Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are we at the crossroad

Looking back January was a long time ago. We were just hearing about the coronavirus in China and its slow movement into other countries in Asia and its appearance in various places (one at a time) around the world. The time since then has been an eon although in reality it is not quite three months. I started wearing my mask (we bought 60 dust masks because anything that covers your nose and mouth is good enough actually) in early March because I do have mild asthma. I had renewed my prescription for my puffer in late January. I always like to have a spare one at hand.

At that time I hadn't thought deeply about the coronavirus (now COVID-19); I went into Isolation with my husband on the 14th of March as mentioned by Dr Tam that seniors should isolate as much as possible which would prevent us from being a burden on the Health Care system as more of us would require care than younger people. Keeping us out of the health care system freed it up for younger people who would recover more quickly and that was a really good decision on her part. She said it every day and she was and is so right.

But what of COVID-19? It remains just as powerful as ever as it constantly creeps over all of the land surface of the world. Why did it happen? I have thought it was an act of Mother Nature. I remain convinced of that. Mother Nature is the world; is the world capable of fighting back against homo sapiens? Is it a ridiculous thought? Do we need to change our habits? Well we have changed them for sure. The world is a cleaner place; the skies are clearer. But the relentless speed of COVID-19 continues apace. Mother Nature is not yet satisfied. I have no idea how this story will end. I do not actually think anyone knows.

Today I begin my day as always with a glass of cranberry juice (my favourite beverage) and then do my hour of exercise. Soon I will be walking and running outside. The fresh air beckons me from the window as the bright sun warms the cold earth. Respect for Mother Nature; our ancestors had it; they worshiped Mother Nature. For many God the Creator and Mother Nature are one in the same. Perhaps they are for me as well.

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