Monday, April 20, 2020

Phasing my grandparents DNA

Yesterday I worked on Chromosome 3 and it has always been just a little bit difficult. I do not have a good maternal match on Chromosome 3. I have lots of matches for the paternal side which has readily let me separate out those two grandparents. But there is a tiny hitch between two of my siblings where they should just be a half match but are a full match over just a 10 centimorgan stretch otherwise perfect. I will continue looking at that today. I can hardly imagine that my mind has tracked back once again to work! I have been very abstract these past couple of weeks.

Another beautiful sunrise not so deep in colour but just a lovely soft light coming up through the stark trees. Soon we will see budding in earnest and then leafing. I am enjoying every day of watching the earth bring forth its beauty. The grass is greening and the garden slowly turning from mud into workable earth. It is pleasant to feel the soft earth flowing through my fingers. I still love that feel.

A project is ongoing which I am working away at praying that it works out very well. I am not quite voicing it because the parts to put it together are just now slowly coming together.

Laportes is going to do home delivery of bedding plants which is great news. I really wondered how that was going to happen this year. We plant quite a few trays of annuals in the yards. I always liked flowers but these last few years I have grown to quite lovely the soft colours and watching as the bees come and work the yard. Next we have to prune the raspberries. I generally help with that. I am becoming more adept at such things. Mostly I do a lot of raking because that is a good consistent job that requires strength and hard work and is something that I do know how to do well! We take down the storm fences today. Winter is truly gone; we may still get wisps of snow but for the most part we can now conclude that winter has finally come to an end.

So today some time outside; the fresh air and clear skies do beckon us outside. The swing is awaiting and I do so love that swing. It is the second one that we have had for the back patio. We spend hours out there in the summer. It gets the morning sun which really warms that cubicle from the cold of the night and then by noon the sun has stretched across the sky and gives us shade there but still warmth especially in the spring. A good spot to rest between gardening endeavours.

My husband loves to work out in the gardens and it is good for him. The winter is now long for him. That happens as people age; the winters lengthen and the summer shortens but he has a lot of projects that keep him busy in the winter months. Luckily we have a sort of gym in the basement with a recumbent bicycle, treadmill, weights and a WII giving us lots of exercise choices all day long.

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