Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rainy Gloomy April brings May flowers

I love the old rhyme of my childhood, January cold brings February snows brings March winds brings April showers brings May flowers. I used to hop and skip to school singing that rhyme when I was a young child. My grandmother used to say it that way. My mother liked me to walk all the way down High Street to the policed crossing at Tecumseh Avenue but I liked to cross at Windsor Ave and go that way. There were large apartment buildings the other way and strange people so I avoided it. The other way was houses with wide boulevards and gardens at the front. It appealed to me more for its openness. Why ever was I walking alone when I think back (my three older siblings were all with their friends and I was a really odd child; bookish and wore these round glasses with huge lenses)? After my younger brother went to school I did walk him there so it was just that couple of years when I was first at school that I did that until my brother was older and he found his own way. Even as a child I was a loner. People would call me to walk with them and I did; some would ask me to stop at their house and knock on the door for them and I did that too but I tired of it quickly and walked alone mostly. That way I could think without being disturbed by all the talking.

I do not think that people change much from what they are like as a child. If you liked being alone as a child then probably you like it as an adult.

COVID-19 continues apace around the world. Am I right that it is Mother Nature? At the moment it is the large industrialized countries that are most under attack by the virus. It would seem that that thought makes sense. Mother Nature is tired of the clogged skies of the large cities. Mother Nature does not like to have the waters polluted. How will it end? We must live in union with nature. We must find a way that works. Mankind has come a long way in these six thousand years of recorded history (the Bible shows us that). Many of our advancements are useful and not abrasive to Mother Nature. We need to keep all the good and modify the harmful.

Today doesn't look promising for gardening. Yesterday we raked the upper part of the back yard near the house. We cleaned out the upper flower beds but it is still too wet to work further down in the yard. That always comes gradually. April is usually a busy month of garden preparation. I like to work the earth. I used to help my grandmother. It is wondrous to plant bulbs and want them grow and seeds as well. Watching as the seedlings work their way to stretch their first leaves in the sun is an experience like no other. It is like the budding of trees; wondrous and God given.

Today I must work on the Blake newsletter. I am very far behind for this Issue. Much of it will be the Facebook posts which I made on controversies in the Blake family so mostly prepared. I had decided to do that when we had our 10 blog post challenge with the Guild of one-name Studies.

Isolation Day 5 on the new count; I expect I will stay isolated until early May now. My husband has a couple of appointments but I think I will just go with him in the car and he will go in alone with his mask on.

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