Friday, April 17, 2020

Bird Seed and who eats it

This may seem somewhat mundane as a topic but we put bird seed out every day technically for the birds. However we have many visitors to our bird feeder. Squirrels are quite adept at climbing up onto the platform and feast to their hearts delight on the bird seed. The local chipmunk can also be seen there having his fill. The local racoon has been seen to climb up to try and sit on the bird feeder but it is not quite solid enough for his/her weight and has contented himself/herself with eating the leavings that fall down when the other above mentioned animals feed there.

Our real purpose for putting seed out does gratify us with visions of cardinals, blue jays, gulls (lately, I wonder if they are not getting enough to eat downtown these days), crows, robins and hopefully some more interesting birds as summer comes closer.

Our recent light snow fall made us wonder if we are going to wait a little longer for that nice warm season. However, warmer weather towards the end of the month is promised.

I was out early to pick up medication for my husband at the local Drug Store; not very many people out and about at 8:10 a.m. Being an early morning person does have its advantages. I think it was my first time driving the car in a couple of years. I actually used to drive to work every day in my younger years before I became an OC Transpo customer going to work at the Ottawa Hospital. It was nice to feel the steering wheel in my hands once again as I drove the few short blocks to the Drug Store. I considered walking actually but decided that I would drive after all just to get the feel of wheels under me once again! I should keep up with my driving actually; it is a good skill to have.

Finally some sun, it was snowing lightly a little earlier. Winter can last a long time here on occasion and then suddenly it is summer it almost appears. It can go like that. Below zero one week and the next week 20 degrees. Not complaining; it is wonderful to feel the heat on my arthritic bones and has been for quite a while.

I have heard from several cousins the past couple of days. All of us busy isolating in our homes; probably thanking God that He saw fit to keep us in this good state of health that let us thus far age in our homes. Long Term Care has been such a bonus for people who have medical difficulties and it is sad to see that many of these homes are suffering from COVID-19.

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