Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Will of Ralph Blake, Ship Carpenter, Chatham, Kent - The National Archives, PROB 11/262/575, probated 16 Mar 1657

Ralph Blake, the testator, was buried 6 Jan 1657 at St Mary Chatham, Kent.

No further information located at this time.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Dec 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/262/575
Testator: Ralph Blake, Ship Carpenter
Place: Chatham, Kent
Type of Record:    Memorandum
Date of document: 3 Jan 1656/57, probated 16 Mar 1657

[Margin]: Ralph Blake

1    Memorandum that on or about the third day of Januarie one Thousand
2    Sixe hundred fifthie sixe Ralph Blake late of Chatham in the Countie of Kent Shipp
3    Carpenter deceased beinge then of perfect mind and memorie and having all
4    Intention and desire to make and declare his last will and Testament Noncupative
5    Did make and declare the same in the words and in the manner following
6    To the like effect and purpose viz [a vi]t he said that he did give and bequeath unto
7    Dorothie his wife all his goods and Chattells to be imployed and used
8    Towards her subsistence and the education of his two children John and
9    Mary Blake and desired that the said dorothie his wife should not make
10    Sale of the house which he had built but that the same should come and
11    Descend unto his said children and to them he or she after the death as
12    Two said wife which may do or to the like effect he attend and spake
13    With an intent the same should stand for and be his last will and
14    Testament in the presence of Mary Milton Margarett Holborne Mary
15    Milley The marke of Margaret Holborne
16    On the sixteenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God carseninge to
17    The Computacion of the Church of England one Thousand sixe hundred
18    Fiftie sixe Here issueth forth Letter of Administration to dorothie Blake the Relict
19    And principall ligature named in the last will and Testament Noncupative of
20    Ralph Blake late of Chatham in the Countie of Kent deceased To administer ye
21    Goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tener and all
22    Effect of his said will For that the said deceased therein named no executor She
23    Beinge first (by Com[missi]on) sworne truely to administer

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