Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Grocery Shopping

Beautiful day and I was out early shopping at the local Metro. Surprisingly there were a lot of people shopping and most of us masked. I like to go early as the shelves are mostly freshly stocked and it can be quite a quick trip around and back home again.

Yesterday I finished up the flower//vegetable beds on the one side of the garden so today I will work on the bed at the back of the house and start down the other side. It is a never ending task as there is also the front garden to do. Have I acquired enough appreciation for gardening to actually like it? Probably not but it is good exercise and I do like to get lots of exercise that suits me. All that bending and crawling about through the gardens does keep one healthy likely.

The main garden is starting to show green as the radishes are well up now and the green onions can be seen as a solid row. The beans are up and the peas and the dill is starting to show. No sign of the beets or carrots yet but I haven't been on the ground by the garden yet today. That is just looking out the window. The new sunflowers have not yet come up nor have the gladiolus bulbs appeared above ground yet. That is probably it for the garden. Usually we plant chrysanthemum all over the place but could not find the bedding plants this year. Definitely a lot of people are planting as the shelves are quickly emptied of bedding plants.

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