Tuesday, March 24, 2020


We had a 5 centimetre snowfall yesterday. The world is beautiful looking out the window, so uniform as far as you can see. Mud season is covered up once again. There is no traffic out there; quite eerie at 7:00 am not to see the road behind us full of traffic. With each light snowfall though we know that spring is not far away. Overcast again today though; must check the weather to see if there is  more snow coming.

Worked on the puzzle yesterday for a couple of hours. I love puzzles; they relax the mind and sharpen the wits. I was working on the trees in the top left and right. The center is filled in with bright autumn colours but my section yesterday was evergreens thickly filling the area around the bursts of colour and in the middle a waterfall I worked on a day earlier. My husband has been working on the rocks and the lower bushes in the middle of the puzzle below the waterfall. Finally I got a big section put together that I was able to fill in quite a sizeable hole on the top left side. Today I will work on the puzzle again for a while.

Nothing accomplished on my genealogy endeavours except finding a couple more matches. I have quite a few that are over 20 centimorgans but are unknown to me. There are distinctly four sets of matches though and with my siblings results and my own I can generally separate them into groups but separating them into maternal and paternal can be a challenge on occasion except when one of my cousin matches helps out. I do not have a lot of known matches on that first chromosome though but it is the chromosome with the greatest number of matches and just sorting them into order will be helpful especially if some of them have several matches on different chromosomes. I will work some more on that today and see if I can complete the task of painting them over the next couple of days. I do not want to rush it. My memory still holds a lot of material and I want to feel comfortable with all those results.

Day eleven of isolation and the sun is just now trying to break through the overcast with bands of light above the trees. When we moved here there weren't any trees and now we have so many; I love the trees and it is wondrous to see every spring the budding and then the beautiful foliage coming out and gracing us with their beauty.

One hundred and seventy two minutes of exercise yesterday. I can see that the regimen I have set for myself will mean three hours per day. My knee is coming along nicely; I still would rather have had an MRI to be comfortable with my exercises and I could have moved quicker to running but I am running now albeit for only twenty minutes or slightly more instead of an hour every day but cross training is the way to really exercise the muscles in actual fact so it perhaps better. The sun has broken through and perhaps we will have a bright sunny day today. That fresh snow of yesterday will melt and the snowdrops trying so hard to bloom will be graced by sun once again instead of buried under a fresh blanket of snow.

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