Sunday, March 22, 2020

Another beautiful sunrise

Another beautiful sunrise to start the 9th day of isolation.Although we are isolated we have begun to take a walk around the block and that has been successful. It is important to get some exercise but I have not been face to face with anyone other than my husband since this began. I am skyping with my daughters and have emailed my siblings. I am a hermit by nature and if I had no one then I would just continue being a hermit. My husband does drag me off to things (I do like to go to Church but have not done that for quite a while; my Anglican Church has changed so much and I never really felt comfortable in other Churches) so I have done a myriad of things through our married life (54 years in the fall) that I would never have done on my own. Occasionally I wonder what my life would have been like; I was thinking of becoming a medical missionary in my teen years. My husband did distract me from that goal at the young age of twenty years when we married and I just never got back to thinking about doing it. I have no regrets; these days we do not have enough doctors in Canada!

Yesterday passed extremely quickly. The garden swing is now out and that will be another diversion and some fresh air for both of us. A mite chilly still but I find that rocking back and forth in the swing is really good for my knee. I continue doing my physio exercises modified somewhat now to fit in with my regular calisthenics. I have already put in 64 minutes of activity today (walking, running and calisthenics). I like to do that first thing in the morning before breakfast. I used to run a mile first thing in the morning when I was younger.

I accomplished practically nothing on my phasing project yesterday. I am still  on Chromosome 1 but have not yet completed entering in all the matches that I have gleaned from the various testing companies (23 and Me, myself and three siblings, FT DNA, myself and four siblings, Living DNA, myself and one sibling, My Heritage, myself and four siblings, and, of course, Ancestry, myself and three siblings (but only in the instance that the match has taken their results into FT DNA, My Heritage or Gedmatch). I still have 85 lines of matches to enter. It is a slow process as I have a lot of 23 and Me matches and I am working up a list of in-common matches and blocking them into grandparent match (paternal or maternal where I can determine, I ballpark into likely as that is easy to change if needed). The visual though is quite stunning and gives me a different look.

COVID-19 continues to infect and take lives. Canada now has 1331 cases and 19 deaths. My mother used to talk about the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 because her grandfather died during the Spanish Flu. But it was second hand information from her brother as she was only three years of age at the time (although she always said she could remember the tent where he died). She said that people put their loved ones into isolation tents away from the family (he died the 7th of June).

We made our lemon scones yesterday and yes truly they were delicious. We had scrambled eggs with them for dinner and I had brussel sprouts (love them with scrambled eggs). My husband enjoyed some raw vegetables (carrots and celery). Then rice pudding for dessert.

I managed to do 219 minutes of exercise yesterday. I was exhausted by 10 pm. I think today I shall try to keep that down to 180 minutes or less. I am not as young as I used to be! Plus I do need to do more work on the phasing. Hard to believe that in isolation I didn't have enough time.

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