Friday, April 3, 2020

Shopping Day

Yesterday I missed doing my post. It was a big shopping day. We decided to break our Isolation for one day and go shopping at 7:00 am. Two grocery stores later and we are stocked up once again. Not in a big way but the extras that make our life feel content. Frozen blueberries from Nova Scotia is one treat that we especially enjoy and we have two good sized boxes of frozen blueberries. They are an essential part of my cooked oatmeal that I have for breakfast every morning and my husband has a bowl of yoghurt with frozen blueberries which he enjoys every morning. When we discovered them a year or so ago they completely changed our breakfast. I switched to oatmeal every day and he had yoghurt with blueberries.

When we got home and everything cleaned up and put away we were watching TV and Ed decided to pick up something in the kitchen. I heard him fall and was out there as quick as I could. Only damage was to his glasses and a small scratch where they had dug in. How fortunate we were. I thought maybe he got too tired but a caution for those of us in this older age range. He turned too quickly in his slippers and they did not move with him and threw him off balance. Very scary I must admit and the rest of the day flew by and I did not post.

Yesterday was Day 19 of Isolation and today becomes Day 1 except we will go and get his glasses repaired so Day 1 will have to begin after tomorrow as we have an order of groceries to pick up at Walmart. That was what got us started. We realized that we could get groceries at Walmart (our neighbours have been wonderful picking up things for us but it is a lot of work for them) so booked an order with them (by the way they are booked up quite a bit and we had to wait four days). Then we decided maybe we would take advantage of the 7 am to 8 am seniors time at Farm Boy and that worked out so we then went to Super Store between 8 am and 9 am and that also worked out very well.

Day 1 will begin again on Sunday and likely we will not go out again until early May. That way we will not be part of the problem hopefully as the Health Care System gears up for what will be a long month in all likelihood. The crest is definitely coming by the numbers here in Ontario.

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