Thursday, March 19, 2020

Mind wandering - Day 6 of isolation

On Day 6 of our isolation my mind started to wander somewhat and I decided I needed to force myself to focus. I always begin my day with an hour of exercise - 20 min walk, 20 min run and 20 min of calisthenics (which now includes my physio exercises which I have modified in some cases to fit into existing calisthenics exercises). Then breakfast which is always (rather boringly to some perhaps) cooked oatmeal (1 C of milk (I am now using milk powder), 1/3 C of oats, 1/3 C of raisins) and then when finished cooking (5 minutes) I add 1 heaping tablespoon of wheat germ and 1 heaping tablespoon of wheat bran. I find it quite delicious but will admit I miss my 2% milk which has been replaced during this isolation by skim milk. I drink a glass of cranberry juice and 2 glasses of water (with my vitamins and I am gradually weaning myself off of my daily ASA since it is a problem if you happen to catch COVID-19). I will be weaned off of the ASA in another week or so. Then a cup of green tea to complete.

I am usually awake around 6:00 am and do my Microsoft Solitaire daily games (I subscribe to avoid the advertisements). Today one was a little more difficult and it took me about 35 minutes to complete the 5 games.

Now I am settled back at my computer and I decided while I was running that I would complete a task that I work at intermittently on DNA Painter (I subscribe to this site and have 40 profiles, great site and I am not utilizing it fully even yet). As I phase I am assigning a family line to each match (unless it is impossible) and I am now entering each match into one of the profiles for myself and each of my four siblings. Since I have reached chromosome three in my analysis and I am bogged down thinking about some of the unknown matches, I decided to go back and do all the matches from Chromosomes 1 and 2 and add them to the appropriate sibling profile on DNA Painter. It has already proven to be an interesting exercise. During my run, I visualized that I might find Chromosome 3 easier to deal with if I assigned each of the matches that I could in that chromosome and than play with the others on each siblings profile. Amazing sometimes what you come up with when you are running (or walking has the same effect). Especially as I am doing all of that at home, I do not have to worry about the traffic!

My distractions at the moment are my daughter who is a Family Medicine practitioner here in Ontario (the small group of doctors in small town Ontario manage the hospital there, the Emergency Room and their clinic loads) and all that entails during the present crisis and my other daughter who is still in Milwaukee where she teaches (Associate Professor) at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Coming home was not an option for her really as she is asthmatic and risking two plane trips was not the best plan. Given that West Jet just announced 14 planes that had been compromised by COVID-19 active patients it was a wise move. However, she must then isolate herself away from family and is on my mind somewhat constantly (she is covered for health care by her employment but the preferred thing (and why she is isolating) is to avoid getting COVID-19). My husband does need me full time or I would have joined her in her isolation (hopefully they would have let me in!). Add to that my husband is fragile with regard to COVID-19 if only because he is nearly 77 but he has a lung condition that would be a problem if he catches COVID-19.

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