Monday, May 25, 2020

Rain finally

It has been really dry here and finally rain last night. Not a deluge; but a decent amount. We will likely have to continue watering unless the clouds open up today for a good downpour. Our lettuce plants are carefully hidden behind a chicken wire fence so maybe protected from the rabbits. Do not mind sharing but they tend to eat the lot! Peppers growing nice and the tomatoes. Our seeds have still not arrived so hopefully sometime this week.

My husband is doing even better this week. A chat with the Champlain LIN assessment has a physio person coming one of these days to assess what my husband needs to remain in this home. We have already started plans to put in a chair lift and new handrail. Plus he has a physio referral and we have a physio person right down the street (just a few minutes walk). We will get the renovator to look at the bathroom and see if he can add handrails to the bathtub just ensuring good handholds on entering and exiting the bathtub. My husband loves living here and I would like to see him stay so will make whatever changes we need to do. He so enjoys sitting on the swing on the patio and looking at the garden. Then getting up and walking around the yard. He has also done quite a bit of gardening although we do the heavy work. Our yard is a good walk for him at the moment. He is already planning new berry bush purchases so we can enjoy them next year. I actually think that our daughters will keep it as a "vacation home" since where they live now is in vacation country and they come to the city for their breaks. The fenced yard will be great for the children and the dog. There is lots of room with four bedrooms. Really that is what you need in a vacation home! Plus we are just a ten minute walk to the train when it finally comes to Orleans in another couple of years.

COVID-19 still dominates our world and I believe it is with us for quite a while Mother Nature can be cruel on occasion. Globally there are 5,428,605 cases (increase of 117,516 over yesterday), 345,375 deaths (increase of 3,271 over yesterday) and 2,180,016 recovered (increase of 67,818 over yesterday). In Canada we have 84,699 cases (increase of 1,078 over yesterday), 6424 deaths (increase of 69 over yesterday) and 43,998 recovered (increase of 680 over yesterday).

We have lived in this house for over 40 years now; we bought it as a new construction and we are now the people who have lived on this street the longest. We did go up to Chapel Hill to look at houses in the mid 1980s but decided to stay here after all. Our yard is wonderful here and that is the most important part of this property. Not so much what is planted or anything like that but just sitting there at the back of the house and enjoying looking about at the birds in the trees, etc. We could easily do that the rest of our days however long or short they may be. We are having a chair lift put in and other handy devices to help us as we age.

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