Sunday, April 19, 2020

Flat Tire

Amazingly such things happen during a pandemic. Our snow tire was flat in our laneway. CAA came very quickly actually and replaced the tire and tomorrow we will go in and get the rest of the snow tires replaced with our summer tires. Luckily we had our summer tires with us as they are sometimes stored at our local maintenance garage.

It did make life seem a little more real to have a flat tire actually. That is our first flat in many many years. Changing cars every three years and replaced summer tires with snow tires every six months or so the tires do not get that badly worn. However, this set of snow tires did two cars.

Usual April day, rainy and overcast all day. The ground is soaking up the moisture very well now so all the freezing is likely gone and soon we can really get busy working up the flower beds. The daffodils are poking up in the back bed which was covered pretty well the last with heavy ice and snow. The rhubarb is also poking through the ground. I saw the racoon out there so expect that he might just get a lot of that rhubarb! I wonder if he eats daffodils?

The wildlife is out and about more in the days with most people staying inside. I am usually out in the backyard. But today I had taken all the garbage to the curb for the Sanitation trucks when I suddenly remembered I forgot a couple of jars and ran in to get them. I was very nearly late as they arrived quicker than I thought so I did toss the jars in but next time I will just leave it until next week. I came close to the two metre limit and certainly do not want to pass anything on although we have been inside so much and wearing a mask whenever we go anywhere I am sure I have not yet acquired COVID-19. I am reaching a point where I probably wish I would just have it and get it over with but in spite of my good health and vigorous exercise programme I would not be immune to a severe case necessarily.

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