Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Learn something new every day

I went to buy test strips for my new blood glucose meter and discovered you have to have a doctor's prescription to acquire them. Well I only actually need five to test for the next five weeks every Wednesday. So will wait on that. In the meantime, more protein less carbohydrates and lots of exercise. I already do 120 plus minutes of exercise every day so that part is certainly fulfilled.

My first task is to make sure my husband is well and I will wait until I am satisfied that he is well on his way to recovery. I do not want to get bogged down in anything at the moment that takes me away from looking after him full time. Ideally he should be seen by his family physician monthly or every second month to review his various reports from his gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist and Heart Institute and see how he is doing. That is the way that medicine works actually; the specialists take care of specific areas and Family Medicine doctors look at the entire picture. Family Medicine doctors actually have a huge responsibility to manage the entire care of people. My husband has worked hard all of his life at his job, he has given greatly to society with his volunteerism as Church Treasurer for ten years, 35 years to the Ontario Genealogical Society now Ontario Ancestors, and a number of other items. He deserves to have the best of care in his declining years. I do believe in equity in medicine but I also believe that you earn that right by being the best and most responsible member of society that you can be.

When I was thought to have multiple sclerosis and spent the two weeks in hospital and then many months recovering at home with an infant to care for, I had this marvelous doctor who saw me every other week for four months and reviewed my progress forward. It didn't take long, maybe ten minutes but it kept me on track. When we moved to Ottawa I had to leave that lovely man behind but did find a new doctor here where we lived in Blossom Park. He didn't look after children but he had a part time pediatrician who did. It was once again a really good relationship. As it turned out the new family doctor asked the pediatrician (a lovely person with a child of her own a year older than mine) to keep an eye on me as well as helping with the baby when I needed help. I didn't know that initially. He was a really special person as well. I would have stayed with them but we moved to the east end outside of Ottawa and it was too far really with a small child. The druggist at the Medical building recommended one of the doctors upstairs and so we moved on. I always regretted leaving that wonderful medical practice.

Primarily this blog is to remind me of my daily thoughts during COVID-19.

Today we went to view and then ordered my husband's chair lift. The electrician has to come and install the new electrical outlet to charge the battery and then he will have that to let him go from floor to floor whenever he wants. Soon the new railing will be in as well.

Just finished chopping out with an axe a large root from a black walnut tree that was under where we wanted to plant a couple of new Hosta plants. Then we planted the cucumber plants. Still have the garden to plant and some yellow peppers. All of this exercise actually doesn't show up particularly on my FitBit other than the fact that my beats per minute are rather high so gives me some time but doesn't call it anything like running, walking, biking, etc. My resting heart beat is 56 beats per minute which is not too bad for a 74 year old. I am back to running most days for 40 to 45 minutes once a day. I love to run although these days I do all of my running in the basement on a nice thick rug to protect my bone joints!

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