Sunday, May 31, 2020

Lat Day of May

Hard to believe it is now nearly three months since we shut down here in Canada for COVID-19. Mother Nature is certainly a very powerful element in our lives. She controls the wind, the rain, the seas and everything else therein. We can think that we can control but in reality we cannot. We adapt and perhaps this time adaptation will mean a better environment for everyone. Would it be possible that our skies could remain as clear as they are now or ever better, our seas less polluted giving our children a better chance in their future.

A cold chilly beginning here in Ottawa but the sun is shining brilliantly. The birds have returned in large numbers considering their absence or just small numbers the past few years.

To ride on the Ottawa Light Rail/Bus system you must wear a mask now. We started wearing masks on the 13th of March whenever we went out and about and for the first three weeks we actually did not go much further than our front door. We did have to pick up our groceries kindly delivered by our neighbours; we did have a person come to look at the renovation we need doing to assist my husband and perhaps me one day. But once we started going out on our own again after the three weeks (we had mostly stocked up but needed a few perishables) we wore our masks every day every where. It wasn't thought to be necessary but we felt better to be doing that as our bit to help with COVID-19. As far as we know we have never been exposed to COVID-19; we haven't had it although we have not been tested for it unless my husband was tested during his ten day stay at the hospital in which case he was negative as he continued in the same ward.

It is the silent carriers that are the most dangerous just like typhoid silent carriers, etc. etc. The polite thing is to wear a mask because you could be a silent carrier. That protects the people around you.

A little more gardening today, not too much. It is the Lord's Day.

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