Saturday, January 18, 2020

Continuing physiotherapy - 6th session

Happily my physiotherapy treatment continues to assist me. I am up to 26 minutes on the bicycle at the #1 setting. I am working my way towards 30 minutes and #2 hopefully in the next month or so. I will keep at 30 minutes for a while.

My walking measured on my FitBit is constantly over 14,000 steps per day and I am aiming towards an average of 18,000 steps per day. That is harder for me to achieve in the winter but will try.

I have added one new exercise to my set of physio exercises and modified two others. I am up to fifteen minutes to do those five exercises and I do them four times a day. I also am doing my full calisthenics routine that I was doing which is 23 minutes per day.

All that I am missing is my running and instead I walk around the house and that is working well for me.

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