Monday, March 23, 2020

No traffic

We have lived in our home for 42 years; longer than I ever lived anywhere else. We anticipate being here another five years but we work on a five year plan most of the time. Does COVID-19 change that? Thus far no. We are close to the grocery store and pharmacy; we still drive. Day ten of self-isolation and for the last two days we have gone for a walk around the block managing to physically distance (new phrase) ourselves from everyone else. We are wearing our high rubber boots so that we can easily move off of the sidewalk into the grass or onto the road if need be. Ottawa may have/had as many as 4000 cases of the virus the modelling is showing.

Yesterday I managed to keep my active minutes at 172. That seems like a good amount of exercise in one day.  I still, however, did not accomplish very much on the research side. We are putting a puzzle together (1000 pieces) and did get more of that done so a different kind of accomplishment!

People are home and watching Netflix it would appear. Sometimes it is a bit slow to get on but so far we always do manage to get in our couple of hours of Netflix each day. Still binge watching Homeland but will move to another soon as we are into Season 6 and there is just one more season on Netflix.

Today I must get to my research and complete Chromosome 1. I never dreamed when I had this new idea I would spend three days on the first chromosome. It is an interesting way to look at all the matches and I am gradually eliminating matches under 20 centimorgans unless it is a known match.  I have a lot of matches now that I can place into paternal or maternal and then further into grandmother or grandfather in that side.

We bought several bags of frozen fish fillets. That has worked out very well. Usually we shop every day for our food; just part of our routine of getting out each day. I must admit getting out each day for three hours or so always seemed like a long time to me. I am still enjoying the solitude of being at home; my husband is finding it much harder as he likes to be out and about. Soon the snow will melt and we will be outside working in the garden and that he really enjoys. Mud season is ahead though!

Dawn is about to break and no traffic out there.

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