Thursday, April 23, 2020

Spring's back

As always, our ever fluctuating weather back and forth between winter and spring has turned the corner to spring once again. A beautiful sunny morning greeted us today although it is minus five degrees celsius this day has the look of getting warmer. Time will tell!

Finally finished painting all the matches for Chromosome 3 and found just a couple of discrepancies which I will review today. Overall the painting resembles the phasing that I have done in Powerpoint. This chromosome had a couple of changes that were larger than usual. But the fit is much better for all of the results. I will probably spend the day on it today once again working my way through any discrepancies and reviewing the crossovers. Still a good Pincombe or Buller match eludes me but one of these days perhaps. I have one full second cousin who tested at Ancestry and perhaps one of these days she will take her result into FT DNA or My Heritage.

COVID-19 is on all of our minds these days I expect. I can hardly believe what has happened to the long term care homes here in Ontario; so many deaths of unsuspecting people. So many grandparents/great grandparents to mourn. The military has been called in to help with some of these homes.

Mother Nature looks so beautiful today. The trees are budding now and soon will be in leaf. All the bushes are budding; a heavy frost doesn't bother them too much these days; the days can warm up and push away all that cold. That is the power of Mother Nature and we too are a product of Mother Nature. She has built us to withstand a lot but we need to live in unison with her. It is nice to hear European countries talking about limiting traffic in their major cities. The clean air is much enjoyed there these days I suspect. I would like to see us do the same here. Now that the smell of traffic is gone; perhaps we can find a way to limit it so that it doesn't come back.

Testing a vaccine in Germany and perhaps that will be the answer to COVID-19. In the meantime the march to death continues for so many. The light at the end of the tunnel is shinning but the way through that tunnel is still pretty rough. Worldwide there are 2,639,243 cases (increase of 66,109 over yesterday), there are 183,820 deaths (increase of 6,218 over yesterday) and recovered 715,734 (increase of 27,605 over yesterday). Here in Canada we are at 40,190 (increase of 1,768 over yesterday), deaths 1,974 (increase of 140 over yesterday) and 13,986 recovered (increase of 798 over yesterday). We have peaked here in Ontario and are looking to be on the downward curve. But we are physically distancing here and I seldom see people together when we are out. There is a long way to go yet in this crisis I suspect.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the peacefulness of spring arriving to my backyard is a stark contrast to all the scary news I see online and on TV during this pandemic. I am counting the days until there is a vaccine for this deadly disease!

    ~Tui Snider, @TuiSnider - Historic Cemeteries & Symbolism from A to Z
