Singular my Goods household goods title
36    ready money securitys for money and all other my Estate whatsoever
37    and wheresoever and of what Nature find or Quality soever I give
38    and bequeath the same unto my dear and Loving wife Mary Blake
39    for and during the term of her Natural Life and do direct that
40    immediately after my decease an Inventory of all and every my personal
41    Estate may be had and made that the same may be applied to the
42    purpose of this my Will that is to say That from and after the
43    decease of my said wife I give and bequeath the rest and residue of
44    m personal estate whatsoever (at the time of my decease) unto my
45    Sons in law Jonas Hussey William Hussey and Thomas Hussey to
46    be equally divided between them Share and Share alike and I do
47    hereby nominate and appoint my said dear and Loving Wife
48    Mary Blake and my Loving Brother in Law William Reynolds
49    Citizen and Vintner or London joynt Executor and Executrix of this
50    my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke disannull
51    and make void all former and other Wills and Testaments by me
52    at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to stand and
53    be for and as my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof to
54    this my said last Will and Testament I have sett my hand and
55    Seal this third day of October in the eleventh Year of the Reign of
56    our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of
57    Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith
58    and so forth and in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven
59    hundred and thirty Seven Paul Blake Signed sealed published
60    and declared in the presence of us who have subscribed our
61    names as Witnesses hereto in the presence of the Testator Mary
62    Barnard Jno Barnard his Clerk K Barnard Attorney at Woolwich
63    This Will was proved at London the twenty third
64    day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
65    and Forty Before the Worshipfull Robert Chapman doctor of
66    Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth doctor
67    of Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court
68    of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oaths of Mary Blake
69    Widow the Relict and William Reynolds the Executors in the said
70    Will named to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular
71    the Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said deceased being Sworn
72    duly to Administer

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