Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Gardening today

Weather today is great for gardening. I have that other length of black walnut root to remove from under where the new Hosta plants are going. That will be my first project once I get outside!

Then I will do a quick cultivation of the garden patch (about half the size it was just a couple of years ago) and then we will plant. We have onions, carrots, beans, peas, yellow peppers to plant (our seed order never arrived but we managed to find these seeds/plants at local merchants). Possibly we have had our last frost until Fall (if we are very lucky) and it is time to get everything into the ground to enjoy the wet earth and hopefully sun over the next few weeks until dry July arrives.

Our Hosta plants are also ready for pickup so will do that a little later today as well.

My husband goes for his first physio session. I would estimate that he would have 20 sessions or more to really get him back on the road to recovery. He is doing well though. Keeping active walking about and doing some gardening; not too much. More than I like him to do in his present health state but he is the person to determine what he can and cannot do. He sleeps well so it has been good for him to be this active.

Summer is a busy outdoors time for us and generally passes too quickly and we are back into Fall and the cold weather again. Usually we try to leave the swing out until Thanksgiving but it is mostly too cold to sit out in the day with just a few days after the end of September suitable for that.

The bird life has been great, blue jays, cardinals, many warblers, very large crows, robins, red winged blackbirds, and a number of others. They love the feeder but, unfortunately, the squirrels also love the feeder!

One of these days I will get back to genealogy. I have had a few emails from distant cousins. Always interesting to hear from people. Some of them are still matching DNA with one or other of my siblings or myself and as much as fifth and sixth cousins with still a good length. It is interesting having so much DNA data on hand. Plus we have all inherited somewhat differently from our parents making for a well rounded look at our grandparents DNA. DNA Painter is a great tool and continues to advance it what it offers.

COVID-19 is still the controlling force in our lives. Some life has returned to normal here. People are going back to work with face masks on. Globally there are 6,395,328 cases (increase of 123,751 over yesterday), 380,580 deaths (increase of 4,924 over yesterday) and 2,742,306 recovered (increase of 44,978 over yesterday). Still growing rapidly almost three times as many people infected as have recovered.

In Canada we have 92,410 cases (increase of 705 over yesterday), 7,395 deaths (increase of 69 over yesterday) and 50,357 recovered (increase of 618 over yesterday). Still more new cases than recovered.

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