Saturday, May 23, 2020

Another day of gardening

Beautiful weather here and the day became a gardening day. We spent three hours outside this morning and have now planted the lettuce and half of the flowers. More later today (the peppers and rest of the flowers) when the sun is less intense. I moved several wheelbarrow loads of dirt to put on the side garden after working that up. I tilled the plot behind the house and that is ready for flowers later. I also tilled the end of one of the other side gardens and we would like to have a whole lot of sunflowers in there. Last year we quite enjoyed having all the birds come to collect the sunflowers from the two plants that we had. The birds do love sunflower seeds especially fresh ones.

Nothing done on the H11 newsletter but hopefully tomorrow. It is Sunday and I do not usually garden on Sunday. I try for a quiet day and there isn't too much left to do on that newsletter. I do a large update once a year and that was the last issue. This issue will be somewhat shorter than that one. Plus I have not seen any updated scientific material on H11.

All of the trees are in leaf now around us. It will make for a pleasant summer to have all of that nice shade at the back of the yard where we placed our large maple tree. The new hedges at the back have done well and throw a large shadow over the area at the back so we could sit out there in the coolness if we so desire. Generally I do not but one never knows perhaps I will this year.

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