Saturday, March 21, 2020

Is the sky clearer?

Yesterday was pretty dull but today the sunrise was quite beautiful and the sky just a little cloudy. Our skies are always pretty clear (we are surrounded mostly by woods once you get out of the metropolitan area) but there is a freshness in the air these days.

Second week, day eight, in isolation and our neighbours picked up a couple of bags of groceries for us. I actually didn't mind the milk powder but will admit fresh milk to cook my oatmeal in was pretty tasty yesterday morning. Will enjoy that again today and then back to powdered milk as we do not like to overdo asking our neighbours. They volunteered to do groceries for us though which was very nice. We haven't been in any stores now for over a week and will not do so. Tried to get my husband's prescription that last day but it wasn't ready so will have to get the drug store to deliver it to us once prepared.

Yesterday flew by, I manged to put in 197 minutes of active exercise which included a 23 min walk, a 22 min run, 22 min of calisthenics, another 23 min walk, a 43 min aerobic workout, a third 19 min walk and then 30 min of yoga. Looking back I now understand why I put in so little time on my phasing charts for DNA of my grandparents.

We are watching Homeland on Netflix and nearly at the end of Season 5 now. We tend to binge watch Netflix shows and have been subscribers for about five years now. At the beginning we were watching it a few times a week and had joined to watch Murdoch's earlier series but since then we have increased our watching to about two hours per day. Our television sets have never been in the living room but this past fall we decided to move the TV in there and it is nice for my husband to sit and watch TV for several hours a day especially now that we are isolating ourselves from the world.

Today we will make lemon scones again. The original recipe called for one teaspoon of lemon but we increased that to the juice of the entire lemon as well as zesting the entire lemon skin into the mix. Quite delicious actually and wonder why we didn't do it earlier! The recipe makes about 14 2 inch circles and they last a couple of days. We will make a pound cake next; quite a large one in a tube pan (12 inch). We bought an electric mixer for ourselves for Christmas and have used it several times a week ever since. My husband likes to watch cooking shows and has learned a lot of new and interesting ways to use our many tools to bake that saves on a lot of hand work. I have arthritis in my fingers that prevents me from readily doing all the fine bits of baking.

Today I must get back to phasing my grandparents. Assigning all matches to chromosome one in my DNA Painter Chart led to a couple of surprises which I am working my way through and will be a much more complete way to look at the overall phasing. I do not have a lot of known matches on Chromosome one but do have a few that are helpful in ball parking the matches for the five of us. I have 214 lines of matches for that chromosome and 80% of them are over 20 centimorgans. About 2% are over 35 centimorgans.

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