Wednesday, April 22, 2020


A light dusting of snow greeted me this morning when I awoke. It is Canada after all; snow comes is the usual comment that many of us make when that happens. It looks like snow again today but light dustings are not really a problem.

A lengthy article on the persistence of coronavirus in some people. Reminds me that some people can be typhus carriers. Probably such people could just wear a mask and not be a problem. We are into a whole new range of possibilities with this coronavirus I suspect. It will take a while to understand it and learn to live with it. Probably the only silver lining is that the youth is not overly affected.

Today I shall complete the Chromosome 3 study. I forgot I had not yet checked to see if I had painted all the results that I had found. DNA Painter has become one of my favourite tools. I did a little of that yesterday and discovered that I actually had another interesting match to one of my known cousins. The match does not triangulate with the known cousin but is sizeable and I have her tree. It is coinciding with another known cousin who also descends from the same set of ancestors whose match is somewhat small. A slight verification of the data but a really good match would certainly be an asset.

Using the treadmill again after a five month pause whilst my knee healed. There is hardly enough time in the day with my doing 180 minutes of exercise most days and then four hours or so on the computer (I have brought that down from eight hours as it was too much time on the computer). Soon it will be time to garden in earnest. I am not an enthusiastic gardener in my past but I am actually looking forward to working up the ground. I do like to see the earth flow through my fingers as we plant the seeds and seedlings.

Today is Earth Day, 22nd April 2020, and I wonder if the world will take note of that or are we too deeply into COVID-19? It is a winter sunrise today, the bright light of the sun is obscured by the possibility of snow showers. 

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