Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How long will I blog about COVID-19 and its effects on me

Grocery shopping did not happen yesterday; it happened today along with a visit to the medical laboratory for tests for my husband. Somehow yesterday flew by after an initial slow start which did not include going out the door other than a quick walk around two blocks on my part.

I chose the above title yesterday when I finished my daily blog; I sometimes do that. It is something I have been thinking about. My blog is going into my life story just for these few weeks/months as it is perhaps the most intensive time of my life in some ways. It is also the most relaxing time of my life, I do not have to talk to anybody outside. It is a very comfortable feeling. I actually love it. I could go through the rest of my life actually like this.

I do not in general dislike people outside of my small nuclear family. I just do not want to talk to people or be with people. It is just my way. Yet my life has been lived very much around people; I grew up in a large family. The classrooms of my childhood had 48 children in them. There was just one class for most years because I went ahead of the baby boomers. So as many children as there were in that grade; they were all in there. There were some split classes and I was often in the lower year of a split class. Generally it was maybe a dozen of the lower grade and the rest for the upper grade. That was how I went from Grade 3 to Grade 5 when I did that. There was only one Grade 8 though and that was 48 children. The principal actually taught Grade 8 in those days. We had a lot of time when he was not there but he would leave us with work to do. It actually worked out very well perhaps because his office was right next door and he often left the door open. In those days they still used a strap in schools and so most people behaved.

But how long will I blog about COVID-19; perhaps until it becomes part of history. That can happen sooner or later. It is one of those things that we can not predict. If it is like the Spanish Flu than it keeps coming back until there is a "herd" immunity and it just sort of disappears. However it is a coronavirus; we have no immunity to the common cold another coronavirus. But that is perhaps no one has ever really bothered to discover one since it is just an annoying illness that passes quickly for most people. This coronavirus though is much more destructive; cutting a rather large swatch through the 60 and older population here in Canada at the moment. Other than ourselves and my siblings we do not have any close relatives in that over 85 age bracket. None of us are in a nursing/long term care at this time. We either live alone or with our partner.  It is actually a huge shock to see COVID-19 decimate these homes.

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