Saturday, March 28, 2020

Colourful sunrise across the sky

Another beautiful sunrise and now the sun shining brilliantly. The snow will melt today; not all of it but more will be gone. Love the snow but glad to see it go in the spring. Mud season is upon us.

Yesterday I completed my look at the phasing of Chromosome one. I am happy with it finally. Today I move to Chromosome two; same pattern, paint all the matches that I have and see how that compares with my phasing of my grandparents. A good check on the entire process and lets me see what I have acquired over the last year in matches that I did not paint at the time.

Great day for exercise. Still too many minutes as I am quite tired by evening; 195 minutes but 30 minutes of that is Yoga and we did add to our walk yesterday. Walking outside was a complicated process to keep up with physical distancing but we managed and added another 1000 steps to our regular walk with just a few additions. Closing streets sounds like a good plan actually. I see that we are not to go more than 2 kilometres from home; I didn't realize that. Our walk though is never more than that anyway and in a circular motion around where we live.

I was on a Microsoft Teams call with other members of the Guild around the world trying out a system to do the Annual Meeting since that has been cancelled in the United Kingdom. Still necessary to do an Annual Meeting though and a great opportunity to bring in the entire world. There are more than five thousand members of the Guild worldwide. I have gotten to know a number of them over time. The Guild is a must organization if you are doing a one name study as so many of the English members do Marriage Challenges which add greatly to a study like Blake or even Pincombe. But for Blake I have acquired thousands of marriages with full details which I am just now thinking I could work on organizing all those details into Excel Charts. I have an overall chart extracted from Free BMD for all the marriages but it does not contain all the details I have obtained. They are in separate Excel Charts or images depending on how I receive the material.

Isolation Day 15 and we begin the second set of a two week interval. Personally I think we will be locked down for four sets or eight weeks which should really help to flatten the curve. I do not expect to see any loosening of that at all. It will bring us to mid May when we should really see a good effect on the flattening of the curve. There may still be another series of four sets since the funding proposed is looking at a possibility of a four month shutdown. The hospitals in Ontario are at 77% capacity which is really good news at this time of year with flu season just starting to see an end in the next couple of weeks. We do not know whether the cases in ICU centre on care centres/senior residences and perhaps knowing that will help to understand the percentage of use of ICU beds right now. A clearer picture is emerging of the coronavirus and its impact. The lucky ones have the virus and it lasts at least seven days and then recovery; the unlucky ones have the same seven days but at that point pneumonia sets in and then a gradual deterioration in breathing ability and the need for ventilation. Preventing the pneumonia seems the key and one wonders if taking the pneumonia shots (there are two) is helping people. No news on that at the moment.

I am a little later today getting started on my exercises. I have been enjoying watching the sunrise.

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