Friday, June 5, 2020

Another beautiful day

Sun is shining brightly and the garden is growing. It is mysterious watching a garden grow; one large rain storm and everything doubles in size. Certainly Mother Nature when we treat her well responds to us in beautiful ways.

My husband is stronger these days; he is busy doing his physio exercises and his chair lift arrives on Monday. He can make it up the stairs and it is good exercise for him but he only does it a couple of times a day. It is really hard for him. It will be nice to have the chair so that he can go up whenever he wants. Knowing him he will still walk it a few times a day but will have more flexibility as his office is upstairs and the television on the main floor. He is a bit of a television addict but also spends a lot of time on his computer working on his genealogy.

We got out the crock pot today and cut a couple of thick steaks into strips, seared them and then put them in a crock pot with lots of vegetables, broth, can of tomatoes and will enjoy that later. We mostly prepare everything from scratch so that we know the nutritional content and can regulate salt, calories and protein.

Our rhubarb hasn't done as well as some years but we will have one tray of rhubarb squares; a favourite of my husband. We made elderberry squares from our elderberry bushes the other day and it is actually quite nutritional as elderberries are a powerful anti-oxidant as well as having protein and no salt. Rhubarb on the other hand is actually a vegetable. It is an excellent source of vitamin K, potassium and calcium as well as a lot of other vitamins and minerals. Soon we will make that dish of squares.

The elderberry transplant out of the lawn into the elderberry patch has survived thus far and just waiting for new growth to come.

Must go and feed the birds, I see they are starting to check out the feeding tray!

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