Friday, June 12, 2020

Looks like rain again

Looks like rain again today. This is a big day in Ontario though. Stores are opening; malls are opening. I am ready as is Ed with masks. We pretty much wear our masks everywhere except when we are out walking and I carry one just in case but mostly we can just move away from people.

Ed is doing well. We walked around the short side of the block yesterday. The physio is helping him greatly. He has a number of exercises to do and he works away at them through the day. The chair lift is marvelous; it makes such a difference for him to be as mobile as he was going from floor to floor between his office and the entertainment areas of the house.

Yesterday we made chicken soup with the drippings of the roasted chicken. We finally found a bag of barley and added some of that and it was quite delicious with small potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, garlic and spices (no salt). We are managing a fairly salt free diet for him these days.

Today we need to transplant the sunflowers. Last year it was so exciting having our sunflowers and watching the birds fly in and pick them. This year we will grow the sunflowers in three areas since birds are very fond of them and we have a lot of birds this year. We have several pairs of cardinals and I wonder if they are the same pair year by year or their offspring that return to nest here time and again. The crows nesting though are new and their young are quite fascinating. They are quite large for baby birds and likely I did not notice that before.

More than 2 million COVID-19 cases in the United States. Discussions are ongoing on the border restrictions. I must admit I would like to see them continue for a while longer. The President doesn't seem to believe that this is something to worry about and wants to get back to normal right away. I think respect for Mother Nature and her ability to control our lives is perhaps something to be very mindful of and I suspect that our border will remain closed for yet another month to other than trade traffic. It is also a good way to stop guns from getting into the country. As a former gun owner, I surrendered my gun to the local police after the Florida murder, I do not see why anyone would need a hand gun really. You cannot hunt with a handgun. My gun was never fired in actual fact. I did not have any bullets for it. My brother gave it to me before I was married and it was always a sentimental object but lost that quality quite quickly with all the murders that have taken place and I just finally decided to get rid of it more as an object lesson than anything else. I do not think anyone knew that I had a gun actually. I never told anyone other than the police when I registered it.

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